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USS Edison

Edison-class • NCC-95160 • Task Force 47

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is
always to try just one more time.” ~Thomas A. Edison


The USS Edison, an Edison-Class starship, is an asset of the Eos Station Division within the Alpha Doradus system, operating out of the Watchtower Class Eos Station (DS108). Tasked primarily with border patrol duties, the USS Edison plays a vital role in maintaining security near Freecloud and close to T’Met. With the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire and the resulting Romulan civil war, the USS Edison safeguards the Federation’s borders against threats from the Romulan Free State and various independent Romulan factions.

RPG Rating 2 2 2

The stories and content for the USS EDISON are rated 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale.
Swearing, violence, and mild sexual content may be present.
It is intended for all audiences ages 16+.

Eos Station Division

The Eos Station Division operates within the Alpha Doradus system, specifically at Eos Station (DS108), a Watchtower Class Station. The division is supported by the USS Edison, an Edison-Class starship assigned to border patrol duties. The primary mission of the Eos Station Division is to ensure border safety and provide patrol services, particularly near Freecloud and close to T’Met. The year 2400 marked a significant turning point for sector due to the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire of Rator and the ensuing Romulan civil war, which led to a revitalization of the station’s strategic importance. Eos Station Division now plays a crucial role in safeguarding the borders of the Federation against threats from the Romulan Free State and various independent Romulan factions.

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21 June 2024

Rescue in the Void

USS Edison: Voyage Through the Aperture

Krev and Thalen sat cross-legged on the cockpit floor, the emergency lights casting shadows across their faces. The container on the opposite side of the room was half-filled with broken pieces of metal, pieces of their failed repair attempts. Krev picked up a small piece of metal and tossed it, [...]

19 June 2024

Whispers in the Void

USS Edison: Voyage Through the Aperture

Tal knelt beside Jal, gently adjusting the homemade splint they had fashioned for her broken leg. The small medical kit from the runabout’s emergency supplies had been grossly inadequate for their needs. However, they did what they could. Jal winced as Tal’s fingers brushed against her leg, but [...]

16 June 2024

The Void's Embrace

USS Edison: Voyage Through the Aperture

The terminal before Krev sputtered violently, scattering bits of charged glass and metal fragments into the air. Krev groaned, a dull pain throbbing in his skull as he struggled to stand up. His eyes fell upon Jalani’s motionless form on the floor nearby, and panic gripped him. “sh’za,” he [...]

4 June 2024

Through the Currents

USS Edison: Setting Course

Just about thirty minutes outside of a little town named Coffeeville was a series of small lakes and rivers. It was a perfect place for someone to hide away from life. Donning a pair of camo waders, the man stepped out into the river. Holding his fishing pole firmly, he sent his lure skimming [...]