Part of USS Edison: The Smuggler’s Gambit

Whispers in the Wake

USS Edison
Oct 2401
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AJ sat in the command chair, eyes fixed on the padd as the latest data came in from their Ferengi friend, Xylar. Considering the amount of deception that went into getting this information, AJ knew things would only get more complicated from here.

“Captain, Xylar’s intel checks out,” Sarah said from the helm. Her fingers moved over her console. “We’ve identified a freighter matching the description he gave us. She’s a private vessel operating outside authorized trade routes. I’m feeding the coordinates to the tactical console now.”

AJ nodded, as he sat the padd down. “What’s their course?”

Parker pulled up the navigational data, “Looks like they’re making a series of short warp jumps, probably trying to throw off anyone tailing them. But it’s sloppy. They didn’t account for us having Xylar’s information.”

“Sloppy or not,” Carter said from her station, “we still need to handle this delicately. They could be carrying illegal arms or black-market tech. From what we were told, they know the Federation is trailing them. I don’t think they will give up easily.”

AJ straightened his uniform, exhaling through his nose as he considered their options. “Parker, bring us within range of their last known position,” AJ ordered. “Krev, get a security team prepped for a boarding party. Threx, I need you and your engineering team on standby to bypass any ship defenses. If this freighter is hauling weapons, we can’t risk them firing on us.”

“Aye, Captain,” came a unified response. 

The Edison continued moving through space like a predator zeroing in on its prey. Within moments, Parker’s voice broke the silence. “Target in sight, Captain. It’s drifting near a nebula. There is no warp signature, but impulse engines are active. I don’t think they’ve spotted us yet.”

AJ narrowed his eyes, stepping closer to the main viewscreen. The freighter looked unimpressive. It was a rusted, aging mess trying to blend in with the stars. He knew better. “Good work, disable their impulse engines, but make it clean. We want them alive.”

Krev nodded, hands positioned over his controls. “Aye, Sir. Firing phasers.” The Edison’s phasers shot out in a precise beam, slicing through the freighter’s aft engines. A bright flash signaled a direct hit, and the aging vessel slowed to a crawl. “Their ship has been disabled, Commander,” Lieutenant Krev ch’Vael, announced with satisfaction. “Shall we board?”

AJ couldn’t help shake the feeling this was too easy, something wasn’t right. AJ nodded, “Commander Carter, lead the away team. Ensign Smythe, you’re with her. I want this done quickly and quietly.”

“Aye, Commander,” Carter replied, her voice. She signaled to the team, who had already started for the transporter room, Smythe’s engineering kit slung over his shoulder.

The interior of the freighter was dim. The ship’s systems struggled to maintain basic lighting, casting odd shadows across the bulkheads. Carter took point, her phaser held low but ready. Behind her, Krev ch’Vael and his team followed closely, while Ensign Smythe moved to the nearest console, setting up a portable interface. 

“We’re in,” Elizabeth reported through her communicator, her voice echoing back on the Edison. “No signs of hostiles yet, but the place reeks of a setup. Smythe is accessing the ship’s systems now.”

Smythe worked carefully as he sliced through the freighter’s security protocols. The further he delved into its systems, the more uneasy he became. “These security locks are advanced,  Commander. Seriously sophisticated for a vessel this old,” he muttered. “Whoever’s running this ship is hiding something important.”

Carter shot him a look, her instincts already telling her the same thing. “Just get us into the cargo hold, Josh.”

“Working on it, Commander.” Smythe’s fingers flew over the interface, bypassing layer after layer of security until finally, the locks on the bulkhead doors slid open with a loud hiss.

The team moved forward, cautiously. As they entered the hold, everyone’s fear of the unknown was apparent. Someone had to be expecting them, right?

Rows of cramped, makeshift cells lined the perimeter walls, and inside were people: men, women, and even a few children. Most were unconscious or leaning limply against the cell bars. Others were awake, their eyes hollow, their bodies trembling from the cold or terror.

“Dear God,” Carter muttered covering her mouth in shock. This wasn’t a shipment of weapons. It was something far worse. “AJ, we’ve got a situation here,” she said, opening a private channel just for the Captain.

Back on the Edison, AJ felt a chill creep up his spine as Elizabeth’s voice crackled over the comm. “What is it, Commander?”

“You’re going to want to see this, Sir. They’re not transporting weapons. They’re trafficking people.”

AJ fell silent, his fists tightened as the rage inside of him rose. Human trafficking was one of the worst crimes he could think of and the fact that these people had been taken right under Starfleet’s nose was unthinkable.

“Get those people out of there,” AJ ordered. “And detain whoever is responsible for this.”

Carter and Smythe moved quickly, coordinating with the engineering team to disable the cells’ energy fields. The prisoners were in terrible shape. Malnourished, dehydrated, some showing signs of abuse. It was a horrifying sight, one that Carter knew would be hard to forget.

As the crew worked to evacuate the prisoners, Lieutenant Krev ch’Vael and his security officers rounded up the freighter’s crew. Most were mercenaries who put up little fight once their engines had been disabled. Their faces showed no remorse as they were transported back to the Edison for questioning.

“This is bigger than we thought,” Carter said, watching as the last of the prisoners were beamed aboard. “We need to find out where they were taking these people.”

Smythe, still shaken by the condition of the prisoners, nodded. “Whoever’s behind this has to be stopped.”

The Edison’s sickbay became a flurry of activity as Doctor Andrews and her medical team treated the rescued. Andrews issued instructions as the trauma teams worked to stabilize the survivors. “They’re dehydrated, suffering from malnutrition, some with signs of physical abuse,” the Doctor reported to AJ. “They’ve been through hell, Commander.”

AJ was furious, he found it hard to keep his emotions in check. “Will they recover?”

“Physically, yes,” Andrews replied. “But emotionally? That’s another story.”

AJ sighed, turning to a console as he read the latest reports. Carter had already begun interrogating the freighter’s captain while the teams dug through the logs, trying to trace its movements and communications.

The pieces were starting to come together, but they still didn’t have the full picture. Who had ordered this trafficking operation? And how far did it go?

“Captain,” Ensign Smythe said interrupting AJ’s thoughts. “I’ve found something. It looks like this wasn’t an isolated incident. They’ve been trafficking people for months. And they were heading for a buyer outside Federation space. This appears to be an organized event.”

AJ’s stomach churned. This mission had just gone from a routine to something much more dangerous. “Send the data to Starfleet Command,” AJ ordered. “Let them know we’ve uncovered a trafficking ring, and request reinforcements. We’re not letting this slip through the cracks.” 

Smythe nodded, “Understood, sir.”

As AJ stewed in his own thoughts, the freighter still floating helplessly in space, he knew this was only the beginning. They had uncovered something dark and evil, and the fight to bring someone to justice had just started.

The tension aboard the USS Edison was high as they prepared for the next phase of their mission. The freighter, now securely in the Edison’s control, sat quiet. Its crew had been detained, but the real work was just beginning. Somewhere in this web of this trafficking ring, there were answers, and AJ intended to find them.

AJ stood in the center of the Edison’s briefing room, eyeing the holo-displays showing the freighter’s captain and several of his smugglers, all sitting in separate interrogation cells. Their expressions ranged from defiance to cold indifference, none showed any sign of remorse. His jaw clenched at the thought of how many innocent lives had been traded under their watch.

“zh’Vael is working on decrypting the rest of the freighter’s logs,” Elizabeth reported as she entered the room, the faint hum of the door closing behind her. “But it’s slow going. Whoever set up this system knew what they were doing.”

AJ nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at the screen. “We need a lead, Liz. We can’t afford to sit around not with what’s at stake.”

She approached, tapping on the console to bring up the captain’s file. “Captain Raul Morales. A small-time smuggler from Freecloud, primarily dealt in contraband before this. Starfleet flagged him a few years back, but nothing ever stuck. He’s smart enough to cover his tracks, but this…” she gestured to the footage of the people being freed from the cargo hold, “…this is different.”

“It is,” AJ said, crossing his arms. “And it’s not just Morales. He’s just a pawn. Whoever’s pulling the strings here is far more dangerous…”

“…and we need to figure out who that is before they can make their next move,” Elizabeth agreed. “Shall we start with Morales?”

AJ gave a short nod, and they went down to the holding cells. Morales, sitting inside his small cell, stared straight ahead with the kind of blank expression that only came from years of dealing with desperate situations. When the door slid open and AJ and Elizabeth entered, his eyes flicked up briefly before he returned to staring at the wall.

“Captain Morales,” AJ said. “We can make this easy or hard. That’s up to you.”

Morales smirked but didn’t say a word. His silence was a shield AJ was more than ready to break.

“We found your cargo,” Elizabeth said, stepping forward. “Federation citizens, kidnapped and held against their will. Trafficking sentients is one of the worst crimes in the book, Captain. And right now, you’re looking at a life sentence; at best.”

Morales leaned back, his smirk fading, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was hired to haul cargo. Didn’t know what was in the boxes.”

“Didn’t know?” AJ’s eyes narrowed as he stepped closer. “Morales. You’re involved in something much bigger than smuggling and you’re going to tell us who’s behind it.”

Morales’ smirk returned. “And what makes you think I’d do that?”

AJ’s patience was wearing thin, but he kept his voice steady. “Because if you don’t, the Federation’s penal colonies will be the least of your worries. Whoever hired you, whoever’s running this operation, I assume they don’t like loose ends. And I guarantee you, right now, they consider you one.”

A flicker of fear crossed Morales’ face, and AJ had seen it. That was enough to keep pressing.

Meanwhile, in one of the Edison’s data labs, Lt. Talresh zh’Vael hunched over her station, her antennae twitching slightly as she focused on the freighter’s encrypted logs. It was a high-level encryption system, one used by top-tier smugglers and black market dealers who traded in things far more dangerous than weapons. But Talresh wasn’t easily deterred. 

The logs resisted her every attempt to crack them, throwing back layer after layer of encoded data. The more time they wasted, the more likely whoever was behind this would move to cover their tracks. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she initiated another brute-force hack. A few moments later, the system pinged, a flashing message that made her antennae stiffen with interest.

Access granted.

Talresh straightened, feeling a rush of triumph. She quickly scanned the data that was flooding onto her screen. The logs were filled with references to high-tech black market sales, arms deals, and illegal modifications on ships across the quadrant. But one thing stood out: repeated mentions of a mysterious figure, always referred to simply as The Broker.

“Got you,” she whispered under her breath. This Broker wasn’t just involved in arms trading. They were at the center of everything: trafficking, weapons, tech. It all connected back to this figure.

She tapped her commbadge. “Commander Tindal, you’ll want to hear this.”

Back in the holding cell, AJ’s commbadge chirped, and Talresh’s voice cut through the stifling silence. “Sir, I’ve broken through the encryption. We’ve got a name. The Broker.”

Morales’ face turned pale. He shifted uneasily in his seat, his eyes darting to AJ and Elizabeth.

AJ didn’t miss the shift in Morales’ demeanor. He stepped closer, leaning in with a low, dangerous tone. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Who is The Broker?”

Morales’ hands clenched into fists. “You don’t understand,” he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

“Then tell us,” Elizabeth pressed. Stepping forward she leaned over, supporting her upper body on the table, “Help us stop them. The Federation can protect you.”

Morales shook his head vehemently, beads of sweat forming on his brow. “You can’t protect me. No one can. The Broker… he’s not just some arms dealer. He controls everything in this area. Smuggling routes, weapons caches, entire markets you name it, he has his hands in it. You think you’ve caught a few smugglers, but you’re not even close to taking him down.”

“And what about the people?” AJ demanded. “The Federation citizens you were trafficking? Is that part of The Broker’s operation too?”

Morales hesitated, his eyes darting between AJ and Elizabeth as if weighing his options. Finally, he exhaled shakily. “Yes. The Broker deals in people too. High-value targets. People who can be… useful to someone.  For the right price.”

AJ’s anger flared, “Then give us a location. Where do we find The Broker?”

Morales hesitated again, fear etched in his features. “I don’t know. He’s… everywhere. He works through intermediaries, like me. We get orders, we follow them. But we never met him. I’ve never even spoke to him directly. No one does.”

Morales was genuinely terrified, and with good reason. Whoever The Broker was, they had woven an intricate web of control, and breaking through it would not be easy. But AJ wasn’t one to back down.

Hours later, in the Edison’s main briefing room, the senior staff gathered to review the new intel. The mood was tense, as everyone was trying to wrap their heads around the operation they had stumbled onto.

“Talresh,” AJ said, nodding to the Andorian officer, “give us the rundown.”

Talresh stood and activated the main holo-display, which flickered to life. It displayed a map of known black-market trade routes and a series of interconnected nodes representing The Broker’s operation.

“I managed to decrypt the freighter’s logs,” she began. “As we suspected, The Broker is the central figure behind all of this. He, according to Morales, operates through a network of smugglers, mercenaries, and crime syndicates. Weapons, tech, people; if it’s illegal and profitable, The Broker has a hand in it.”

She paused, zooming in on a particular sector of space near Freecloud. “Based on the data, there’s a high probability that The Broker operates from Freecloud, using some sort of network there to conduct deals and stay hidden.”

AJ frowned, studying the map. “And Morales? Did he give us anything useful?”

“Only confirmation that The Broker deals in high-value targets,” Elizabeth said, “But nothing concrete on who they are or where we can find them.”

The room was silent once more. However, before anyone could speak, AJ’s commbadge beeped. “Commander, there’s a message coming through. It’s encrypted.”

“From whom?” AJ was confused but curious.

“Unknown sender, but it’s being routed directly to you.”

AJ exchanged a look with the Senior Officers. “Patch it through.”

The holo-display shifted, revealing a dark, shadowed figure, their features obscured. A distorted voice crackled through the speakers.

“This is The Broker. You’re treading on dangerous ground, Edison. Back off, or you’ll regret it.” And just like that, the message ended.