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Profile Overview

Madison Andrews

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Andrews


Chief Medical Officer
USS Edison


Madison Tyler Andrews

March 3rd, 2371


  • Height:  5’7″
  • Weight: 135#
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Brown



General Overview: Madison is a very confident woman and very determined. She knows what she can do, and is always pushing her limits, a trait she got from her mother. But, her father has taught her over the years that in times, it is ok to ask for help, something that she still has trouble doing. Madison is a very social person; she enjoys parties and getting together with friends. She can be seen a lot after hours, in the lounge, usually in a large group of people. Usually, she is the loudest person in the group.

Ambitions: To live beyond the reputation her family has set for her and make a name for herself.

Hobbies & Interests: Likes chocolate, tea, and coffee. Madison reads many books in her free time, a trait she picked up from her mother, who was an avid reader. She enjoys chess and games of chance; getting a mental challenge seems to give her a high of sorts. Madison Loves opera music; it often plays in her quarters and while in her ready room. It has been noted that, at times, the bridge staff has heard Opera Music coming from her office.

Orientation: Straight

Language(s) Spoken: Federation Standard, some Vulcan, and she is currently taking some classes in Klingon


Personal History

Born on March 3rd to Jason and Amanda Little, Madison Little was the daughter of a distinguished Starfleet Engineer and a civilian teacher. Maddie was raised in Starfleet’s Avalon Fleet Yards, with high expectations from her parents and those who knew her family. During high school, she became popular with those who got to know her. Maddie was always an active student, involved in many activities including rugby, musical arts, and drama. Later in her high school education, Maddie became involved in student government, learning skills that she would later use in her Starfleet career.

In late 2389, Maddie joined Starfleet Academy. With a family whose Starfleet careers spanned many different fields, many at the Academy waited to see which field Maddie would follow. Two terms later, Maddie surprised most by opting to further her studies in the medical field. While Maddie enjoyed her studies, naval tactics and hand-to-hand combat were not her strongest subjects. Many of her teachers and instructors believed she would be better suited to the Command Division, as they saw potential in her. Maddie was hesitant at first; she wanted to forge her own path and not have things handed to her. Nevertheless, after much thought and pressure from her Academy instructors, she agreed to take some command and piloting lessons in her third year.

After graduating from the Academy, Madison spent two uneventful years at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, Earth. At Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Dr. Madison Little completed her residency and finished her qualification for ship service.

Following her residency, she was assigned to the newly built Nova-class starship, USS Fairbanks, as a Medical Officer. The Fairbanks was just the ship that the young, eager Lieutenant Junior Grade needed. With a new rank and a new ship, Maddie’s career began to take off, gathering much attention along the way. Having worked her way up the ladder, Maddie eventually landed a position on the USS Edison as Chief Medical Officer.

Medical Notes

Madison was born with a small birthmark on her left cheek. She also suffers from a mild case of asthma due to her premature birth, making extreme physical exercise difficult without medication.