Part of Starbase Bravo: The Wreck of Us and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Explore, Engage, and Advocate

USS Trinity, Cheyenne-class Refitted Transport, In-Warp Transit to Beta Quadrant - Mellstoxx System
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So I say to you, the graduating class of Princeton, as you go boldly into the future, to take seriously the responsibility in which society has entrusted you through this great institution of learning.

T’Pree flicked the PADD off having finished, for the third and potentially fourth time, reading through Zefram Cochrane’s biography. He was an interesting human with an even more interesting and forthright expression of what it meant to be the flashpoint for a civilization on the verge of destruction; reversing it into what amounted to a stroke of good luck. The Vulcan Science Academy had touched upon first contact with Earth and it’s people all those centuries ago, attributing it to a “passing interest” that blossomed into a flourishing partnership through the efforts of a select few individuals instrumental to the creation of the now United Earth Federation.

 The Federation that, until just a couple of months ago, offered so much hope and opportunity to the peoples that flocked to it’s ideal. So much had happened during her time at the Academy. On Earth. The foundation she had hoped to become a part of had been shaken to such an extent that the Vulcan wondered if it could ever recover. Human spirit though, she had come to understand, was such that even in times of crisis would bend and crack but never break. Even in it’s darkest times. So it was that she now found herself aboard a starship headed towards where she was needed most. It was, in a sense, a way-station for where she would eventually find herself. A place for her to be educated further and learn before progressing forward. 

Starbase Bravo, Fourth Fleet. A Guardian-class space station commissioned in early 2390 to replace an aged and rugged Spacedock-class of the same name. Fourth Fleet. In all circles of her class group they had only rumors and hearsay when asked about potential postings and assignments. It was a frontier defense fleet relegated to the unimportant and uninteresting or it was a ramshackle rear-duty area where only those that didn’t meet the cut would go to let their careers quietly flounder. But T’Pree was Vulcan and Vulcans didn’t believe in rumors and hearsay. 

In truth Starfleet needed to shore up and T’Pree was just one of many hundreds of graduating Cadets that needed to go on to their next part of the journey towards one day becoming an officer onboard one of the fleet’s many ships. She joined Starfleet for a reason. In fact she downright denied more “prestigious” postings in favor of what she had hoped would be a more rugged, truthful version of the Federation that mostly went unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. The background of politics, war, and civil strife that cast a blanket over the aftermath of such easily made decisions made on behalf of the quadrants. Despite what her people claim, it was humanity that looked to the stars and pushed beyond even what her ancestors had thought they would one day become. 

Her ruminations came to an end when the shrill whistle of the ship-wide announcement sounded. 

“Cadet T’Pree, please report to Shuttle Bay 2, Cadet T’Pree – please report to Shuttle Bay 2.”

It appears her time had finally come. The possibility, adventure, all that and more promised to pave the way to something home never could. She would go where no Vulcan has ever dared gone before. Well, there was Ambassador Spock but who’s to say that one day she couldn’t become a part of that history. Nevertheless she picked up her already packed duffel bag and made her way out of the temporary quarters assigned to her and stepped into the lit corridor, ready to do what she had set out so long ago to accomplish.

To explore, engage, and advocate for the people’s of the quadrants and beyond.