Part of USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Part J: Desperate Acts (part 2)

USS Jaxartes / Tatarus II / Borg Cube 4738
June Mission Day 4: 18:00
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The USS Jaxartes was in orbit, but for now a mere bystander to the events unfolding on the planet’s surface below.  They were too little and too late, it was as simple as that.  All they could was analyse what the Borg was doing and report that information back.

Around the main landing site were the two transporters now sat having delivered their cargo of doom, the only movement that could be detected was that of the Borg.  It was unclear as to whether the Borg had entered the mines in search of more unwilling recruits to their ranks; but it was highly likely that some of them had ventured underground, beyond the depth that the ships scanners could penetrate.

“All those people and not a thing we can do about it.” Muttered Lieutenant Stuart in frustration.  It was hard to witness, knowing that with every passing minute more and more people were being turned into slaves of the Collective.

“Veni, vidi, expectavi.” The Cardassian sitting next to her added, shaking his head.

Lyanna turned and looked at him bemused.  “What is it with you and Latin?” She asked. “It’s not the first time I’ve heard you use it.”

“I was bored whilst waiting to get cleared for active duty.” Tholakath responding. “And I couldn’t just spend all day at the gym hitting things!”

“You were bored so you learned Latin.” Their Captain chimed in. “You do realise people don’t tend to use it much in polite conversation these days?”

“What can I say?  I love a challenge.” The Cardassian shrugged.  Ensign Cho had been half listening in whilst monitoring communications and trying to contact anyone on the surface. “Not another one of you after my job?” She enquired jokingly, remembering that there Caitian science offer had stood in for her whilst she’d been recovering from her encounter with a Changeling.

It was then that she heard a slight crackle then a voice. “You still there miss?” The young Korean bolted up right her fingers moving across the controls in an attempt to pin point the signal and establish a stronger link. “I thought we’d gone and lost you!”


“You nearly did.” Replied Ramesh. “Those Borg have totally overrun the landing site and mines.”

Several women were huddled together in the corner of the recreation room he was now in.  They were weeping after he’d told them the horrific news of what was going on; their husbands like many other, were working in those mines and the shock that the Borg had probably taken their loved ones was too much for them to handle. For him the adrenaline was still pumping and everything was racing around his head.  The morphine he’d been given after having his arm checked out was just starting to kick in.

Ramesh had been spotted by a maintenance worker soon after killing the Drone that had caught him during his leap to supposed dead.  The two of them had jumped into an electric cart and drove south east towards the bridge which linked the mines with the town the other side of the river.  The cart itself low on power only got them half way across the bridge.  But as no one; Borg or otherwise had followed them, they assumed they’d be safe for a little while.

“I need you to blow up the bridge linking the town.” He informed Cho. “I hope it will prevent the Borg reaching the families here.” He listened to her reply that message to someone else, before she asked him for further details. “There’s an electric cart.  Transponder code 7761-4, I’m sure you can get a lock on it.”


Back on the bridge of the Jaxartes, Ensign Cho relayed the information.

“Can we target that from orbit?” Devron asked his tactical officer.

“I’d advise against it considering the close proximity of civilians, sir.” Tholakath answered.

“I can take the ship in low and reduce any risked to anyone on the ground.” Stuart reassured.

Their captain pondered that for a moment. “Ok let’s do it, I’m sick of just sitting here.” The tapped the communications link on his chair. “All hands secure all loose equipment and objects; we will shortly be conducting manoeuvres within planetary atmosphere.”

He wasn’t expecting to receive any replies, but doctor Andrianakis sounded rather flustered and a little annoyed. “Yes doctor I understand you’ve got a lot of equipment and a patient right now, but isn’t the EMH assisting you?” When he got her rather loud response he was surprised no one else on the bridge heard it. “What do you mean the EMH won’t activate?  I’ll get you some help ok.”  Jason turned noticing the young Caitian looking his way and gave him a thumbs up. “Well volunteered.  Go help the doctor if you please.”

C’Rren wasn’t sure how exactly he’d volunteered himself for the task, nor had he been paying close enough attention to know what the task actual was; just that it involved heading to sickbay. He’s real reason was to inform the captain that their shuttle was currently within half a kilometre of the Borg Cube, having warped half the distance after launch and continuing the rest of the way on impulse.


As part of the collective you had access to every skill and idea that anyone had before their assimilation, and despite the break in connection a lot of that knowledge was still floating around in one particular former Drones mind.  How else had he managed to escape with such ease?  Now he had another task to perform, which would require a little assistance to complete.

When the EMH appeared in the co-pilots set of the Jaxartes shuttle craft it was about to say something, which completely vanished from its processing system the split second it realised, this wasn’t sickbay. “What the heck?” Was what eventual came from his holographic lips. Followed by. “You!?” Half uttered as a question half as a statement.

“I need someone to fly this shuttle back to the Jaxartes after I’ve beamed off.” The Drone announced simply.

“I’m a medic not a taxi service.” Retorted the EMH. “Besides I don’t know the first thing about operating a shu….oh my.” It was at theses point the EMH realised that an additional sub-routine had been uploaded to him memory and he now in fact did possess the knowledge to fly the craft.

“You’ve gone rather quiet.” The Drone gave a half smile.

“You know I could still try and stop you.” The EMH announced. “It is my function and duty to save lives. Allowing you to leave would put you in danger. I cannot permit that.”

The Borg pointed to the roof section of the cockpit. “I only fitted in one emitter; you can’t get out of that chair.” He informed the hologram. “And the emergency transporter isn’t linked up to your console.”

The EMH, gave him a long hard stare; a mix of frustration and annoyance, folded its holographic arms and let out a long loud sigh.  The Drone stepped on to the small transporter pad close to the back of the shuttle. “Tell your Captain, my name was Jason too, many years ago.”  With that he beamed himself across to the Borg cube.


The air seemed still and peaceful; with its rich deep blue sky and the thin wispy clouds dotted around it; a stark contrast to the mayhem taking place below.  So at first there seemed no reason for the distant rumble of thunder that echoed across the heavens; or the roar like a dozen freight trains heading down the track that followed on its heels.  One second it was an ill-defined speck in the distance, but swiftly it grew into a giant angry grey bird.

The USS Jaxartes swept in and fired her phasers with a deafening screech at the bridge. Beams of intense heat and energy sliced through the deck of the bridge and its central support column like a knife through butter; sending a large section crashing into the water below.  Then as quickly as she’d arrived the Raven class corvette climbed up and away.

Lieutenant Jason Devron who had kept a tight hold on the arms of his chair all throughout the manoeuvre, finally let out the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. “Number one, you enjoyed that way too much.  I’m beginning to see how you made Challiner throw up!” He said light heartedly.  Challiner had been her co-pilot when as a cadet before joining the ‘Jax’ she’d rolled a Runabout in a simulation.  The fact it was a mere 100 metres off the ground hadn’t fazed the young Orion one bit.  Lyanna didn’t rise to the comment, knowing how much her friend and Captain trusted her abilities at the controls.

“Mr Tholakath, excellent marksmanship.” Jason added.

“Thank you Sir.” The Cardassian smiled to himself.

“Well that should slow the Borg down a bit.” Devron commented, relaxing just a little, whilst knowing there was so much more they couldn’t do.

“Sir, we have a problem!” The Cardassian Tactical officer announced a short while later. “The orbital defence satellites have just activated.  We’re being targeted.”