Part of Starbase Bravo: The Wreck of Us and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Friendly Chit-Chat

Starbase Bravo
June 2401
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Renu had been working on the ships that had been in the shipyards with repairs and removing anything dealing with the fleet formation mode. After deciding to take a break as he hadn’t eaten much that day, he approached the promenade. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days even though he had, just longer work hours than usual as most of his staff had left onboard the Exeter for the mission within the Paulson Nebula. Making his way to a cozy restaurant that wasn’t so busy and had a cozy homey feel to it and sat down. 

Cole’s investigation had stalled. A good portion of his remaining suspects had been sent out on missions about the Borg. He had been given the option and had decided to stay behind. After tracking down the last suspect that was still aboard the base and clearing him, he decided it was time to get something to eat. his stomach had reminded him, and not for the first time, that he hadn’t eaten all day. He entered the restaurant and was happy to see that it wasn’t very busy. With the option of many open tables, he didn’t feel like eating alone. Looking around, he saw another officer sitting alone. Cole made his way over.

“Hi there. Mind if I join you?” he asked and waited for a reply.

“Ah good afternoon,” Renu replied seeing the young Ensign whom he’d met during the fiasco that happened a few days back. “Be my guest,” he added motioning for one of the empty chairs.

“Thank you,” replied Cole as he pulled out the chair. He sat down the tray he was carrying. The plate contained a cheeseburger and fries and he had opted for tea as a drink. “It’s good to see you again, Commander. How have things been?”

As Renu was about to reply, the doors opened, revealing the presence of an officer in a crisp command uniform holding his PADD. He then walked up to the replicator and briskly said “Pasta with presto and a cup of coffee, black”.

Renu looked over in the young man’s direction, “care to join us?” Renu asked looking at him.

Alexander walked towards the table, and with a nod, he replied, “Sure, why not? I could use some company,” taking his seat.

“Lieutenant Commander Renu Trol, Deputy Director of Shipyard Operations.” Renu introduced before looking at Cole, “This is Ensign Cole Shepard,” he introduced.

“Lieutenant Commander Alexander V’Lelk, Intelligence Officer,” introduced Alexander. “I just transferred from Starbase 234” he added.

“Nice to meet you,” Renu replied with a soft smile. “So how are you both settling on Starbase Bravo?” he asked.

Cole took a drink and realized that he was the lowest rank at the table. But it didn’t bother him. Everyone here had been really friendly since his arrival.

“It’s definitely a huge place.” he began with his answer. “And it can be a bit overwhelming but I’m learning my way around.”

“It is, but there is some beauty in that,” Renu replied as they continued to chat amongst themself about different subjects. Things would continue for about an hour before he realized he needed to get back to work. He smiled at the two. “Thanks for joining me but duty calls.” Renu said as he grabbed his plates and placed them in the replicator for recycling before he walked out.