Part of USS Amundsen: With So Little To Be Sure Of

Part 2 – Monsters In The Dark

Archi Colony
5 days later
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Chief Science Officer's log, supplimental. It's been nearly a week since I uncovered the non-native code in the computer core. Well, I guess virus is a more apt description than code. The Captain made the decision to keep the information among the core command staff until more answers were found. Five days later and I don't have any answers. At all. It's not like Stafleet ships haven't encountered this type of code before but I'm not excatly well versed in this sort of thing and I don't excatly have access to Starfleet Science's database out here. At least Lieutenant Commander Broheth set us up to weather the ion strom well and was then able to get a few more systems going and get us access to some more space; I think the crew enjoys being able to spread out a bit but nerves are geting frayed. If we don't have some progress soon it isn't going to be pretty.

The door slid open and an exhausted Clara Myers walked into the room, sitting down with a grunt. Alex had served with her for nearly a decade and had never seen her more worn out than right now; even after that diplomatic bungle on Treena IV. He trusted the woman with his life and would follow her into the gates of hell, should the ship be sent there, but he was questioning the need to keep information so close to the vest. The senior staff knew something was up, the crew knew something was being held back, and no matter how many times she would lecture him that ‘Starfleet has procedures for this sort of thing’ it didn't change reality: the crew was entering it's second week in this place and something needed to change. Fast.

“I've called a senior staff meeting. It's time they knew what is going on.”

Alex cocked an eyebrow. “I feel like I need to ask if you are hiding Betazoid relative in your family tree somewhere because I just had the thought that it was time the crew knew.”

Clara shrugged, offering him a weak smile. “I think we can determine help isn't coming anytime soon, nor is anyone lurking out there. We're stuck on some backwater planet in the Deneb Sector while Starfleet picks up the pieces of what, hopefully, was a victory in the sector. You haven't been able to dig anything up or get rid of that damn code. It's time to change our trajectory.”

Alex crossed his legs, leaning back in the chair. He couldn't argue with her. He needed help getting the virus out of the computer systems; Commander Demar had tried to help but the two hadn't exactly seen eye to eye on the matter. Demar didn't see eye to eye with many people, it seemed. “You will get no argument from me, Clara.”

A soft hissing sound worked its way through the room as the door opened, the senior staff walking into the room. Every one of their faces showed the stress they were facing except for T'Keu, who just maintained her normal stoic expression. He was thankful for that. If she had walked in with a frazzled expression on her face he would have assumed their situation was hopeless and started scouting out someone to build a cozy house. 

Clara gestured to the small table. “Please, sit. We'll make this brief.” Once the assembled officers had taken their seats, Clara turned to Alex. “Please send out the data to everyone, Commander.”

Alex nodded, navigating through menus on the PADD until he found the transmit option. “Going out now.”

“As you will all see” Clara began “Commander Conklin identified non-native code in the colony computer database. I'll let him speak to the details but it's very clear that many of the problems around this place, the damping field included, are a result of this. Doesn't explain where all the colonists went too but it's at least a start.”

V'Rel's ear twitched, a soft growl coming with her words. "You're not serious. This can't be correct. This is some backwater planet at the ass end of nowhere."

Alex watched as the left corner of Clara's mouth twitched upward into a small small for a quick second. “Commander Conklin assures me it's correct and both Demar and I agree. Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at a T'Kon computer virus.”

V'Rel tossed the PADD back onto the table, T'Keu cocked her eyebrow, Kellen looked like he was about 2 minutes away from actual tears, and the rest just looked done with the entire situation. 

Alex glanced at Clara. “If it's ok with you Captain, I'd like to go over a few things with everyone.” He paused for a moment and continued once he got a nod of approval from the Captain. “The Captain is correct, the code in the computer system appears to be T'Kon in origin. My best assumption is that once it was introduced into the computer system it took over all primary functions, locked everything out, and started running its own program. Perhaps in an effort to defend itself, perhaps it thought T'Kon soldiers were on the way and it softened things up for them. I won't know its purpose unless I have access to whatever triggered it.”

Brex raised his hand slightly. “Where did this T'Kon programming come from? I don't think anyone would just show up with it.”

Alex sighed. He'd asked himself that question a million times but had yet to find any hard evidence. “I don't know. My best guess is that the colony was expanding or digging around for whatever reason, stumbled onto the remnants of an outpost or crashed ship, and activated something that shouldn't have. That's usually how we find T'kon, Iconian, Preserver, and every other ancient piece of tech.”

T'Keu cleared her throat. “That would be the most logical answer. We do not have access to much of the complex; it seems likely the T'Kon technology is located in one of those sections. The Federation has strict rules regarding what to do when T'Kon technology is found. The most likely hypothesis is that they inadvertently activated whatever they found and had no time to counteract it.”

Broheth skimmed down to the bottom of the PADD, eyes still glued to it. “That would explain why I can't get 75% of the systems around here to work correctly. If this program views us as a threat, it's done a good job of locking us off. I tell the primary fusion generator to activate and charge the batteries up and it just sits there and does nothing, not even an error message.”

Alex watched as Kellen gripped the PADD with an iron grip. The young officer was going to give himself a small heart attack if he didn't take a deep breath.

“I'll just say it. Did this program somehow kill the colonists? Trap them somewhere?”

Clara gave the Ensign a soft smile. “That sort of speculation is premature. We've been here over a week and nothing has tried to kill us yet so we can't assume the same thing happened to them. We will uncover what happened to everyone here but first, we must secure our own safety and get a signal out for rescue. Starfleet will send in the cavalry, secure the planet, and lock off whatever T'Kon tech there is to be found.”

Kellen nodded. To Alex, it didn't seem like the Ensign was any more relaxed than he was before but he did at least release his iron grip on the PADD.

“To that end, we're going to get more aggressive in our efforts.” Clara tapped at the screen of her PADD for a few moments. “All engineering and science teams will work in staggered 12-hour shifts to work on cracking the virus or finding a way around it and getting systems online. Mr. Brex, any of your ops officers who have the training to assist science and engineering will do so. The rest will assist Lieutenant Commander T'Keu in security operations. T'Keu, I want security patrols increased and a perimeter formed around the area we've already explored. We're hunkering down. I am not risking anyone stumbling on more T'Kon tech.”

“Yes ma'am. May I also suggest we institute a buddy system with the crew? With T'Kon technology there is a substantial risk that someone could be injured or inadvertently discover dangerous technology.”

Clara nodded at the Vulcan. “I agree.” She turned to Kellen. “I have a special mission for you, Ensign.”

The blood drained out of the Ensign's face. “Ok.”

“At this point, it's safe to say there will be no Breen attack coming.  You and Lieutenant Nemiah are going to take the runabout and seek out help. Get up into orbit, make sure the coast is clear, maybe check on the Amundsen, and get the hell out of the system. As soon as you can send a signal, do so, then make best speed for a nearby Starbase.”

Kellen nodded, some of the blood coming back into his face and he realized he may actually get out of this place. “Yes ma'am. We'll get it done.”

Clara tossed her PADD onto the table. “Alright people, let's get this done and get the hell off this planet.”