
Profile Overview

Clara Myers

Human Cisgender Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Myers


Former Commanding Officer
USS Galaxy


Clara Elaine Myers

February 11th, 2339

USS Hokusai


Clara Myers is the definition of a legacy Starfleet officer. Born on the USS Hokusai, Myers is a fourth generation Starfleet officer and the third captain in her family line. She spent most of her career in sciences, becoming Head of Biological Sciences on the Intrepid Class USS Van Leeuwenhoek in 2372 but the Dominion War pushed her into the command track, receiving a battlefield promotion after the executive officer of the Van Leeuwenhoek was killed. Assuming command of the Van Leeuwenhoek after the war and later the Excelsior Class USS Hamburg, Myers built a reputation as a personable Commanding Officer who prefers to keep her head down and get the job done.

The Hamburg served along the Federation/Cardassian border and assisted in the reconstruction of Cardassian assets until the Mars attacks lead to the withdrawal of Starfleet forces from the area. As such, she had built up contacts and some measure of good will in the Union but as the quadrant enters the 2400s, she finds herself with fewer and fewer friendly contacts in the Union.

Never letting go of her drive and passion for science, she prefers diplomacy and exploration over firepower. That same drive has put her at odds with the ‘new’ Starfleet in the years since the Mars disaster. With the Hamburg reaching retirement age, she opted to remain in the center chair so long as the new ship was assigned to exploration duties.

She held command of the Rhode Island class USS Amundsen during the Lost Fleet and Frontier Day crises. After decades of turmoil in the Federation wearing her down, along with putting exploration on the back shelf, she attempted to retire in 2401 but was instead offered command of the USS Galaxy with the implication that her resignation would be denied due to the current personnel shortage. With the promise of 5 year missions returning in the future she accepted, weary but determined to show that there was still a hunger to venture out into and discover the great unknown.

In the aftermath of the Labyrinth Crisis, Myers launched a rescue mission to recover missing members of the Galaxy crew. To do so she had no choice but to extort information out of a member of the Cardassian military and defy orders from Starfleet. Unable to hide her actions, she was arrested upon returning to Federation space after the successful rescue of the crew

At the end of the nearly six month long investigation and trial, Myers was stripped of her rank and commission in February 2402 and took up residence in Zandvoort, Netherlands.


Myers, circa 2402

Myers circa eary 2400

Starfleet Senior Class portrait, circa 2360

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2356 - 2357 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2357 - 2358 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2358 - 2359 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2359 - 2360 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2360 - 2367 Science Officer - Biological Sciences USS Hickman
2367 - 2370 Science Officer - Senior Biological Science Officer USS Hickman
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2370 - 2371 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Washington
2372 - 2373 Head of Biological Sciences & Second Officer USS Van Leeuwenhoek
Lieutenant Commander
2374 - 2375 Executive Officer USS Van Leeuwenhoek
2375 - 2376 Commanding Officer USS Van Leeuwenhoek
2377 - 2400 Commanding Officer USS Hamburg
2400 - 2401 Commanding Officer USS Amundsen
2401 - 2402 Commanding Officer USS Galaxy