Part of Starbase Bravo: The Wreck of Us and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Field Trip

USS Exeter - Sickbay
June 2401
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“You know how to avoid meetings, Deputy Director.”  The face and voice of Ensign Geraldine Parker was on the screen in sickbay, amused at her commanding officer’s unique solution to the problem of meetings.  

Cassidy Montgomery feigned shock, “Ensign Parker…what an accusation.”  The assistant rolled her eyes with a sly smile.  Their relationship had improved over the last few weeks. “They’ll still be able to reach me out here for the mandatory meetings, but I have a host of cadets to train now, so…”

Parker groaned, “I will regret agreeing to this, won’t I?”

Cass chuckled, “You’ll manage, just like everyone else will.  If all hell breaks loose, call.”  A nod from her assistant and the channel closed.  She turned her attention to sickbay and felt notes of nostalgia returning.  In her abbreviated two-year academy program, she had worked aboard the Exeter as a cadet.  It still felt the same and almost smelled the same.  Now, she was a command-level officer sitting in the chief medical officer’s office.

The door opened as Arwa, wearing her officer teal uniform, looked around and saw a familiar face. “Director Montgomery, what a pleasant surprise to meet you on board the USS Exeter.” Arwa approaches them and gave a nod “I was asked to be the ship’s counselor during its journey to Paulson.” 

Montgomery smiled as the woman entered, “I saw your name on the list and figured a reunion of sorts was in order.”  She gestured to the replicator, “I’m dosing myself with coffee for the moment.  I’m sure whatever we find out there will require something stronger…although I’m always hopeful for a simple cruise.”

“Where is the fun in that?” She smiled back at her as Arwa walked to the replicator. “Coffee strong…” She waited to replicate it. “So what does an esteemed doctor like yourself do on a simple routine mission like this?” 

Montgomery chuckled, “It’s been a bit since I’ve gotten to anything resembling routine.”  She thought back to her other positions and her cadet days.  “We’ve both manifested whatever is going to happen out here with our talk about simple and routine.”  Sipping at her coffee, she reflected, “I ended up on Bravo partially because I was tired of flying through space on ship to ship without a real place to call home…and look at me now!”

“A change of wind is never bad” Arwa pointed out, taking a sip of her coffee “I have seen ships, an outpost on the frontier, and Starbase Bravo, only to find me back to get a snatch of space adventure on this old beast” She winks at her direction “So what do we actually know, about the mission?”

Cass slid over a PADD, “It’s a curious one, for sure.”  They spent the remainder of their time examining the briefing.