Part of USS Odyssey: We Shall Not Cease From Exploration

We Shall Not Cease From Exploration – 7

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), docked at Starbase 38, Benzar System
Stardate: 78331
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As Keli finished getting ready for the evening’s entertainment, she took a moment to admire her reflection in the mirror. She ensured her hair was perfectly styled, her makeup was flawless, and her outfit was impeccable before leaving her quarters. With a confident smile on her face, she was ready to enjoy the night ahead. Tonight’s event would be something special—the crew’s last night in the Alpha Quadrant before they returned to the Delta Quadrant. Tomorrow afternoon, the Barzan wormhole would re-open for them to journey through.

“Madam Chief Security and Tactical Officer, you look fantastic!” spoke Jirani, walking down from the other end of the corridor.

Still beaming with pleasure, Keli met Jirani halfway. The Bajoran woman, who was now joining them to help teach the new young cadets, was dressed just as glamorous as she was. “Why, thank you, Edeena, you look fantastic too!”  

Being the former chief security and tactical officer of the Bellerophon, the two women had a shared backstory and one that Keli hoped would become a strong friendship. Thankfully, the two of them had their quarters along the same corridor. 

Jirani had her normal long blonde hair tied up into a bun while she wore a glamorous party outfit. It was a long black sleeveless slim waist jumpsuit with a rhinestone pattern along the front. 

“Are Marova and Jisaraa meeting us there?” Jirani asked as they walked side-by-side towards the turbolift.

Keli nodded, “Yes, and I invited Sarella to join us too,” She said, mentioning Jirani’s former shipmate. 

“Oh good, I’m pleased she’s coming,” Jirani said, smiling. “I’ve been worried she would keep to herself since we transferred to the Odyssey.”

“I bumped into her earlier this morning on deck nine with Jisaraa and invited her to join us,” Keli explained. “She seemed more eager to come when I said you’ll be there.”

“She’s a former Bellerophon-er, I’m sure she’ll be up for it,” Jirani said.

Keli looked at Jirani, “I thought we said we weren’t going to try and make Bellerophon-er a thing?” 

Jirani chuckled. “I suppose you’re right; the Odyssey is my new home.”

Keli shook her head as the turbolift doors opened as they approached it. “No, it’s not just that; it just sounds like too much of a mouthful to say.” 

After entering The Auditorium, Keli explained to Jirani how this type of gathering had become quite a regular thing on the Odyssey over the last few years. The crew were known to put on a huge event, whether to celebrate a diplomatic affair or a significant achievement. It was their way of enjoying the fruits of their labour.

“We did something similar on the Bellerophon,” Jirani had said as they made their way through the crowded room, “but nothing on this scale.”

The Auditorium was packed. Music was being played heavily in the background while the lighting in the room had been darkened to set the mood. Drinks and food were being handed out by a range of servers. Keli found their comrades exactly where she had planned to meet them. Sitting in one of the booths, already enjoying a round of drinks, were Jisaraa, Marova and Sarella. Again, they all were dressed up for the occasion. After brief hugs, Keli offered to go and grab drinks for her and Jirani at one of the bars. 

Wading back through the crowd, Keli got through before she got to the bar and ordered five Risan Coladas. 

“Wow, five Risan Coladas, you must be wanting to enjoy your evening!” spoke a voice across from the bar.

Keli looked down and saw Reuben Gray leaning against the bar with a Saurian brandy in his hands. “Don’t worry, commander,” she replied with a smile. “They’re not all for me!”

 “I hope not; I’m not sure the captain would appreciate having his security chief with a hangover in the morning!” Gray smirked.

Keli hadn’t noticed how handsome Gray was before, even with his Borg ocular implant above his eye. She pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear before responding to him. “I’m sure he’ll feel the same about his S-C-E unit leader.”

“Touché, commander, touché,” He replied with a smirk before sipping his drink. 

He looked around, and for the first time, Keli realised how lonely he looked. She took a deep breath, knowing she may be spoiling the vibe she was trying to achieve with the other four, but Keli knew that she was a sucker for seeing someone by themselves and knowing she could do something about it. “Reuben, do you fancy joining us?” 

Though everything they had gone through on Frontier Day, the crew of the Odyssey did owe a lot to Gray. His link with the Borg saved several lives, and his quick thing and ingenious solutions with Tierra ensured the ship came out of it still in one piece – compared to some other Odyssey-class starships, including the Federation’s flagship. Keli hated seeing that even after all of that and how hard he had worked in the last few months to start rebuilding his life, some on the Odyssey still had an issue with an exB. 

“I don’t want to intrude on anything,” He replied, his gratitude coming through his tone.

She shook her head. “It’s no issue at all, as long as you don’t mind spending your evening with five very beautiful women.”

“How can I say no?” Gray replied as he offered to help carry her drinks over for her to the others.

After telling the others that he was joining them, Keli was pleased none of the others had an issue; instead, Jirani had made room for Gray between her and Keli. 

Corbin leant forward, took her drink, and passed another one to Jisarai. “So, Keli, tell me again, why is there a stage in the middle of the room?” The Betazoid doctor asked.

Keli spoke up a bit louder so they could all hear her above the crowd and the music playing across the room. “It’s for the band playing later,” She answered.

“Are they any good?” Jirani asked.

Before she could reply, Jisarai spoke up. “Hell yeah! They rock!” The Orion woman said. 

Marova then cheered them on more. “The captain’s son is the lead singer. He broke my heart when he sang the song his parents had at their wedding a few months ago.”

“Which one?” Gray asked.

“Which one, what?” Keli asked him, confused by his question.

“Well, doesn’t the captain have more than one son? And I’m assuming we’re talking about the fleet captain’s sons, not Captains Duncan, Banfield or Slyvexs!”

Keli chuckled, “It’s Theo,” She answered. “From what I hear, tonight is his last night.”

“Yeah, his mother was talking about him and his other brother, Henri, moving to Cestus Three to pursue their dream courses in music and sports, respectively,” Jirani added. “I feel for her. She’s just come back from the dead, she’s starting to get her life back together with them, and two of her sons are leaving home.”

“Captain Reyas still has her other son, Alfie, remaining. He’s a good kid, and Captain Reyas was a tough cookie before she was captured by the Changelings.” Keli said with a fondness for her superior.

“It’s not easy rebuilding a life that was taken away from you, but it’s worth it,” Gray remarked.

“I agree,” Jirani said. “And here’s to building a new life here on the Odyssey!” She toasted by raising her glass up.

Keli saw Gray smiling, just as the others did. She joined the toast as they clinked glasses and looked forward to the next chapter on the Odyssey with them.