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USS Odyssey: We Shall Not Cease From Exploration

While receiving final repairs and crewmembers, the Odyssey prepares to head back to the Delta Quadrant, but is the crew back to normal after the Frontier Day disaster?

Mission Description

At Starbase 38, the Odyssey (along with the rest of its squadron) crew is preparing for its return to the Delta Quadrant. The recent Frontier Day disaster has left everyone on the ship feeling unsettled. Things aren’t quite the same, and it is proving difficult to help everyone come to terms with what happened. 

New crew members start to find their place in new positions, while familiar faces return bring some comfort. Will the crew ever return to how they were, and are they truly ready for what the Delta Quadrant awaits them?

About the Mission

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24 October 2023

We Shall Not Cease From Exploration - 8

USS Odyssey: We Shall Not Cease From Exploration

“Captain’s personal log stardate seven-eight-three-three-two point eight. A moment I have dreaded for almost seventeen years has now arrived. Henri and Theo are leaving to pursue their dreams elsewhere. Though I am excited for them as they start this new exciting chapter in their lives, I am [...]

24 October 2023

We Shall Not Cease From Exploration - 7

USS Odyssey: We Shall Not Cease From Exploration

As Keli finished getting ready for the evening’s entertainment, she took a moment to admire her reflection in the mirror. She ensured her hair was perfectly styled, her makeup was flawless, and her outfit was impeccable before leaving her quarters. With a confident smile on her face, she was [...]

19 October 2023

We Shall Not Cease From Exploration - 6

USS Odyssey: We Shall Not Cease From Exploration

“Welcome aboard the Odyssey!” spoke the charming young woman who stood before the transporter platform. “I’m Cadet Beatrice Grant, and I have been assigned to welcome you both to your new assignment.” The two figures that had been materialised onto the pad looked at one another and then [...]

23 September 2023

We Shall Not Cease From Exploration - 5

USS Odyssey: We Shall Not Cease From Exploration

“You’re awfully quiet tonight,” Tobias said, looking at his husband in between the candlelight. Tobias raised his glass of wine and offered a toast to them, but Max’s mind was elsewhere. “Max,” Tobias said more firmly, getting his husband’s attention. “What?” Max replied, [...]