Part of USS Eagle: Some Time Off


Delvis IV
May 2401
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Izi was standing outside Mara’s cabin with Kurtox.  Most of the settlement population was at the arena for the next round of fights.  Izi was scheduled for a morning match, but because of the murder, she had to drop out of the competition to conduct an official investigation.  She was disappointed of course, but answering the obligations of her duty meant more to her.  Besides, there would always be other tournaments.

Since Mara was the prime suspect, Izi decided to search her cabin.  Not wanting to take the chance that Mara wouldn’t give permission for that, Izi had Nick reach out to Captain Kirby again.  She saw him coming now.

“We got the warrant.  You can legally search Mara’s cabin,” said Nick.

The tone in the engineer’s voice gave Izi the sense he wasn’t happy about it.  She actually didn’t care.  “You can open it now.”

Kurtox grunted and moved to the door.

“Mara should be here,” said Nick.  “It doesn’t feel right doing this behind her back.”

“Maybe, but this is how we’re doing it,” said Izi.

“It’s open,” said Kurtox.  He waited for Izi to enter first.

The interior was simple and basic, but it was also decorated to the taste of a woman.

While Izi searched, Kurtox addressed Nick.  “You’re not happy about this.”

Nick paused.  “I understand this needs to be done, but it just doesn’t seem right.”

“You have feelings for her.”

Nick was surprised a Klingon would say something like that.

“In here.  I found something.”  Izi called out from the bedroom.  There was something wrapped in a white cloth that had a small red stain on it.

“Open it,” said Kurtox.

Izi slowly unwrapped the cloth.  Inside was a bloody Klingon d’k tahg dagger.  Izi looked at Kurtox whose shoulders were slumped, a sorrowful expression on his face.

“When someone chooses to live here permanently, they must prove themselves worthy by conquering a series of three tests,” said Kurtox.  “Mara performed with so much honor, I gave her that dagger.”

The room fell silent.

“This still doesn’t prove Mara did it,” said Nick.

“We have enough to take her into custody, but we’ll need to test the DNA,” said Izi.

“Then let’s get to it.”  Kurtox quickly left, clearly angry and disappointed.


Izi, Nick, Kurtox, and Doctor Hinton were in the medical office.  Mara was sitting in a chair, the bloody knife on a table.  Mara’s face was as white as a cloud.

“The blood is a DNA match to Trevor,” said Hinton.  “This is the murder weapon.”

“Are there fingerprints on it?” said Izi.

“Yes, but they’re smudged, as though someone tried to rub them away,” said Hinton.

“Thank you, Doctor,” said Izi.

“Mara, you dishonor me and all that have ever lived here,” said Kurtox.

“I swear I didn’t do it,” said Mara, tears streaming down her face.  “I didn’t do it.”

“The evidence disagrees with you,” said Kurtox.  He looked at Izi.  “As we agreed, she’ll be punished according to our laws.”

“Now hold on a minute,” protested Nick.  “This could all be explained.  Someone could have broken into Mara’s cabin and taken the dagger.”

“Someone broke in, and there was no evidence of that, took the weapon, killed Trevor, snuck back in and left it here, all without being seen?” said Izi.  “Technically possible, but highly unlikely.”

“What about a trial?” said Nick.  “We don’t have the legal right to pass sentence without a trial first.”

“He is right about that,” said Izi.  “Our ship will be here tomorrow.  Is there somewhere we can hold Mara until then?”

“Yes,” said Kurtox.

“Why would I kill Trevor and not get rid of the dagger?” said Mara.  “Why would I take that chance?”

“You kept it because it’s special to you and Kurtox,” said Izi.  “You figured this would blow over and go unsolved, but you didn’t expect there would be Starfleet officers here to run the investigation.”

“This is just wrong!” said Mara.

“Enough!” shouted Kurtox.  “We will wait for the Starfleet ship to arrive and I will speak with its captain.  Mara, stand up so I can take you to the trial hut.  You’ll be secured there and kept under guard.”


Kurtox held up his hand.  Seeing it was no use saying anything more, Mara stopped trying to talk.

“Mara, you’re under arrest for murder in the first degree,” said Izi.  “You have the right to remain silent…”