USS Eagle

Some Time Off

Time for some shore leave.

Mission Description

Lieutenants Nick Saunders and Iziraa go on shore leave to Delvis IV, a low-tech, back-to-nature planet where people go to live the old ways or to test themselves.  Iziraa enters the annual martial arts tournament, but the two Eagle officers end up facing an unexpected danger.

About the Mission

USS Eagle
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

26 October 2023

The Aftermath

USS Eagle: Some Time Off

The captain and XO had beamed back to the Eagle, taking Gus Simmons into custody. Nick and Izi were given time to remain on Delvis to say good-bye. Nick chuckled as he watched Izi with her Andorian friends. Tork was the first to see Nick. “It was nice having you here, Nick, though I knew there [...]

26 October 2023

Closing the Case

USS Eagle: Some Time Off

The entire population currently on Delvis, about two hundred people, were seated in the arena.  It was the day after Izi claimed to have solved Trevor’s murder and the USS Eagle had arrived.  The evidence gathered had been under guard all night by Izi, Kurtox, and his most trusted men, [...]

26 October 2023

Who Done It?

USS Eagle: Some Time Off

It was the evening break and Nick was heading out of the arena with the rest of the spectators. There was a barbecue going, cooking one of the wild animals that lived in the woods. Still eating bread and rations, Nick was seriously considering sampling real meat for the first time. Though the [...]

25 October 2023

Reasonable Doubt

USS Eagle: Some Time Off

Izi sat on a bench outside the arena listening to the sounds of the tournament.  Based on the evidence, arresting Mara made sense, but there was something nagging in the back of her mind.  It was frustrating that she couldn’t figure out what that was.  She rolled her eyes when she [...]