Part of USS Eagle: Mission 5 – Some Time Off

A Turn for the Worse

Delvis IV
May 2401
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Waking from a restless sleep, Nick sighed and rolled his eyes when he saw Izi wasn’t there again.  Going to the side room with the hole in the floor, Nick was glad he was able to buy toilet paper from Tork’s store.  After that, he ate a simple breakfast of bread from the settlement bakery, followed by a quick wash up from the chilled water in the stream behind the cabin.  It was time to head to the arena for the next round of matches.

Walking along the path leading away from the cul-de-sac, Nick thought about his encounter with Trevor last night.  Mara wanted to take him to her cabin to treat his bleeding, but he refused, going back to his cabin.  He wasn’t sure if it was his injured pride or a fear of Trevor.  It was probably both.

On the main path, Nick noticed there was some sort of commotion ahead.  A small crowd had gathered, with more people joining as he moved closer.  One of Trevor’s friends, though Nick looked at him as more of a lackey, was demanding something be done.  When Nick arrived, he was stunned at what he saw.  Along a wooded, dirt road that led to more cabins, a body was lying on the ground, blood on the stomach, an ugly, jagged gash in the throat.

It was Trevor.

Nick couldn’t believe it.  He knew Trevor was a blowhard, but the Delvis settlement had laws and a record of respect and almost no crime.  How did this happen?

The outrage and speculation from the crowd silenced as Kurtox, the Klingon leader of the settlement, pushed his way through the throng.  Studying the body, he grunted.  “I don’t suppose the coward that did this would care to confess?”

It was amazing how quiet it became.

At this time, another ruckus could be heard.  Turning as one, everyone saw two men dragging Mara.  People stepped aside, clearing a path.  Pushing Mara to the center, her eyes widened and she gasped when she saw the grisly sight.


“Don’t give us your fake grief, Mara.  Everyone knows you hated Trevor.”  It was Gus, Trevor’s lackey friend.

“Mara?” said Kurtox.

Mara looked at the Klingon leader, a bewildered expression on her face.  “Kurtox, you know me better than that.”

Kurtox grunted again.

“You threatened to cut Trevor’s throat if he didn’t leave you alone.  Dozens of people heard you.”

Nick’s stomach churned.  Mara did say that after his confrontation with Trevor.  He didn’t want it to be true, but he actually didn’t know her, having met only two days ago.

“Is this true, Mara?” said Kurtox.

Mara’s face went ashen, but she didn’t answer.

“Mara?” said Kurtox in a firmer tone.

“Don’t say anything!”

Another person had arrived.  It was Izi.  “She doesn’t have to say anything.  Under Federation law, Mara has the right to remain silent and consult legal representation.”

The onlookers, led by Gus, grumbled in dissent.

“We’re not part of the Federation,’ said Kurtox.

“But you operate under Federation jurisdiction.”  Izi pulled something from her pocket, her Starfleet ID, holding it high for everyone to see.  “I’m Lieutenant Iziraa from the Starfleet vessel, USS Eagle.”  She pointed to Nick.  “He’s Lieutenant Nick Saunders.  We’re officially taking over this investigation.”

Nick didn’t see that coming, though he should have.  In fact, he should have stepped up before Izi arrived.

The gathered onlookers grumbled even more.

“Silence!” roared Kurtox.

Nick could hear only the chirping of the Delvis equivalent of crickets.

“According to our agreement with the Federation, you have that right,” said Kurtox.  “But if you find the guilty person, their punishment is according to our laws.”

Nick shuddered at the thought of what that could be.

“Agreed,” said Izi.

Nick didn’t think Izi would accept Kurtox’s terms, but he didn’t know what agreement was in place with the Federation.

“The first thing we need to do is clear this area, as it’s a crime scene, though no one leaves.  We’ll need to take statements,” said Izi.

No one moved.

“You heard the Lieutenant.  Move!” said Kurtox.

Despite the grim situation, Nick couldn’t help but marvel at the authority and respect Kurtox commanded.

While the crowd was dispersing, Izi walked over to Nick.  “Are you ready for this, Lieutenant?”

Nick nodded.  “Yes.

“I’m going to examine the scene.  I want you to find someone that will let you use their comm system to contact the Eagle.  Tell the captain what happened.”

“Okay.”  As Nick started for the main settlement, he saw Mara looking at him.  He wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw relief in her eyes.  Was it possible she had committed this crime?  Only time would tell.