Part of USS Eagle: Some Time Off

The End of the First Day

Delvis IV
May 2401
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At the rented cabin, Nick sat on the porch.  Next to him was a battery operated lantern he purchased from Tork, the Ferengi businessman.  It was past midnight, though he didn’t know exactly what time it was.  Hearing a shuffling sound, he looked up the dirt road.  Other than the lantern, the only light was the half-moon in the sky, but watching carefully, he eventually saw that it was Izi.  When she reached the cabin, she sat next to him, a broad smile on her face.

“You made Tork’s week.”  Izi nodded toward the lantern.

“”Yeah.  I bought so much, I thought his lobes would spin.”  Nick chuckled.   “I was wondering when you would come home.  How were you able to make it so easily through the darkness?”

Izi pointed to her antennae.  “Superior senses.”

Nick nodded.  “We should turn in for the night.  You have your first match tomorrow,” said Nick.

“Yeah, Qiri Zass.  We met.  They’re billing us as ‘The Battle of the Blue Ladies’.

“Tork told me the betting line is she’ll KO you in the second round.”  Normally, a statement like that would have inflamed Izi, but she just sat there, the smile still on her face.  Her demeanor reminded him of someone that just had….  Realizing where that thought was going, Nick sighed.

“Well, good night.”  Izi slapped Nick on the knee.  She got up and almost pranced to the door.

Glad Izi was enjoying herself, Nick decided to stay outside until she fell asleep.