Part of USS Eagle: Going Home

No Shelthreth Today

April 2401
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Shuttle Eaglet 2

“I had mixed feelings about going back to Andoria.  It’s my sacred duty to make little Andorians.”  Izi giggled.  “But I still want to serve in Starfleet.”

“You can do both,” said Hok.

“Yes, but I would be a shidei.”  Izi noticed the unspoken question.  “A mother.  I couldn’t just sail away and leave my child.”

Hok nodded.  “I understand.”

“When we were approaching the system, my antennae were twirling with excitement.  I hadn’t realized how much I missed my bond mates.”  Especially Keval, thought Izi with a smile.  “I was surprised when two Imperial Guard warships met us.”

Izi sighed.  “Captain Kirby tried to assure them we weren’t compromised by the Borg, but they wouldn’t listen.  The system was closed until the Borg threat was stopped.”

“How did that make you feel?”

Izi smirked.  “You’re sounding like a counselor.  Andorians don’t gush our feelings.”

Hok shrugged.  “We’re sharing.”

Izi thought about that.  She supposed they were.  “Can you be happy and sad, angry and relieved, at the same time?”

“Of course.”

“That’s how I felt, Hok.  I wanted to be part of a family, but Starfleet is what I want more.  At least right now.”

“I’m getting the sense you’re feeling guilty,” said Hok.

 “Before we left the system, I was able to talk with my bond group.  They understood and said come home once the situation was resolved.  They were so casual about it, like the Borg were a minor inconvenience.  I told them I would think about it.”  Hok was right.  She was feeling guilty.  She was letting down her bond group, her clan, and her people. 

“Yikes!”  Hok winced.  “I bet that didn’t go well.”

“It didn’t.  After the argument, I told them they could find another shen if they wanted.”  Izi was strong and not easily broken by emotion, but it hurt and she hated feeling like she was weak.

An awkward silence filled the cockpit.

“I want to say something to make you feel better, but I don’t know what,” said Hok.

“You can tell me what you and Haia did to Commander Perry.”

Hok laughed.  “That’s still our secret.  Besides, it really is fun tormenting you about it.”

Izi scowled.  “I still don’t understand why the captain doesn’t make you tell him.”

“I’m a trustworthy fellow,” said Hok.

Izi just looked at Hok.  She chuckled and changed the subject.  “What are we going to do once we get to Ferenginar?”

“I’ve been thinking about that.  Since I don’t have a business license and because I left under less than normal circumstances, we might want to go in as Starfleet.”

“In uniform?”

“Yes.  If anyone means us harm, that will give us a measure of protection.”

“Can we carry weapons?”

“Nothing more overt that the old-style cricket phasers.”

“So my ushaan would be a bit much?”


“All right, Hok, I’ll follow your lead.”

“Good, because I’ll be making it up as we go.”

Izi’s eyes widened and her antennae wiggled.  “Well then.  This is going to be more fun than I thought.”