Part of USS Eagle: Intelligence Acquisitions

Catching Up

USS Eagle
April 2401
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Lori stepped into the mess hall, scanning the room until she saw Iziraa and Hok sitting together.  It took longer to reach them than she thought, as people along the way stopped her and welcomed her back.

It was a good feeling knowing she was missed and appreciated.

“Hey!”  Lori smiled.

“Have a seat, girl.  We’ve got a lot of catching up to do,” said Iziraa.

“Allow me.”  Hok got up and pulled out the chair for Lori.

Staring at the Ferengi security officer, Lori didn’t know what to think.

“What?  Can’t a gentleman show respect for a lady?” said Hok.

Iziraa hmphed.

“Of course, Hok.  Thank you.”

“Are you hungry?” said Iziraa.  “Gentleman, go get her something.”

“No, I’m fine,” said Lori.

“She’s been grumpy ever since Haia and I….”  Hok’s voice trailed off.

“Saved me from being transferred to Intelligence.”  Lori squeezed Hok’s hand.  “Thank you for whatever you did.  I’ll never forget it.”

“We were on a mission together.  You always take care of your partner,” said Hok.

“You’ll tell me what you did,” said Iziraa.  “One day, somehow, you will.”

Hok didn’t say anything, but Lori got the strong impression he was enjoying driving Iziraa crazy over this.  It was going to be interesting watching how it turned out.

“My break is almost over, so I’ll let you two chat.  It’s good to see you, Doctor.”

‘Thank you again, Hok.  I’m glad to be seen.”

When Hok was gone, Lori leaned in close to Iziraa and spoke in a quiet tone so no one else could hear.  “So, tell me everything.”  She was visibly eager, like a child expecting a treat.

“Everything what?” said Iziraa.

“Oh, stop that.  You went home and got married.  I want to know all the details.  I wish I could have been there.”

“Oh, that.  Didn’t happen.”

“What do you mean?”

“When we were on our final approach to the Andoria system, we were met by two Imperial Guard warships.  Because of the Borg attacks on Earth, they wouldn’t let us past.  They didn’t want to take the risk that we may have had Borg drones on board.”

Lori couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  “So you never made it home?”

“Captain Kirby tried to assure them we weren’t compromised, but they remained firm.  No one went to Andoria until the situation was resolved.”

Lori sat back in her chair, shoulders slumped.  “I suppose I can understand their concern.  What happens now?”

“I had a long talk with my bond mates.  I’m not ready yet to step away from Starfleet and begin a family.  For now, things are on hold.”

“That’ didn’t go well, did it?” said Lori.


Based on the expression on Iziraa’s face and the quivering of her antennae, Lori knew her friend didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“I’ve got to get back to the bridge,” said Iziraa.  “Let’s get together tonight.”

“My quarters, 1900 hours,” said Lori.  “Bring all the Andorian ale you have.”  She chuckled.

“Count on it,” said Iziraa.

Watching Iziraa leave, it was obvious she was upset and hurting.  Maybe getting good and drunk was something they both needed.