Part of USS Mariner: M1: Into The Gamma Quadrant and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

29) The Deeds we are Responsible For.

Starbase 86
March 2401
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The Mariner arrived after a long tiring journey. Its first mission, its first flight out into the unknown, was met with challenges that no one should face. The crew was pushed over the limit. The command team was bound to rules that they regretted. The Mariner hull was damaged and left a trail of warp plasma from its right engine as it passed the docks. Passing other ships that had served in this battle, to this war that was not spoken about. An Akira ripped apart from side to side, a Saber barely kept together, and an Intrepid not recognizable. The cost has been paid, these officers and enlisted had given everything to protect those that needed it, but they would be scarred for life. The Mariner comes to a full stop at one of the docking clamps as the docking port clicks onto it. 

Docking Port 14

A few hours passed as the wounded were delivered to the Starbase medical personnel. Engineering teams rushed into the Mariner to assist with the needed repairs. Sazra held her hand before her eyes as the bright light of the promenade got in her eyes. Her vessel had operated on lower lighting with their travel back to Starbase 86. She slowly lowered her hand as she looked around seeing so many faces rushing around to do their work, to help and assist where possible. 

“Do you require help?”

She heard a voice from her side as Sazra looked in the direction of seeing a young medical officer. She smiled at the Ensign. “I am good, thank you” She said softly looking back into the promenade. 

“Mmm Captain, you kinda look worn out and beaten up” The Ensign looked at her in concern.

Sazra looked down at herself and noticed that her uniform was ripped, with old blood on her uniform, and cuts here and there. “Oh, right….I will manage Ensign. Please take care of my crew first” Sazra gave her a soft smile seeing the Ensign nod at her before leaving.

“What was that about?” Another voice came from Sazra's side.

Turning in the direction of the voice she recognized the voice already and smiled softly at Silina. “Just a warm welcome. I have never imagined that a Starbase would feel like a warm bath after a long journey” She looked at all the people. “So much has happened and still here we stand. I hope I get the time so my goodbyes to those we have lost” 

Looking down at Sazra staring into the crowd, Silina's eyes fell on Sazra's hands. Dirty, old blood, and bruised from the mission final they had to endure. She nodded slowly to herself and grabbed her hand looking into the crowd. “We might regret our actions, but in the end, we manage to save millions of lives. The crew knows now. They understand.” She makes her grip better. “I hope we can say goodbye to them…” 

Looking slightly down at her hand, Sazra could feel the warmth of Silina's hand, and it made her smile. She never expressed her feelings more than she did at that cursed Blood Dilithium mission. It took a passion for overstimulated emotions to make her confess her feelings. But what was going to happen next? Ahh don't think about it, enjoy the moment. 

“Why to sob moment girls” came from behind the two as they looked over their shoulders at Adrián who looked like crap. 

Silina smiled at him. “You look like crap, but you did an amazing job within those 23 hours” Silina complimented him, and she actually realized that it was the first time she complimented him. He was always the rash hyperactive man on the ship that would step on her nerves one too many times. But now she was glad to have him still with them. 

A big grin appeared on his face as Adrián nodded to that. “It was not easy, but I managed to pull it off!” His pride changed to sadness. “But, in the attempts to avoid the shots, I lost a few good engineers due to an exploding console or something else” He crossed his arms over each other thinking back at that moment. “I can therefore not take your kind compliment, because they are the heroes that saved us” 

“You have grown Adrián” Sazra said smiling at him. “But I am proud of you all” The touching moment between the command team was quickly over as a group of security officers and a JAG officer walked in their direction. Sazra looked at him.

“Captain Kobahl?” the man asked looking at Sazra.

“Yes, I am Captain Kobahl of the Mariner. How can I help you Commander…?” Sazra noticed the pips in his neck and the perfectly formed uniform with no dirt or rips in it. Ahh, this man had not seen the frontline in the last few weeks. Sazra wondered if he had seen any war in his career, but she kept it professional. She was too tired to argue about it.

“Commander Carlson, I am the JAG Officer in service of Task Force 86. I believe you have some prisoners for me?” The man smiled at her.

Sazra nodded slowly as she wanted to hit her combadge and noticed it was gone and looking for help at Silina who shook her head, and before she could hit her combadge a voice came from the docking port. 

“No need Commander, I am right here” Miki announced waving his hand to them followed by six in-cuff officers and enlisted. “Commander Carlson, we spoke briefly about the transfer of prisoners that have conducted mutiny on the Mariner” He stepped aside showing the prisoners that looked defeated.

Carlson wove his hand as two security guards walked to them and started to escort them away. One stopped and looked at the command team. The Bajoran narrowed his eyes. “It seems you have succeeded in your mission Captain. Congratulations on that. But it doesn't mean they will hold a hand above your head forever” Rami said with bitterness. “Your orders will get people killed” 

Before Sazra could reply to him, Silina stepped in front of her and looked angry at Rami. “She did her job, protected the crew, and had blind trust in everyone who served during that delivery. But you….you have the nerve to call her out without understanding the magnitude of what the f*ck was going on around you. Rami I hope you stay in that brig as long as possible to realize how messed up you are” She was done with his attitude and downgrading of every officer. 

Rami gave Silina a smile. “Comes from a woman that sleeps with the Captain” He grinned at her, and before he knew it he flew to the ground as Silina placed a fist right in his face that security had to step. Cracking his jaw back into place he smiled at her. “Point proven Commander” The security guards help him up to his feet as Carlson snaps with his fingers to bring them away. 

Sazra and Adrián were holding Silina back as the prisoners with Rami walked away from their sight. “Calm down Silina, please” Sazra was begging as Silina slowly calmed down and put her uniform straight. “I know what he did, but an officer should not react like that,” Sazra said and turned to Carlson but whispered to Silina. “But I appreciate you standing up for me” Before looking at the JAG officer “These are the prisoners you receive, apologies for this” 

“That is okay Captain, however I am not done yet” Carlson announced. The trio looked at the JAG officer as he continued “For not following the regulations of immediately reporting the mutineers to Opaka Outpost and giving them a fabricated order that was never stated by the 4th fleet. Captain Kobahl you are under arrest” Slowly it became quieter as people started to look in the direction of them.

Sazra raised her hand to Adrián who wanted to say something. “We knew this would happen. Let the man speak” It was enough to let Adrián back away from whatever he was going to try. 

“Starfleet JAG therefore immediately demotes you from your rank as Captain to the rank of Commander and reliefs you from your command as Captain of the Mariner" He reached out his hand to her. “Your pip please Commander” 

Sazra struggled with the request for a second and nodded, slowly grabbing her fourth pip and clicking it off from the collar looking at it. She placed the pip in his hand as he closed it and took it away from her. Sazra felt at an emotional breaking point, but held herself together. 

The JAG officer looked at his side and nodded as two security officers approached her and placed the cuffs around her wrists. Carlson looked at Adrián and Silina. “Commander Valerio and Commander Ruslanovna you are under arrest for the crimes that you have let your Captain do what was in every principle known in Starfleet to be wrong. Please accompany us so that we can escort you to the brig”. 

Additional security came to their sides to cuff them. Not a word was spoken, nor any action as the command team accepted their fate to be sealed. The three of them were escorted away from the docking port as suddenly a voice raised through the quiet promenade. 

“CAPTAIN….” The command team looked over at the voice seeing a young Lieutenant standing there. K'Nala looking emotionally at them. “ATTENTION ON DECK, SALUTATIONS TO CAPTAIN KOBAHL, COMMANDERRR RUSLANOVNA, AND COMMANDERRR VALERIO” She saluted them. The woman had been part of the journey under Sazra since Damascus. She was proud to be a member of her ship. So she showed it.

She didn't know that other officers and enlisted standing there slowly started to show their salutes to the command team. At the docking bay, in the pathway, at the shops, at the balcony. Everyone that was in their range gave them the proper respect they deserved. Sazra felt a tear rolling over her cheek as K'Nala was doing the same. She slowly whispers thank you to K'Nala and turned around to resume the journey to the brig. 

No one knows what is going on, why, or how this could happen. But the command team made a joint choice and accepted it.