Part of USS Odyssey: Volleyed and Thundered and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Volleyed and Thundered – 12

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), entering the Divinum System, Deneb Sector, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 78194.25
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Feeling very comfortable in her cockpit, Lieutenant Commander Rosle adjusted her flight suit one more time. Behind her sat her weapons and systems officer, Lieutenant (JG) Landon Davis. The two of them had flown together for almost a year; she trusted him, and he trusted her. Though a few years younger than her, Davis was quick and agile. The two of them had developed an excellent working partnership. He was a highly skilled officer with an exceptional track record of success. He was known for his dedication, attention to detail, and ability to work well under pressure. Looking over her shoulder, she caught him smiling at her.

“Ready, boss?” He asked. His piercing blue eyes winked at her.

Rosle chuckled. “Yeah, why not!” She said as she gestured for them both to put their helmets on.

Davis shook his strawberry blonde locks before pulling the helmet over him. The clicking noise indicated he was secure. The same was said for Rosle. She closed her eyes for a moment of quiet reflection. This was it. She would lead over twenty-four starfighters into their first battle against one of the Federation’s fiercest foes. She knew she had to focus on her training and use her skills to ensure the best possible outcome, but a mixture of nerves and determination sat on her chest. 

“Let’s do this, Landon,” She said after opening her eyes and bringing their fighter to life. As their starfighter came to life, they received clearance to depart from the Odyssey’s forward-facing shuttle bay; leading her pack, Rosle quickly pushed her controls forward as they passed from the hanger deck. 

Commander Corella Banfield felt cosy, seated in the centre seat of the USS Telemachus. The plush leather seat moulded to her body, providing a comfortable and supportive perch from which she could command the Aquarius-class ship. The controls were within easy reach, and the viewscreen displayed a wealth of information about the vessel’s status and surroundings. Odyssey’s second officer found it easy to feel a sense of power and responsibility when occupying this position, but also a thrill of adventure as she prepared for what awaited ahead of them. 

As a half-Klingon, she could not help but feel a thrill of excitement in her veins as she prepared herself for the upcoming battle against the Dominion. However, the human half of her was also filled with trepidation, knowing full well that the fight would be perilous and fraught with danger. How many of them would return alive, and how many would be entering Sto-vo-kor today? But despite her concerns for those she served with, she was determined to protect those she led and complete their mission no matter what. So she took a deep breath and focused on what they would find ahead of them.

Looking over to her right side, she saw her first officer, Commander Louwanna Horin. The heavily pregnant counsellor looked more comfortable in her seat as she took over at mission ops I. It was the regular station for the deputy leader of the Telemachus, and it was the best place for the counsellor to be situated for now. Her skill set was more dedicated to overseeing and liaising with what was happening during the upcoming battle instead of flying the ship or firing its weapons. 

“You ready, Louwanna?” Banfield called over.

Horin responded with a nod. “Absolutely,” She replied as she sat up straight. 

Banfield accepted the signal that they were going in. She looked over towards the combined ops and helm station before her. Then, looking to the ensign at the helm station, Banfield ordered them to tell the fleet captain they were good to go.

The battle bridge of the USS Odyssey was an impressive sight to behold. Though similar in design to the main bridge, it was smaller. With high-tech equipment that was heavily fortified, it was the heart of the ship’s stardrive operations when the Multi-Vector-Assault-Mode was activated. The walls were lined with several monitors and consoles, each manned by a highly trained crew member, usually a department’s head or their respective deputy. The lighting was dim, with the soft red glow of the lights casting an eerie and foreboding atmosphere throughout the room. 

Commander Max Duncan stepped out of the turbolift and led the battle bridge crew to their stations. Without a second thought, he sat in the captain’s chair and got himself comfortable. The holographic displays activated either side of him, showing him the status of the stardrive section. Sitting beside him, Flemen took on the role of his first officer in a natural way. It didn’t take long for Flemen to announce their section of the ship was ready.

This had been the first time in a very long time they had split the ship up and were taking it into battle, let alone as part of a coordinated assault with other Starfleet ships. As a result, Duncan wondered just how well the crew would respond. However, he had confidence in them; they had trained to do this many times. However, training and doing the real thing were two different things. Wishing that he had his husband beside him, Duncan shook that thought off. He had to focus on the task ahead. 

“All ships report ready, captain,” Master Chief Court announced from the left-hand side of Fleet Captain McCallister. “Furthermore, our sections are ready for Multi-Vector-Assault-Mode.” 

McCallister nodded a couple of times in response. Then, eager to get things underway, he motioned for the order to be given for the squadron to drop out of warp as they entered the Divinum system. “Computer, engage the Multi-Vector-Assault-Mode, authorisation McCallister-Four-Seven-Alpha-Tango.” He glanced over to Tomaz, waiting for his acting first officer to confirm his orders to the computer. 

Tomaz was ready for his commands. “Computer, confirm auto-separation sequence, Tomaz-Beta-Nine-Three-Foxtrot.”

“Initiating decoupling sequence.” The computer announced. “Autoseparation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.” There was a slight pause. “Separation sequence in progress.

The goliath ship began to break apart as it remained at full impulse; first, the chevron section rose, followed by the Telemachus launching from behind the stardrive section. Besides, the Themis performed a similar movement with its saucer section separating from its secondary hull. 

“We’re” didn’t in attack formation.” Lieutenant Marova reported from the helm. 

“Just waiting for a target, sir,” Jen said from the operation console. 

McCallister took a deep breath in before exhaling. “Then let’s make our way in, ahead full impulse.” 

The Odyssey Squadron flew in tight formation. As it approached the Federation colony, the multiple starfighters launched from Odyssey and Themis. All of them took up a defensive posture near their motherships. 

It took several minutes to make their way through the system and make their final run towards their destination.

“I’ve got Divinium Four on sensors,” Marova announced. 

“On screen,” McCallister ordered as he rose from his chair, bracing himself to see a Dominion fleet engaging the colony’s defence networks in a fierce battle. But, instead, the image of the widescreen was the complete opposite. Nothing. Baffled by the image before him, McCallister turned to Tomaz for answers. “Tomaz, where’s our Dominion fleet?”

The Barzan chief strategic operations officer used the holographic interface that popped up from the first officer’s console to get answers for McCallister. “I’m not sure, sir.” He replied before making eye contact with McCallister. “There are no other vessels in the vicinity besides our own.”

Annoyed to hear that they may have been fooled, McCallister looked back at the image before him. “What about the colony and its defence grid?” 

“The defence grid appears to be operational,” Tomaz stated before he flicked the screen to see the sensor readings linked to the colony. He squinted at the readings and shook his head. “That can’t be right,” He said.

“What is it, Tomaz?” McCallister questioned.

Tomaz pushed the readings towards the main screen. “The colony is there, but I’m not seeing the population. No humanoid life signs are present, captain.”

“Over a billion people are meant to be down there,” Jen remarked. “How can they not be there?”

Tomaz shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t be certain from here.”

Marova looked up at her captain. “Shall we go in for a closer look, sir?”

McCallister considered the idea for a moment. “Standby, lieutenant,” He replied. “What about Devenium Four Station?”

Tomaz tapped at his controls again and changed the main screen to show a zoomed-up view of the Presidium-class station. It appeared intact. “Again, no life signs,” He reported. “However,” He paused. “That’s weird.”

“What is it?” Court asked.

“All of the access ports and emergency hatches are open. As a result, the vacuum of space currently operates within and around it,” Tomaz shared. He stopped looking at his readings. “Sir, something isn’t right here.”

“Agreed, and we need to know answers,” McCallister looked from Tomaz to Jen. “Lukiz, where did the distress call come from?”

“It originated from the Starfleet base in the colony’s capital of New Portsmouth,”  Jen said. 

A sudden beep went off at Tomaz’s station, and Barzan played with the controls before speaking up. “Sensors are detecting debris in low orbit of the planet.”

“Onscreen, commander,” McCallister ordered as he turned back to face the viewer.

Straight away, what they had prepared themselves for was finally before them—the debris of Dominion and Breen’s ship. 

“From the density of the debris field, I believe we are looking at the remains of four Dominion attack fighters and a Breen cruiser. They have been obliterated by a combined effort of pulse phaser fire, quantum torpedoes and phased ion blasts,” Toma announced. 

“At least we know the defence grid did its job,” Court remarked. “But surely that’s not the only ships it destroyed?”

“The answers are on that station and the colony,” McCallister said before returning to his seat. “Tobie, tell the rest of the squadron to remain in formation and to follow us in as we go into a high orbit.”

“Aye, sir,” Court responded.

McCallister was about to give out more orders when Jen interrupted him. “Captain, two of the nearest orbital platforms are coming alive and targeting us!”

“What?!” McCallister questioned, confused to hear that. “Send the shutdown signal at once, Lukiz.”

Jen nodded as he transmitted the prefix codes to shut down the weapon platforms. The viewscreen showed the large platforms coming to life. Their movement indicated their startup sequence as they adjusted their angles to come into a suitable targeting arc. Seconds later and Jen had found a way to disable them all. “All done, I’m trying to access the entire defence network to assume full authority, but we must get closer.”

“You heard him, Marova; take us in,” McCallister ordered.

“This is bizarre,” Tomaz said. He looked to McCallister. “Sir, I recommend we reintegrate both the Odyssey and Themis, just in case we encounter something that requires both ships to depend on a combined approach instead of a separated one.”

“I think you may be right, Tomaz,” McCallsiter admitted. “We’ll reconnect once we’re in orbit-” McCallister was interrupted by another signal going off. “What is it now?” He asked, sounding more frustrated with this puzzle before them.

“You’re not going to believe it, sir,” Tomaz shared, “But three Cardassian ships have just dropped out of warp on the edge of the star system.”

“Cardassian ships?” Marova repeated. “What are they doing here?”

“The Union was planning to send the Third Order to help us,” McCallister stated. “I didn’t think they would arrive so soon and come here to help.”

“We’re being hailed; a Gul Jacet is requesting permission to render aid.” Jen declared. He paused as he turned to look at his superior. “You don’t think it’s that, Gul Jacet?” 

Hearing that name, a name he hadn’t heard for some time (not since he commanded the Avenger), McCallister squinted his eyes and wondered what the hell was happening here. Then, snapping out of his brief lull, he issued orders for the ship to reintegrate, for Triton to investigate the station, and for the Bellerophon to head towards the Dominion-Breen debris field. At the same time, the Themis was to go with their fighter squadron to meet with their Cardassian guests. Finally, Odyssey would orbit the colony to determine what happened to the colonists.

McCallister wanted answers, and too many variables were not helping him find the clearing in the woods. Clenching his chair’s armrest, McCallister felt out of control for the first time in many days and hated it. What the hell happened to the colonists, and where was the rest of the Dominion attack force?  


  • The panorama around the ensemble cast provided a great understanding the perspectives of the crew as they prepared for the mission ahead, and I enjoyed your treatment of multi-vector assault mode, something I have yet to explore in my own story. The lead in built the anticipation well, but man, you threw me for a loop with the reveal of no fleet, no battle, and no people!

    May 28, 2023
  • All geared up to face an enemy force of unknown size and for a battle of possibly epic proportion, and then nothing. How to build tension and expectation then give the reader something unexpected! Where has everyone gone?

    May 29, 2023
  • I liked how two of the ships detached themselves making it look like they had more ships than they really did. Each one had a job the fighters, the Aquarius-class attached ship. But once they arrived the confusion began, which got me a bit baffled as to what was going on. How did those people just disappear? And the debris of the enemy ships, and you would think that the weapons platforms would be able to tell whether someone was foe or friend. Glad they were able to send the shutdown code before they got fired upon. Now I am curious to see why the Cardassians are there, do they know something? So many questions! Great job can't wait to read what happens next.

    May 31, 2023