Part of USS Sojourner: Mission 1 – Do not go gentle into that good night (Blood Dilithium Campaign) and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

M1 – Bonus 1: Without a Paddle

Galin Belt - Delta Quadrant
November 2400
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Captain’s Log: supplemental.  The Crazy Horse is three days out of the Markonian Outpost.   We are still having issues integrating the holographic systems into the ship, but other than a tired and over worked AMO all systems and crew are operating at optimal levels.  We hope to arrive in the Gatz system in five days so we can begin our mission.

Captain Órlaith Murphy sat in the center seat of the USS Crazy Horse,  her legs crossed with a PADD propped up on her knee.  The ship at warp was almost hypnotic.

“Captain,  we’re receiving a message from the USS Sojourner,” the operations officer Lt. Commander Erin Hayden announced from operations. 

Setting her PADD aside Órlaith sat up, “On screen.”

The image on the view screen changed to show a young Orion woman, Commander Kirin Tarken Captain of the USS Sojourner, sitting in the command chair on its bridge.

“Captain Murphy, we have not had the pleasure to meet in person yet but I am hoping to rectify that situation,” Kirin said she a smile, “and have the Crazy Horse lend us a hand. If possible that is. We ran into a convoy of ships adrift, mainly Brenari fleeing the Devore. They were out of deuterium, and burned through their supply in a dash to escape. We have provided what we could, enough for each of their ships to reach the outpost, but now have very little remaining; we could keep going but that would mean we have no room for error now. I was hoping the Crazy Horse could help with a resupply?” Kirin leaned back in her chair and quickly tapped on the console beside her, “We are only an hour from your current position if you could help.”

Órlaith stood up and moved to the dead center location of the bridge, “I think something can be arranged.   If we need to we can refine more while in the Gatnz System.”

“That is really appreciated Captain,” Kirin said, “I look forward to your arrival and would like to extend an invitation to dinner if time permits.”

Órlaith smiled, “I think we can make the time.”

“Captain,” Ensign Talon announced.  “I have located the Sojourner and have laid in a course. ETA forty-eight minutes.”

Kirin smiled, “We will see you soon then Captain, Sojourner out.” With that Kirin tapped a control on the arm of her chair and the screen cut off.


Ensign Michael Prol was surrounded by the ancient machinery that was located deep in the engineering section of the USS Crazy Horse. Nearly a century ago, when this ship was the premier Stafleet explorer deuterium and tritium refuelling wasn’t as abundant.  As a solution engineers had included a refining facility, which hadn’t been used in decades. 

Michael was standing behind a console finishing up a diagnostic when her heard the scraping of boots on the metal walkway.   He turned to see a trio of officers,  of which Commander Hayden was the only one he recognized. “Commander.”

“Ensign.  This is Lieutenant Commander Thanen Th’zalnar and Lieutenant Anahis Sanin from the USS Sojourner. They are running a little on empty and need a fill-up.”

Thanen nodded at the introduction, “Thank you, Commander. I am sure we can get this sorted quickly here.” He turned back to Ensign Prol and smiled while his two antennae shifted as he took in the room and the refining facility. “I am the Chief Engineer on the Sojourner and Anahis is my assistant. We appreciate the assistance with this. We refuelled a number of refugee ships that were adrift and have just enough to get back to the outpost but thought we would see if anyone in the fleet could help.”

“That explains why Lt. Washington wanted me to get this going.  Commander, do you have a workbee to attach the hose to your deuterium fill port or do we need to use our own workbee?  We can use a couple of shuttles to transfer the antimatter storage pods. I don’t recommend using the transporters for that either.”

“We’ll need to coordinate with Ensign Talon or the Sojourner’s chief pilot,” Erin added.

Thanen nodded, “Agreed, best not to transport either, don’t want to scratch up the ships too badly. We have a couple of workbees that could get used and will be able to get some shuttles to transport the pods.” Turning to Anahis, “I will leave you to oversee things on this end Lieutenant and will notify Dese and Belania that the shuttles will be needed. I am sure Belania will be happy to get back in the pilot seat.”

Anahi smirked, “Won’t be a problem, it will be nice to see one of these refiners up close.”


Dese couldn’t help but grin as the small workbee shot out of the Sojourner’s hanger bay. Though it wasn’t one of the Type-12 or 14 shuttles or even the Waverider she loved the feel of the workbee, it always felt like it was her flying through space and not the ship.

As she flew out she flipped the workbee around to see the two ships suspended there in the silent black of space. She took a moment to take the image in before adjusting her course and began to head towards the Crazy Horse. Opening the comlink to the other ships she spoke, “Ensign Tycon to Ensign Prol, I am in position to begin to transfer the hose to the deuterium port on the Sojourner. Please release the clamps so I can begin.

“Understood. Releasing transfer hose.”

Dese checked the screen in the workbee to confirm the hose clamps were released. Upon seeing the clamps disengage she edged the pod closer and grabbed hold of the hose with the pod’s manipulator arms. Using nominal thrusters she slowly pulled the hose from the Crazy Horse towards the Sojourner. After a few minutes, she felt the vibration through the hose and up the arms of the pod as the clamps on the Sojourner locked into place. “Ensign Tycon to Commander Th’zalnar, the hose is engaged. Shall I will stay on station here in case anything happens during the transfer?”

Thanen quickly responded with a confirmation, “Please do.”

“Prol to Th’zalnar. Transfer in progress.   We are looking at 38,000 liters a minute.”

Thanen monitored the flow of deuterium from Engineering aboard the Sojourner. “Thanks, Prol. It is looking good from my end. Time to completion is estimated at 5 minutes. Once complete we can move on to the antimatter storage pods. Lieutenant Belania is already prepping the shuttles.”

“Let’s push it to ten minutes. I want to make sure you have enough.”

“Cannot say no to having the tanks topped off. Ten minutes is fine,” Thanen said with a smile.


Belania easied the Type-14 shuttle out of the Cravy Horse’s shuttle bay. As she did she swore she could feel a pressure on her back but she knew it was all in her head. Behind her, taking up the entire rear compartment of the shuttle was an antimatter storage pod.

“Shuttle Eris to Crazy Horse and Sojourner, first storage pod is en route. ETA 3 minutes”

Acknowledged Eris,” Flight control responded.

Another shuttle moved in alongside her port side. Ensign Anthony Talon sat at the controls after picking up an empty antimatter storage pod to the Sojourner. Showing off he did a barrel roll over the top of the Eris ending up on her starboard side.

“Let’s see what you got Eris,” Anthony said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Belania rolled her eyes, “Ensign Talon, that is tempting and I would leave you in the metaphorical dust but unlike you, I have a full antimatter pod here and the last thing I want is to stress it. Maybe next time hot shot.”

Anthony laughed,  “Ain’t no one bested me yet. Suit yourself.”  He rolled away and slammed the throttle forward heading back to the Crazy Horse to exchange the empty for a full one.

Belania rolled her eyes as she watched the other shuttle accelerate towards the Crazy Horse and muttered, “Show off.”

A couple of minutes later she eased the Eris into the designated spot on the shuttle bay. Feeling an odd sense of relief she powered down the shuttle and opened the rear hatch to allow the engineering team to offload the antimatter storage pod. Side-stepping past the pod she stepped onto the ramp and nodded to Thanen. “All your sir, only one more after this. Need anything from me?”

Thanen shook his head, his short unkempt white hair seemingly floating around his head as he did. “Nope. The engineering team should have everything in hand.”

Belania shrugged, “Ok, Anthony should have the final pod here shortly. After that, I think we will be all set right?”

“We will be refuelled for sure.” Thanen said, “But I think the Captain mentioned something about staying alongside the Crazy Horse for a bit. I think she was going to have a meal with their captain.”

“Makes sense. Nice to give the crews a chance to mingle if needed.” Belania remarked


  • Okay, maybe I spoke too soon. Now THIS was the crossover we were waiting for. Two literal ships passing in the night, the Sojourner and the Crazy Horse not only cross paths, but they practically set up an umbilical connection to refuel and restock. The compare and contrast between the cutting-edge Sojourner and retiree Crazy Horse was particularly effective. Truly, there's nothing more iconic than two Starfleet captains meeting. I only wish we had seen their dinner!

    December 9, 2022