Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 2: Wayward Sons and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

29 – Lost and Found

USS Mackenzie
11.11.2400 @ 0800 - 11.13.2400
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“I expect Commander Katsumi to be fully recovered within 48 hours, and Lieutenant Moore will be evaluated in 72 hours.”  Jordan sat on the couch in the ready room, PADD in hand.  “We had to produce penicillin by hand in the end - the replicated quality wasn't doing the job.  I've ordered the lab team on a mandatory 24-hour rest.  Fowler asked to take a nap and return to the bridge as soon as we were in motion.  I accepted the compromise, for now.”  She indicated the next item on the PADD, “The trade of the Harris Transport Aerie class with the Hazari was completed three days ago with the help of Cardamon's assistance.  In the absence of the Hazari ship, we were able to procure something similar that went a long way in getting the Harris Transport crew released into our custody.  Commodore Y'mar told us if we are ever in need of a bounty hunter contract, they are available.  He did make it clear they would not go near the Hirogen.”

Harris could understand, “I don't want to go near the Hirogen.”  He shook his head, “I don't even know if they're still alive, Jord.”  Reid had taken on some of the responsibilities that her friend and XO had.  One of those duties was sitting with the captain and discussing anything and everything.

Reid glanced at the report she'd been presenting.  The good news was often offset or upset by the bad news.  The Delta Quadrant seemed to relish in the bad news delivery. “I can't be the optimist I would be in the Alpha Quadrant.  This place is the domain of pessimism.  It's hard to think that they'd have kept them alive this long.  I don't want to think like that, but realism is another friend we're having to get acquainted with out here.”

“You ever wonder what the likes of Archer, Kirk, or Sulu would have done out here?”  She glanced up at his question.  He shrugged off her look of confusion, “We learned in the academy about those early days of the Federation through the first five years of the Enterprise and beyond.  It was such an…unknown galaxy.  Around every corner were strange new worlds and new civilizations that either wanted to hug us or kill us.  Never mind the monsters and creatures they ran into along the way.”

Jordan mused, “Out here, nobody wants to hug us.  Maybe hug us to death.  Lots of death out here.”

Harris ignored her sarcasm, “You read through the mission files of those men and women.  Those early days…you never knew if you were going to make it home with everything that was out there in the frontier.” He stood from his chair and grabbed a steaming chai from the replicator, and sat down next to Jordan.  “They were always so far away from Earth sometimes - warp travel wasn't as fast…or simple.  You had to really believe in your senior officers and the crew…believe that they would get you home.”  He glanced out the window behind him, “We're here because we have to be…because we're called to do what needs to be done.  I know it's me in the center chair…and I am no Captain Archer…Kirk, or Sulu…but I think what keeps me from giving up is that they never did.  The crews of those ships are legends because no matter how hard it was…they kept going.”

Reid sipped at the coffee she had poured, “Janeway was here 25 years ago.  That crew made it home.  They survived this place.  If that group of humans and aliens could find a way to make it…I think we've got a chance.”

Ambrose let a sly smile cross his lips, “I'll make you my chief optimist yet.”  Her eye roll gave him his answer.


The bridge chrono ticked over to 1600.  They had gathered their data, collected what the Hazari had observed regarding Devore ships dropping off prisoners to the Hirogen, and were now flying through space towards a possible drop-off point.  Harris walked the bridge slowly, checking with each officer as he made his way back to where Sadie Fowler sat, eyes glued to the screen as she adjusted the sensors while the readings streamed in.  Two fresh science officers were on either side of her.  A steaming mug of coffee was in one hand while her other hand adjusted the console.  “There is a lot of interference out here.”  She had managed six hours of sleep, but it hadn't been quite enough.  The coffee was helping.  She glanced at her two science officers, “I'm having a time getting a look through this muck.”  Both of them quietly agreed while continuing to tune the sensors as best as they could.  She took a long sip of her coffee and nearly jumped up in excitement as the picture slowly cleared, “Now we're getting somewhere.  There!  That's a Devore warp signature….and recent!  It leads…directly into the hunting grounds.”  She turned to Harris, “It'll take us two days to get to the edge of the hunting ground.  While we're in transit, I'll work on getting us a picture of what's in front of us.”

Harris thanked her, “Let's put it into motion.  Helm, plot us an intercept course and engage.”  The Mackenzie changed course and thundered onto the edges of the hunting grounds.


The chrono on the bridge slid into 0800 as the ship's calendar showed November 13th.  Harris stepped onto the bridge and gave a nod to Okada as she stood from the command chair, “You are relieved, commander.”

Her smile was broad, wide, and as bright as any sun.  She'd been returned to limited duty two days ago. Reid had been meticulously persistent in her recovery. Today was her first full day of duty, and she'd not stopped smiling.  Harris wasn't about to stop her.  She beamed, “I stand relieved, sir.”   She nearly bounced up and into the turbolift.  Ambrose hoped her assistant would be bouncing around soon - her condition had been more challenging in rehabilitating.  Moore had been frustrated by her slow progress, and the chief counselor had been ordered to assist in the process.

Prentice spoke up from his station at the front of the bridge, “We are arriving at the edge of the Hirogen Hunting Grounds, sir.  Coming to an all stop."

Harris returned to the center chair, “Yellow alert.”  If they had learned anything, it was that the Delta Quadrant didn't play fair.  Ever.

Fowler downed another cup of coffee as she reported what she had, “The Devore warp trail continues into Hirogen territory for a little longer…but then it stops…and circles back the way it came.  Looks like we have a definite drop point.”

Harris stared at the blackness of space ahead of them.  Out there somewhere was either his cousin and the empathetic crew alive…or what was left of them.  He hadn't spoken to his younger cousin, who remained in the brig under guard and supervision.  He had ignored the impulse to visit him, and he had begun to wonder if he'd made the right choice.  He let out a small sigh.  They needed to know for sure.  “Helm, plot us a course to the intercept point.  Be ready to get us right back out of there.”  Prentice nodded from his station as he input the navigational commands.  Ambrose paused in his order to engage.  Whatever came next was in the hands of him the Mackenzie crew.  If it came to it, surviving the Hiorgen would take everything they had