
Profile Overview

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Jordan Reid

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Reid


Chief Medical
USS Douglas


Jordan Reid


Seattle, Washington


Jordan is a qualified doctor who is sassy, intellectual, and thoughtful.  She’s grown up in space with her large family and has recently decided to turn to Starfleet to serve as a medical officer.  She is 25 years old as of 2400.


Jordan was 5,10 and had dirty blond hair that she kept in a bun or ponytail.  She had blue eyes.

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Driven to help others from a young age as she traveled in space with her large family.  She worked in the ship sickbay as young girl helping where she could and learning along the way.  Her heart has always been on being a doctor and serving those in need.  She is spunky, driven, and has a strong sense of herself and her strength – both inner and outer.


Early Life (2375-2391)

Born 9.1.2375 to Bill and Jessica Reid in Seattle, Washington, she lived most of her life in the civilian transport fleet that her parents helped operate as Captain and Doctor, respectively.  The SS Lion was their ship and is still in service to this day.  Jordan attended onboard school and online courses and graduated early at the age of 16.  She applied and was accepted to medical school.

Medical School (2391-2398)

Jordan attended medical school and graduated early in 2393.  She is placed at Seattle General for her residency, which lasts through 2396.  Her performance is rated as excellent and her progress is above average in her learning and understanding of the medical arts.  She enters a rigorous fellowship from 2396 to 2398.  Her supervising doctor recommends her to Starfleet, given her excellence under pressure during her various assignments across the hospital, especially in Emergency Medicine.  She is accepted, completes her academy training in 2400, and is given the rank of Lieutenant.  She is assigned to the USS Erigone under the command of Ambrose Harris.


USS Erigone

She was assigned as Chief Medical Officer to the USS Erigone, a Raven Class vessel.

USS Edinburgh (3.14.2400-8.15.2400)

She was transferred with Commander Harris to the New Orleans Class USS Edinburgh.  She was Ambrose Harris’s girlfriend since 5.17.2400.

USS Mackenzie (8.16.2400-2.05.2401)

She transferred with her CO and the command team to the USS Mackenzie.  Her boyfriend and captain, Ambrose Harris, died on 02.05.2401.  She resigned from her position, vowed never to return, and joined Ambrose’s family in Montana.

Harris Transport (2.05.2401 to 4.5.2401)

Jordan signed up as part of the medical staff for Harris Transport and was a medical doctor on staff.

USS Olympic (4.5.2401 – 7.15.2401)

Jordan returned at the invitation from Commander Helena Dread.

USS Daedalus (7.15.2401-9.15.2401)

Jordan was transferred to Deputy Chief Medical Officer.  On 9.10.2401, XO Leopold Halsey promoted her to Chief Medical Officer.

USS Douglas (9.15.2401-Present)

In a surprise reassignment, Dread and her crew are assigned to the Constitution III USS Douglas.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
9.2401 - Present Chief Medical Officer USS Douglas
2401 Chief Medical Officer USS Daedalus
2401 Deputy Chief Medical Officer USS Daedalus
2401 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Surgery and Critical Care USS Olympic
2401 Physician Harris Transport
2400 - 2401 Chief Medical Officer USS Mackenzie
2400 Chief Medical Officer USS Edinburgh
2400 Chief Medical Officer USS Erigone