Part of USS Denver: Mission 4: Can’t Come Home Again Part: 2 and USS Denver: Mission 4: Can’t Come Home Again

Checking In

April 15, 2374 18:00
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Rebecca smiled as the image of her husband,  Milo Talon, appeared on the computer screen. “Hey there Cowboy.”

Milo grunted in his manly way, “Hello dear.  How was your day.”

Rebecca paused to think about the events, but quickly dove into a description of the day’s events.  From the first meeting with Admiral Dailey concerning their current orders.  Dailey also wanted a combat readiness report on the Denver, which Rebecca was happy to report that it was ready.  She finished off the telling of her day with the run-in with Tess and Tony Ryder. 

Milo just patiently listened and then sat back with his whiskey and cola.  When his wife had finished speaking he grunted in acknowledgment and leaned forward.   “You thinking Julie is up to something?”

Rebecca shrugged,  “I don’t know anything,  just that it’s possible.”

Milo drummed his fingers on the desk considering things, “Kidnappings just don’t occur, especially on Earth. The simplest explanation is Julie, but I suppose the Dominion could be involved.”

“The Dominion‽” Rebecca exclaimed.  “What on Earth would they have to gain from kidnapping a child?”  They of course have had a history of replacing people with Changelings from General Martok to Doctor Bashir,  but Angelica Ryder was just a kid and extortion didn’t seem like their modus operandi. 

Milo grunted in agreement,  “Yeah,  that seems unlikely.”

“So that leaves us with Julie.”

“Yeah..” Milo said with a reluctant sigh.  “But call it an old policeman’s intuition but I don’t think Julie Lei-Ryder has anything to do with this either.”

Rebecca sighed, “And Trinity?”

“She’s here, but I will keep a close eye oh her just incase.  She and Ethan are getting close.”

“Oh really?” Rebecca asked with a raised eyebrow.  “Close how?”

“I’m not sure how Trinity feels.  She seems to be keeping that close to to the vest. But, Ethan is smitten.  I can tell when a boy likes a girl, and he likes this one.”

Rebecca considered the implications of this.  She couldn’t just move Trinity out of the quarters.   As part of the agreement when Julie was out on mission Trinity would stay with Milo so she wouldn’t have to return to Earth and live with her grandmother.   It was an odd agreement,  but Rebecca could understand the desire not to leave her friends on Starbase 75.

Angel on the other hand had chosen Earth to pursue fashion design in New York.  The two sisters couldn’t be more different. One wanting to be a Starfleet officer like her dad and the other to build a fashion empire. But, Angel was a sweet girl.  Smart as they came and driven to no end.  She was the best of both of her parents.

Then there was the mother.   SFI to the core, and by Rebecca’s reasoning a psychopath. The woman was egotistical,  narssacistic, and cold.  How someone like Nicholas Ryder could fall for her was anyone’s guess.  Nick had been Rebecca’s best friend since the Academy and without a doubt she owed her career to him. In every way Nick was the opposite of Julie. The two were the poster children of opposites attract. 

“And the girls?” Rebecca asked Milo of their own twin daughters.

Milo gave Rebecca a grim smile, “They miss you.  They keep asking about you.  At least when you were stationed in the Betazed Sector you stopped by every now and again.”

Rebecca frowned. Another reason why she had resisted to returning to Starfleet. “I miss them too.”

“Liv is in a a play from school, and Aimee is trying to learn how to play the piano.  From what I can tell they are pretty good at it.”

“Well, they didn’t get that from me.  I can’t carry a tune in a bucket and you always know when I’m lying.”

“That’s because I know you,” Milo replied logically.  “I reckon you would be for more convencing if I didn’t”, but yeah, don’t sing.  It awful.”

“Thanks,” Rebecca said flatly.

“You said it first.”

“Yeah, but I don’t need you to tell me that.  I know I stink, but the least you could do is give me a little white lie.”

“I’ll remember that for next time,” Milo said with a grin.

“You better!” Rebecca sighed, “I probably should get going. I have some things to take care of before I go to bed.  Tell the girls I love them for me, and tell Ethan to behave himself.”

Milo chuckled,  “I’ll do that.  Probably right in front of Trinity just to embarrass him.”

“You are an evil man Milo Talon,” Rebecca teased.

“Hey being embarrassing is part of the parent job description. I know I thought mine were when I was his age.”

“I can’t argue that,” Rebecca replied. “I love you and good night.”

“Good night dear.”

With that the screen went black and Rebecca’s quarters felt just little too silent… and little too empty.  She missed her family and silently cursed the Dominion for driving a wedge between her and them.