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Part of USS Denver: Mission 4: Can’t Come Home Again

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can’t Come Home Again Part: 2

Threats Come in Many Ways

Mission Description

It’s been over a month since the Dominion was driven from DS9, and pulled back to Cardassia.  As such the front has been quiet and the 7th Fleet is still in the Sol System protecting Earth.  A friendly rivalry has grown between the Vulcans of the 3rd Fleet, and the 7th Fleet. Aa part of fleet excersizes Task Force 91 is ordered to take on a 3rd Fleet task force protecting P’jem in a mock battle.

On Earth a strange compound is being constructed in Montana, and there is evidence that the kidnapping of Captain Nicholas Ryder’s daughter Angelica is connected to the compound.  What it means is anyone’s guess, but some of the crew of the Denver finds themselves in Montana giving one member a chance to reconcile with family. But, will he?

About the Mission

USS Denver
Total Stories
Start Date

28 December 2022

Interdepartmental Drills

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 2

The Bridge of the Denver was bathed in the red glow of the red alert status.  Logically Lt. Alexander Willis knew this was a simulation,  but the sensory imput told him otherwise and he felt his heart rate increase.  “Aft shields are down,” Wills announced from his station next [...]

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Unexpected Visitor

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 2

Rebecca stared at the screen trying in vain to figure out what was happening.  “I don’t have a clue,” she said, answering Riandri’s question. “Mr. Crawford, what are the sensors detecting.” Peter had scrambled to his station and very gently dismissed the operations ensign that had [...]

30 October 2022

In The Clutches of a Madman

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 2

Angelica Ryder struggled against her bonds.  She was in some sort of facility lying on a cold hard table with nothing more than a sheet to cover her.  She hurt from the restraints. She hurt from the table, and she was chilled to the bone.  Incredibly a Klingon and a Vorta worked [...]