Part of USS Daradax: Mission 2 – Wings of Salvation (Sundered Wings Fleet Action) and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

SW – Chapter 10: A dance with the Syndicate

Kunhri III - Syndicate Hideout
May 2400
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After action report – Operation Indigo-Kilo-3-Kilo-1

Classified Alpha 6, Starfleet Intelligence

May 2400 

Kunhri III

Arrival at the designated site went smoothly with no indications that the Intelligence agent (IA)  had been identified or was known.  

The control of the mission was quickly lost after meeting with the asset when the asset went to hand over the material. He was killed by three Romulan agents and IA was seriously injured by a distributor blast. If not for the unexpected involvement of forces from the Orion Syndicate (OS) the data package and the IA would have been lost. 

The OS  provided basic medical care possibly saving the IA’s life but indicated that they were aware of the IA’s identity both in the fleet and their connections o the OS.  The original data package had been in fact taken by the OS and the message for the handover had come from them. The leader of the OS who rescued the IA was a female Reman name Zarni and her right hand was a male Orion name Halrad-Gar. During a brief exchange, they indicated their desire for the sake of the planet to get the data to Starfleet intelligence as they believed it would leave to a secret Romulan military research site within the outer asteroid belt of the system. The concern was that the Romulan military was working on biological and or mutagenic weapons which could be sued against the civilian population and by extension the OS. It should not be believed that the OS or that Zarni were doing this out of altruism but instead, they were solely looking out for their own interests. 

During discussions, it was revealed that there was a schism within the OS on the Kunhri III. Zarni was the leader of a faction that wanted to get the data to Starfleet but was at odds with the most senior OS member on the planet a Male Orion named Hen’Real. At this time the IA was unable to extricate themselves from the situation and was asked to work with Zarni to persuade Hen’Real of the benefits of sharing the data with Starfleet.

Kirin glared at Zarni as the Reman stood there with an evil smile on her face believing that she has backed Kirin into a corner. ‘Bitch’  Kirin growled in her head. “So you are now threatening me and my people which if you carry out will cause significant hardship to the people of this planet? Am I getting this right?”

“I would definitely put it that way. Mistress.” Zarni remarks adding venom to the last work. Out of the corner of her eye, Kirin notices Halrad-Gar flinch. ‘At least he has an understanding of what the title in our culture means…Hmm…I wonder if…’ Before Kirin can get further with that thought Zarni continues. “Hen’Real, is a brute, like so many of the men of your race. Good for fighting and that is it. You though, I suspect he will have a soft spot for a poor wounded young Orion women. I don’t care how but you will get close to him and then kill him. If you survive you can take the datapad and go, if not I will get the datapad to your precious fleet.”

Kirin straightened slowly on the bed as she started to lean back due to the discomfort in her shoulder. “I am not an assassin. And what makes you think I won’t just tell him what you plan and get him to kill you so I can take what I need?”

This causes Reman to laugh and Halrad-Gar to noticeably shift in the discomfort of the situation. “You think I didn’t put safeguards in place for that? You have officers at several refineries across the planet. I have people loyal to me who will start killing them if I don’t send a message to them every 30 minutes.” With that, she projects a holoscreen from her PADD showing a dark stormy sky and a ship Kirin knows all too well; the USS Daradax. On the screen, she can clearly see Thanen talking to Ril and Kerry as the image shifts to that of a long-range scope with the targeting reticule coming to rest over Kerry’s head as she turns to go back to the ship. Before Kirin can say anything it switches to show another part of the planet and a new refinery showing Captain Taes of the USS Dvorak, working in a hydroponic garden teaching several young Reman, she looks up as if aware of the targeting reticule before turning back to her work. “Do I need to demonstrate what I will do? Zarni laughs.

With a glare that could kill, if only, Kirin almost spat “Don’t. They are only here to help the people.” 

“So we have an understanding then?”

“Yes” Kirin says as she slowly stands. “Let’s get this done. Assume just giving my disruptor is not an option? It would be quick.”

With a laugh, Zarni shakes her head. “That dagger will do. And please wait at least a week so I can get everything in order.” Stepping up beside Kirin she puts an arm around her shoulder. “Now Mistress, though we can’t have him hear that or call you Starfleet. Since I don’t know your actual name. How about T’onyi? Yes, T’onyi. Let us go introduce you to Hen’Real.”

Following a couple of days of negotiations and in-depth discussions with the OS leader Hen’Real it became apparent that he had no interest in working with or sharing the data with Starfleet. This presented the IA with several challenges, first how to gain access to the data as Zarni was unwilling to release it now as it would be known she had and how best to dissuade the OS from trying to undermine the efforts of the fleet in the system.

The IA was able to ascertain that a large group of elements within the OS did not agree with Hen’Real’s brutish approach to the management of their holdings. It was turning more and more people against him. Secondly, this element led by Zarni and Halrad-Gar felt that the OS would be in a stronger position once the current crisis was over if they worked within the system and aided the Starfleet activities from the shadow. It should be noted that this would and will likely make the OS a stronger organization on the planet especially given the fact that at the time of the coup on Rator the OS presence was minimal but as will all illicit groups they grow and thrive in situations like this. 

The IA was unable to contact SFI or the taskforce command during this time and operated on their own. It should be noted that the possible outcomes were weighted and analysed so that a route which would, in theory, maximize the benefits to the planet and its population was eventually followed. The needs of the many do, in fact, outweigh the needs of the few in this situation.

Kirin rolled over in bed and reach behind her and rubbed her shoulder. She was still amazed at how fast some injuries could be treated with the right equipment. ‘I can barely even feel a twinge when I move it now…’

It had been 5 days since Zarni had presented her as ‘T’onyi’ to Hen’Real as a poor lost young Orion who had been attacked by Romulan soldiers. He was brutish to say the least, Kirin’s first thought was one of his parents had to be Nausicaan as he dwarfed any Orion she had met before and she had spent several months most years back on Vondem with her mother’s family. He had taken an instant liking to her especially once he realized she had the rather rare ability to produce the fabled Orion pheromones. 

She spend the next few days on her own as Hen’Real pretty much held her prisoner in one of the rooms in the syndicate’s base of operations. She was alone pretty much beyond the odd visit of servants to look after any needs she had and to check on her injury. The one break from this was when Halrad-Gar showed up to check on her every other day. As the one who has saved her from the Romulans Hen’Real had awarded him with a promotion within the local organisation. 

There came a knock at the door and Kirin stood up and Wales to the door grabbing the dressing gown from the back of the chair and wrapping it around her. Without fail, Halrad-Gar stood there. Looking at him she smirked ‘He is more than he seems, today I will push for the information I need.’

Eyes cast down the moment he saw her, “Mistress of the Midn…T’onyi, I hope I am not overstepping myself but I wanted to check on how you are feeling following your injuries?”

“Ah, thank you Halrad-Gar, please come on,” Kirin says as she places a hand on his forearm presenting a more meek demeanour in case anyone in the hall saw them though it barely his the raging inferno that was inside her. The moment he stepped into the room Kirin slammed the door, ‘Be damned what the servants say. Let the stories spread. The more they think they know of me the further from the truth they are…’

Turning towards him Kirin glares “What does that bitch Zarni want this time Hal? You do realize only one of us will be left standing after this and it won’t be here. I think you have an idea. I recognize the Kolar syndicate tattoo on your arm there. I assume it was you who told her who I was when you found me?”

Taken aback by the new aggressive behaviour he steps back and bumps into a chair almost tripping. “Mistress, I, well, um…No new news from Zarni just the same reminder.” 

“And!?” Kirin says as she steps closer to him looking up. 

“Yes, I recognized you. I was there when the traitors were ambushed. I lead the group that closed the gap at the rear. I watched you when the fighting started, you were terrifying, beautiful. I did tell her, I thought it would help the people for her to know, to trust you more. I never thought she would do this. I came here after the incident as we wanted to start something in fresh territory and this held promise…but…”

“But someone from a different part of the syndicate wanted in and sent Hen’Real and let me guess Zarni was already leading the local underworld and was absorbed…same old story new world.” This causes Halrad-Gar to nod.

Kirin points to the chair, “Sit” and then after a moment, “Please” in a softer voice closer to her normal tone. Grabbing the chair besides where Halrad-Gar was sitting Kirin sat down as well, the dressing gown purposely exposing more of her thigh than usual. ‘I always Hated this part. But between his desire, the pheromones and we’ll me I think I can make this work…’ 

“Halrad-Gar, I do not think Zarni has any desire to help the people here, she is out for her own power and Hen’Real is the same, both are blind to the reality around them or just not willing to care. I do not care about the syndicate, I left. But I do care about the people here, Remans, Romulans…Orions. They,…” pausing she looks him in the eyes “…you, need food and to be self sufficient.”

He stares back at her his eyes not perfectly in focus as he tried to maintain eye contact. ‘Got you’ she thinks. “I need my equipment, doesn’t have to be what I brought but I need a distributor and a blade, can you do that for me? Please?”

He blinks and focuses on her before nosing, “Yes Mistress, I will get them to you before mid-day.”

“Thank you Hal.” She says she stands and walks to the door opening it. 

To ensure that the operations in the system were not interrupted and the population would be able to access food the IA was able to work with the elements led by Zarni and Halrad-Gar to openly challenge the leadership of Hen’Real. In short following a brief exchange if words Hen’Real and his Lieutenants opened fire on the challenging elements. This resulted in Hen’Real, his senior Lieutenants and Zarni losing their lives. Though the loss of life was unfortunate it successfully removed the head(s) of more extreme elements with the growing OS on Kundri III. This has led to Halrad-Gar taking over as the most senior OS member on the planet. One who has honoured his promise to ensure the OS does not work against or reduce the effectiveness of Starfleet’s activities in the system.  It should be noted that the OS still has a presence in the system and oversees large parts of the illicit activities planet side and system-wide. But the more violent and extreme elements have been greatly reduced.

Kirin sat on the large lounging sofa, really just a massive pile of pillows, and stared out the windows overlooking the sprawl around the capital, Refinery 1, land waited. She knew from mutterings of the servants that morning then they came with a new lace dress for her and from a message one slipped her from Halrad-Gar that Hen’Real had decided she had ‘rested’ enough and it was time for her to earn her keep. He stepped into the room without a knock and walked toward her. 

“T’onyi, you are healed now I am told. Zarni has promised me you will be of use to me here. The time has come, we will go to meet with some acquaintances. You will stay with them for a bit and get them to do what I want.” He steps forward and gestures for Kirin to stand. 

To hell, I will…you will it hurt or use anyone again‘ she thinks as she stands and takes a step towards him with a smile on her face. 

“That dress sui…” he says but stops short as Kirin arms flick forward, right, then the left and two short daggers imbed themself into his throat. He stumbles back, eyes wide before dropping to the ground.  

Kirin walks past him to the bed and takes the dress off, though stunning she hated it for what it represented, and quickly puts on a pair of pants and a shirt. Reaching under the drawer she tabs the small device Zarni had smuggled in before returning to the sofa to wait. 

Within 10 minutes the door opens and Zarni entered with Halrad-Gar on her heels. As she walks in she sees the body on the ground, “Oh good. I wasn’t sure if a Starfleet officer would get their hands so dirty, now that I….” she says, glee written all over her face. ‘Hmm, I didn’t realize a Reman’s face could look so giddy.’ Kirin thought to herself.

Kirin continuing to sit raises her hand, “Let me stop you there Zarni, before you start to monologue. We had a deal. Uphold your end of it. Give me the datapad and do not get in our way and we don’t have to see or hear from each other again.”

At this Zarni bursts out laughing, “Oh, you think you won’t hear from me again. You just committed murder and I have recording devices all over here. I am sure your precious Starfleet would love to see what you did and what other activities you were up to while you were MIA…what would they think if they learned they had a syndicate operative on their ships…that is what this looks like after all.”

“Are you sure?” Kirin says as she stands revealing a disrupter and long blade on her hip. Tapping on her shirt sleeve a holo image appears in front of her, from the device on her wrist, showing the room at the time of Hen’Real’s demise. “Such recordings are so fickle…” she says as her image blurs and is replaced with that of Zarni at the same time as a series of popping crackles are heard around. The room as puffs of smoke appear. “All your recordings are gone and all records you have made from them are being deleted as we speak. You really need to  check your security systems…so antiquated even for the syndicate.” Kirin says with a laugh. “Now, the datapad or I release the image of you murdering Hen’Real to the system.”

Zarni glares at Kirin and shrieks as she grabs her disrupter and beings to raise it towards Kirin. But before her arm is even halfway up there is a green flash behind her and her eyes go wide before she crumples to the ground, dead. Behind her Halrad-Gar stands weapon in hand. 

“Thank you Hal. I didn’t tell you but I did remember you from that day. You have my gratitude; if others ask, tell them you have my gratitude” Kirin says with a slight bow. “I trust that our deal stands and you will aid the people of this planet while we get them self sufficient?”

With a nod Halrad-Gar point at the body of Zarni, “I know you swayed, no influenced,  me, Mistress, it is what one such as you does. But don’t do it again. The stars aligned for this and only this time. Take what you need and go. I promise you that your involvement will not be known.”

Without a word, Kirin grabs the datapad and a communicator from the body. Turning to look at Halrad-Gar one last time she activates the communicator, “Daradax, do you copy?”

“Holy shit, Ma’am is that you!?” Came Kerry’s voice a few moments later.

“Yes. One to beam up”


The IA acknowledges it was far from an ideal result but the main objective, the retrieval of the datapad was completed and the likely possibility of federation deaths due to the OS has been greatly reduced.

End of Report



  • I love how you switch between what looks like a debriefing log being given by a senior officer to the actual accounts of what happened. That switch is unique in my opinion and something that is intriguing to me. It gives a new perspective on the story so far. As always, keep up the great work, and look forward to the next story.

    June 10, 2022