Part of USS Sovereign: Behind the Scenes

Farewell old friend

Starbase 93
May 21st, 2400
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“And when we got back to Federation space, the captain then found out that the Jem’Hadar attack ship that we were chasing, was actually on a top secret mission with some of our own on board. We almost screwed a very important secret operation against the Dominion, how crazy is that?!” Carter said to a group of people, which some laughed and others rolled their eyes. “What? Don’t believe me? Wait until you get the security clearance to look at those logs, then you’ll see.” Carter joked and then his gaze went towards the entrance of the Officer’s Lounge and saw a group of four he did not think would make it.

“Excuse me folks.” Said Carter as he made his way over to them. “Vakai! James! Sivol! Ashley! So good of you four to come!” Carter shook each hand as he smiled at them with joy. “I didn’t think you’d be able to make it.”

Vakai smiled right back, “We wouldn’t miss our former captain’s retirement party.”

Ryker shook his head. “Nope! So we left the Second Officer in charge of the Sovereign while we grabbed the Captain’s Yacht,” Ryker smirked. “And we high tailed it here as quickly as we could.”

Carter chuckled. “I really do appreciate you all for coming.”

“Come on, John. We wouldn’t miss this!” Said Ashley.

“We knew it was going to happen. We heard the announcement that they retired the Centaur.” Said Sivol.

Carter nodded his head. “Her entire line was retired. The Centaur herself will be in the museum. Best part is, I get to visit her as much as I want, to relive the old days.”

“That’s wonderful!” Said Sivol.

“Hey, come on now, this is a retirement party!” Said Ashley as she grabbed James’ hand and dragged him further into the lounge.

The three of them that were left behind shrugged and laughed before they followed. As the party moved along, everyone were enjoying the party in their own way. Carter was telling stories of missions that he had been on in the past. Vakai and James were playing darts, Vakai winning almost every time. Ashley found herself a fellow engineer and started to banter on who’s warp engines were better. And Sivol was telling her own story of how she ended up being a prisoner for some rogue Klingon group and how she was rescued.

After a couple of hours had gone by, things had changed up. Carter and James were arm wrestling, Carter winning and bantering that he may be old but not that old. Sivol and Vakai were playing 3D chess, Sivol only a few moves away from winning. And Ashley was telling a group about how her and her friends were strapped to some chair and in some virtual reality of some sort for over thirty years when only fifteen seconds had gone by in real time.

Another hour would go by and everyone had gathered around as Carter made a speech. He spoke about how he was honored to have serve Starfleet for so many years, how happy his parents were when he made the decision to join Starfleet and how he understood why some would transfer to other star ships, whether by choice or ordered to do so, he was glad that he got to remain on the Centaur until the very end. He spoke about his achievements and how there were a few moments during the Dominion War that he thought that they were not going to make it. Near the end of his speech, he spoke how proud he was that the last group of officers that he mentored and trained, had made it to where they are now.

“Even though I did enjoy mentoring and teaching new officers under my command, I turned down the offer to teach at Starfleet Academy. Me and Summer Carter, are going to take the opportunity that we had been waiting for.” He had not broken the news to any of his friends or former crew that him and Summer Pearce had gotten married. “Like I said before, we may be old but we’re not that old.” He winked with a chuckle, everyone else joined in with a little laugh here and there.

The party would resume with Carter, Vakai, James, Sivol and Ashley were in a circle with others. Vakai and the others were explaining what happened when they were en route to the Federation border with the Cardassians, how they found some hollow planet, sent three teams down and how it got real crazy. Then topics changed to the news that was going on in the Velorum Sector and how it will likely escalate and that the Fourth Fleet will get involved.

“Yep. Even though the Sovereign is performing her duties along the Federation-Cardassian border, we are prepared to respond when needed.” Said Vakai.

“Well hopefully it won’t turn out too bad. It seems like every three months or so, something crazy happens.” Carter chuckled before he took a sip of his glass of whiskey. Then an ensign came up and whispered into Carter’s ear which brought a big smile to his face. Carter then stepped away from the group, “Everyone. May I have your attention one last time.” He said with a raised voice. Then once he saw all eyes on him, he allowed the smile to grow on his face. “I was just informed that the Centaur is ready to depart. She will be leaving and heading straight for the museum. So if you wish to see her before she departs, I suggest we hurry over to the view ports over here!” Carter pointed with his thumb and in matter of seconds, everyone gathered up to the large view ports where they could see the Centaur in the dry dock, powered up and her running lights on.

Then, in a matter of minutes, the Centaur began to pull out of the dry dock in a slow, regulated manner. After she cleared, the ship shifted on axis to make a turn and began to start moving a bit faster as it approached its warp out point. As the Centaur made its way, the ship grew closer to the station where everyone in the lounge could see her up close as it passed by.

Carter took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled before raising his glass up towards his former ship. “Farewell old friend.” Said Carter. Everyone else toasted to the ship just before it reached its warp out point and jumped to warp. Carter took in one more deep breath and exhaled into a heavy sigh. He turned around to face his party guests. “Well everyone. That concludes my retirement party. I would like to thank you all again for coming and I promise to remain in touch.” Carter then looked to Summer with a big grin on his face. “Mrs. Carter. Ready to head to our new home?”

She smiled back at him and hooked her arm around his. “Of course, Mr. Carter.” While everyone else began to depart the lounge, John and Summer stopped before Vakai and the others. “Really, I am glad that you guys were able to make it.”

“Really, we wouldn’t miss it.” Ashley smiled at him.

“You better keep your promise.” Said Ryker.

“Oh I will make sure he does.” Said Summer.

“So where is it that you two are heading to?” Asked Sivol.

“We decided to purchase a home on Bajor. It’s out in the country, so it’ll be quiet and big for a family.” Said Carter.

Vakai raised his brows. “You two plan on having a family?”

Carter laughed. “How many times do I have to say it? I may be old-”

“-but not that old!” Said everyone before they laughed.

Carter then sighed, “Though I hate to admit. I would have loved to command the Centaur one last time, even if it was just to be a museum for a bunch of people to visit. Heck I might visit her myself, give some historical facts to the visitors, from my point of view of course.” Summer rolled her eyes at that one.

Vakai chuckled. “You take care of yourself, John.” He held his hand out towards Carter.

Carter took Vakai’s hand in a firm grip and shook it. “You do the same, Captain. You have a fine ship and a fine crew. So don’t let the past creep up on you too much, alright?”

Vakai nodded his head. “Deal.”

The four of them watched as Carter and Summer walked together out of the lounge and down the corridor, where they headed for the nearest turbolift to grab their bags and make their way to the civilian transport ship destined to Bajor.