Part of Starbase Bravo: January 2400

Resident Residence

Starbase Bravo
January 2400
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Starfleet Academy—Mellstoxx III

“Hannah, you’re going to be late! You don’t want miss the shuttle to your first assignment.” Hannah’s roommate exclaimed trying to get her to move faster.

“I know. I know! I can’t find my book.”

“Can’t you just download a copy to a PADD?”

“It was a gift from my grandmother as a graduation gift. It’s hard cover print of Gray’s Anatomy. It’s the sentiment of the gift.”

Hannah would have lost her head that morning if it had not been firmly attached to her torso. She scoured her room from stem to stern until finally she noticed a corner of the book peeking out from beneath her pillow. “Aha! Found it!” she said as she reached for it.

“Great! Now get to that transporter station before Starfleet regrets making you an Ensign.”

Hannah tucked the book into her travel case. her remaining belongings, what little she had at the Academy, would later be sent to her after she had settled into her new quarters. She glanced around the room one last time. She’d spent far too many nights cramming for finals in that room. She was going to miss it, but her life was now geared toward the future as a doctor in Starfleet.

Starbase Bravo

When she materialized on the station’s transporter pad, she eyed two individuals in the room in which she now stood. One Lieutenant in gold and an Ensign in red. She nodded to the Lieutenant for a successful transport and then turned her attention to the Ensign. “Good morning.” she began, “You’re either waiting for your turn on the transporter, or you’re here to greet new arrivals and help them find their way. My name is Hannah Murphy.”

Steven squinted as he looked at her, something about her face looked familiar. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew there was a third friend that him and Sonja had. He shrugged his shoulders, “The second. Can I get your orders?”

“Oh yes. One moment.” She replied, reaching for the clasp on her travel case and pulling out a PADD documenting her orders aboard the station.

“Thank you, Ensign.” He entered her information in, started creating the nav points and then auto generated the route before swiping the holo display to her. “All right then, that should lead you to your quarters and then from your quarters to where you need to report in.” He handed her orders back. “You shouldn’t get lost but then again, this station is massive so, good luck!”

After leaving the transporter room, and seemingly following the directions on the PADD as indicated by the Ensign, she found herself somewhere on 500-level completely lost. Every corridor looked the same and there didn’t appear to be any indication that the area was anything but crew quarters. However, it felt like she had spent an eternity studying the labels on each and every door without success.

After taking what seemed like the dozenth turn at the next available junction, she noticed another officer with her back to her, sporting a gold tunic who appeared to know where they were going. In an effort to relieve herself of her predicament, she flagged them down. “Please, I need your help. I need to locate my crew quarters, but I’m absolutely disoriented.” she said, suddenly realizing that it was her friend Sonja and instantly felt embarrassed.

“Oh my god, Sonja! I never expected to see you on the station!”

Sonja turned at the sudden panic of the person voice. Her eyes lighting up when she saw it was Hannah. She quickly gave her a huge hug “Hannah! Oh my gosh I’m so happy to see you! I figured you’d be on a ship halfway to another quadrant by now!”

“I thought so too, but an opportunity opened up for me to do my residency here on the station. I figured with all the people here, what better place to do it. So what kind of adventures have they got you on? Catch any bad guys yet?”

Hannah knew that Sonja had a proficiency for security related tasks, so she naturally assumed the best for her friend.

Sonja shook her head “I can say that it has been a very uneventful time so far. I had to break up some fights in the Promenade and do the regular de-escalation, but other than that it hasn’t been to exciting. Many hours of guarding secured areas from unauthorized entry. Regardless I am glad your here.” She smiled again.

“Well, that’s better than nothing.” Hannah replied in a comforting manner. “We’ve got to get together after a shift sometime and you can tell me everything you’ve been up to, but I really do need to get to my quarters and then report to Medical before I’m late on the first day.”

Sonja looked at the information on Hannah’s PADD and chuckled “This is an easy fix follow me you’re right next to me in fact I ran into your roommate a few days ago when they mistook my shared quarters as hers.” She said with a wink and erupted in laughter from the memories of the event.