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Starbase Bravo: January 2400

The happenings on Starbase Bravo during January 2400.

Mission Description

The happenings on Starbase Bravo during January 2400.

About the Mission

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End Date

6 February 2022

Crash Course

Starbase Bravo: January 2400

After speaking with Ensign Watson, she made her way out onto the promenade heading towards the turbolift that would lead her to the deck where her quarters were located. As Nilah walked looking around in amazement, she then looked down at the padd with the needed navigational points to where to go [...]

5 February 2022

Just Guiding the Way

Starbase Bravo: January 2400

After his run-in with another new ensign, Azir started back on his task of finding a deck officer. As he rounded the corner of the hall he found a young man about his age with padd. Azir figured he might be one of the deck officers for the station. He made his way to him straightening his tunic and [...]

5 February 2022

Blue Thoughts

Starbase Bravo: January 2400

Roars of applause and shouts of encouragement echoed throughout the stadium. The sound rose as the bull rushed passed the muleta, which is the brightly colored bit of cloth that is used as a matador’s cape. Doran moved with ease as he waved the cape. The Bull rushed passed the matador a second [...]

5 February 2022

New Home, New Roommate

Starbase Bravo: January 2400

Nilah had arrived aboard Starbase Bravo and was shown how to get to her quarters by the Deck Officer, she knew she had a roommate which was fine as she was used to it during the Academy. She wondered what she was like, once she entered looking around she hadn’t noticed anyone being here yet. [...]