Part of USS Galaxy: M2: Shall Find No Rest In This Wicked World

Wicked World – Part 4

USS Galaxy
August 2401
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“We’re approaching the edge of Talarian space.”

The trip from Starbase 72 had gone smoothly; if Starfleet had objected to their new routing then they hadn’t bothered to inform them yet. Clara had instructed Ensign Ereth to file a flight plan that was accurate and hopefully that earned her a few brownie points with Starfleet Command.

“Mr. Brex, please thank our Talarian escorts and let them know we’ll handle it from here.”

“Aye, Ma’am.” With a few taps he relayed the message. “They’ve acknowledged and are falling back.”

Clara stood up from her chair, making her way around the tactical arch to the engineering station. It was rare to have the Chief Engineer on the bridge but keeping the modified warp field working properly warranted it. A cadet was next to him, Ramirez if she remembered correctly, and he was clearly feeling out of place.

“Mr. Broheth, is the modified warp field ready to deploy?”

“Yes, sir.” Brother pulled up the new warp field on the console. Three green and blue lines waved around a wire framed outline of the Galaxy in an erratic fashion while numbers danced across the bottom of the screen. She didn’t pretend to understand half of it; all she remembered from her Engineering classes was that, indeed, it was a warp field on the screen in front of her. “Seeing as Cadet Ramirez played a pretty big role in helping us calculate the new warp field dynamics I felt he earned a spot up here with it. Great place to learn.”

The Cadet turned to look at Clara, eyes wide. He also looked utterly terrified. “Thank you for allowing me on the Bridge. It will be an excellent and unprecedented learning experience.”

The timbre of his voice made it clear he had rehearsed that one line over and over again. Consdering Broheth was grinning from ear to ear she had a good idea who told him to practice saying that over and over again. She couldn’t help but smile.

“Thank you for your help Cadet, it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

The young man nodded, slowly turned back to face the console without another word.

“Mr. Erith, drop us out of warp.” The young man nodded, the deck shifting ever so slightly under Clara’s feet as the ship went to sublight speed. “Load the new warp profile into the system, Commander.”

“With pleasure.” It didn’t take long; more of a formality than anything. Broheth had informed her they had to be a sublight for a few moments while he put the new warp field profile into action. “And it’s done. Speeds up up to emergency warp are available.”

Clara nodded, making her way back to her seat. “Excellent. Black Alert.”

The lighting on the bridge dimmed to its lowest level while a warbling klaxon sounded three times; it was both annoyingly loud and disconcerting. Whatever frequency it was made the hair on Clara’s neck stand up. Throughout the ship non essential system powered down one by one; recreation spaces, science labs, empty quarters, seventy five precent of all the replicators on the ship, the list went on and on. Non mission critical staff returned to their quarters to await permission to resume duties. The ship made itself ‘silent’; at least as much as it could while blasting through subspace at warp 9.6.

“All decks and stations report black alert status.” Reported T’Keu.

“Our energy profile has dropped by 88.3% Captain. We’re as quiet as we can be.” Brex tapped a few commands into his console. “If you anything more than that we’ll need to shut down entire decks.”

Clara gave her uniform tunic a tug as she sat down. “No need. Set your planned route Ensign.”

Kellen nodded, brown furrowed as she ran over the course one last time. It was just inside the edge of Cardassian border, following it just beyond Kressari at which point they would peel off and into more open space. It was a tight fit and he had to ride the Cardassian border to avoid getting closer than advised to the Tholians but as long as the sensor nets didn’t pick them up it’d be a smooth ride. “Course loaded and ready. Warp speed available at your command.”


Eight and a half hours had passed in near silence. The plan was working so far; zero response from the Cardassian side of the border despite the fact they were technically violating their space. Brief blips has come across the sensors from the Tholian side but without sending more power the sensor suite up it was impossible to know if they were being followed by them.

“We’re passing Kressari, pulling away from the border and changing our heading to the area Commander Conklin identified.” Ereth casually tapped in the new heading, letting out a small sigh of relief as they peeled away form the Cardassians.

“Warp system holding steady but the coils are running hot, so to speak.”

Clara turned to Broehth. “Any cracks?”

The Bolian shook his head. “Not yet but it won’t take much more before micro fractures start to appear. I still think she’ll get us home, but not much further.”


Clara whipped her head around to Conklin, who had for far been relatively quiet. “That’s not the word I was hoping to hear, Commander.”

Alex’s eyes were focused on his console as he slid his fingers across the screen. “There is a Tholian surveillance satellite 2.4 light years away. That’s close enough to see everything in the systems the away teams could have ended up in. Not to mention seeing us.”

Brex turned to face the Captain. “We aren’t in Tholian territory; they might not see us as a threat.”

T’Keu raised an eyebrow. “As far as we are aware we are not in Tholian territory. Their claims on space and star systems are often illogical and change, particularly in open space away from the Federation.”

Clara cleared her throat. “Then let’s find our crew before the Tholian’s find us. Alex, are we close enough to scan the systems?”

Alex let out a frustrated sigh. “Yes but I’m not picking up anything with a Federation signature.”

“Perhaps they also detected the Tholian surveillance satellite and tried to hide themselves?” Offered Brex.

“That would be logical. Are there any systems with high levels of minerals or rock formations? Such things could block long range sensors.” T’Keu stood, walking over to the science console. “Such a tactic is taught as a first line priority when stranded in hostile territory.”

Alex expanded the sensor sweep, pulling in more power. They were so close he didn’t care much if he made Galaxy a bit more noticeable. “There are two Class M planets in the second star system; both had large rock formations across multiple continents and naturally occurring elements that hamper sensor scans.”

T’keu leaned down, sorting though the scan on the science console without bothering to ask Conklin. “This planet seems like a logical choice; I have identified three separate areas that I would choose if I needed to conceal myself or equipment.”

“I agree Captain. I’m not reading any Federation technology on either planet but if we broadcast an open hail, they’ll hear us.”

T’Keu glanced between Conklin and Myers. “As would any Cardassian and Tholian ships or monitoring satellites. We would reveal our position immediately.”

“With that Tholian surveillance satellite a few light years away I would argue the Tholians see us already.” Brex’s tone, normally one of complete calm, had shifted to concern. “It’s just the Cardassians that would spot us.”

Ereth turned to face the others . “We have to consider the possibility that they aren’t even located in these systems. If we send out a signal and get nothing in return we blow on only chance of rescuing them.”

T’Keu nodded at the Ensign. “Ensign Ereth’s point is sound. We loose all tactical advantages. If the Cardassians spot us, we no longer have the ability to slip past their territory unnoticed on the way back to Federation space.”

“What you all decide to do, do it fast.” Broheth tapped a button on his console causing small timer to appear on the upper left of the view screen; it read 11:03:44 and began counting down. “That’s how long before the codes on the Cardassian sensor net change and no amount of tinkering I do with the warp field will hide us from them. The sooner we do this the more wiggle room we have if the warp engines don’t hold up on the trip home.”

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Clara turned to Lieutenant Brex. “Send a wide band signal across those two planets. Mr. Ereth, if we get so much as a ping from either one I want you to drop the ship out of warp practically in orbit.”

Ereth’s eyes widened. “Ma’am, as ship as large as the Galaxy could cause…”

She held up her hand to stop him. “I’m aware of the risks. I have faith you can do it. Mr. Brex, send the signal.”

Gavarian took a deep breath and pressed the flashing icon on his console. “Here goes nothing.”

For the next few moments he watched the black square on his console, waiting for something to pop up. What seemed like hours, but was in reality just a few minutes, went by before a small pulsating ring appeared. “Got it! Federation emergency distress beacon just kicked on. Third planet of system Beta.”

She didn’t have bother telling Ereth; he quickly tapped in a set of coordinates and the ship jumped to warp 1 for all of a twenty or thirty seconds before it dropped out of warp inside the system. The ship groaned, its bow tipping forward as it was suddenly in the grips of the gravitational field of the planet.

“Come on.” Ereth nudged the RCS thrusters on the bow to halt the ships tilting movement, the parking brakes firing shortly after to counter the pull of the planet. “There you go. Establishing a locked position orbit over the distress signal.”

“Opening channel.” Much like Ereth, Brex didn’t have to be told to do so.

“This is Captain Myers of the Federation starship Galaxy. We are here to launch recovery efforts, please respond.”

Galaxy?!” It was clearly the voice of Dr. V’Rel. “You took your damn time in getting here. Been playing hide and seek with the Tholians for weeks now.”

Clara let out a sigh of relief, as did everyone else on the bridge. “My apologies doctor. It was a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. Are there any casualties or fatalities on the away teams?”

“Commander Demar was injured two days ago. Some big ass bug bit him and it’s venom and his Trill physiology didn’t get along. He’ll be ok if I can get him to Sickbay ASAP. Everyone else is fine. Hungry, dirty, dehydrated, but fine.”

She nodded to Brex. “Excellent doctor. We’ll beam you and Demar to Sickbay and then send down teams to help recover the Runabouts and get everyone back up here.”

“Thank you Captain, V’rel out.”

Commanders Demar and V’rel’s commbadges just came up on sensors along with the rest of the away teams. Beaming the Commanders to Sickbay now.” Brex slide his fingers across the top of the bow. “Transport successful.”

Clara turned to Alex. “Commander Conklin, I need you to gather an away team and…”

A shrill beeping from the tactical console interrupted her. T’Keu quickly walked back over. “Sensors are picking up three Tholian ships on an intercept course. 27 minutes to intercept.”

Time was up.

“Brex, began emergency beam outs of everyone on the surface.”

The Betazoid nodded, fingers working furiously. “Yes ma’am. Unfortunately I’m not able to beam up what remains of the Runabouts; sensor interference is making it difficult. However the commbadges are breaking through the interference isn’t doing the same for our ships or equipment.”

“They likely have a local damping field that enhances the minerals natural damping abilities. I suggest using photon torpedoes set to a level 1 yield to destroy the equipment and runabouts; I can triangulate a likely strike areas based on the sensor stat from the beam outs.”

Normally Clara wasn’t a huge fan of T’Keu turning to torpedoes for everything but in this case, it was surpassingly logical.

“Are our people out Mr. Brex?”

“The last group has been beamed up.”

She turned to T’Keu. “Fire.”

With a sharp trill from the tactical console, three bright red photon torpedoes burst from the launcher. They maintained a tight pattern as they streaked toward the surface before slamming into the surface in a brilliant explosion.

“I am unable to fully confirm destruction of the Runabouts but there a high likelihood of success.” Another series of shrill beeps sounded from T’Keu’s console. “Two squads of Cardassian warships have appeared on sensors. They are still on their side of the border but they are heading towards the system.”

“Red Alert. All hands to battle stations!”

With Clara’s command, the bridge lights shifted to a blood red; obnoxious klaxon wailing. The systems that had previously been powered down to aid in concealing the ship for enemy sensors rapidly came online as personnel emerged from their quarters to take up their stations. The cover had been blown; nothing to do now but run as fast as possible.

“Get us out of here Ensign. Plot a course back to Talarian space. Keep us as far away from the Tholians as you can while avoiding Cardassian space. Let’s not poke the bear anymore than we already have. Take us straight to emergency warp speeds and yes I am aware we are still in the solar system” Clara sat in her chair, crossing her legs. “Punch it Mr. Ereth.”

The massive ship tilted up as it broke orbit, its Conn officer taking a few seconds to try and put a little distance between his ship and the planet it orbited.  With a groan heard only by those in the hull closest to the warp nacelle the Galaxy’s nacelles began to glow blue, the intensity going high and higher until the ship leapt to warp almost faster than the naked eye could perceive.

[Eight hours and 57 minutes later]

The ship rocked back and forth slightly, her hull groaning, as another console in the pit emitted a shower of sparks as it died. They had crossed the 12 hour limit on the emergency speeds hours ago; the ship was finally starting to file complaints about it.

“We need to drop to out of warp soon Captain. We can’t maintain this velocity for more than another 30 minutes.” Broheth gripped the hand rail next to his console as the ship shook again. “If you can’t drop out of warp then no faster then warp 3.”

That wasn’t an option. Tholains to the right of the them, Cardassians to the right. They’d gotten lucky when after they jumped to warp. One of the Cardassian squadrons maintained their heading to the system they had left but the other squad had broken off and chased after Galaxy. Thankfully they had a head start and Galaxy could go warp .5 faster but the luck was running out. The Tholians gave chase as well, quickly matching the ships speed, but she had a sneaking suspicion that they had little appetite for conflict; their xenophobic tendencies outweighing their drive to protect their borders in this instance. They hadn’t ever left their stated territory so hopefully they were just making sure Galaxy was running back home. Even if the Cardassians were the only ones to challenge the Galaxy it would still be three against one; odds that even a Galaxy Class ship would not overcome easily.

“How long to the Talarian border Ensign Ereth?”

“Six minutes.”

Threading the needle yet again. The story of her life these last few months.

“Talarian border control is not answering any hails, Captain.” Brex looked at the screen perplexed. “The signal is getting though as best as I can tell.”

“Our speed is interfering with sensor scans but I do see ships near the border.” T’Keu had been monitoring sensors; Conklin had gone down hours ago to speak with the away team and check on Commander Demar.

“The second we cross the border we drop out of warp. With luck the Cardassians and Tholians won’t invite open conflict.”

“Crossing the border now. Decelerating to sublight speeds.”

She practically felt the ship breathe a sigh of relief as it slowed; happy to no longer be pushed to its limits.

“The Tholians are breaking off and staying on their side of the border.” T’Keu cocked her head to the side. “The Cardassians are slowing but still on an intercept course.”

“Any sign of the Talarians?” Clara tapped her fingers on the chair. Something was off.

“I am reading three Talarian warships.” She cocked an eyebrow. “And two Federation starships; the USS Resnik and USS Horsehead. They are approaching at high warp.”

Clara closed her eyes. She knew what coming. “And the Cardassians?”

“They have dropped out of warp and are holding position at the Cardassian/Talarian border. I am detecting an active comm signal between the lead warship and the Resnik.”

“I see.”

The view screen lit up as the 5 ships dropped out of the warp; the Gagarin and Nebula class ships taking the lead.

Brex let out a small whistle. “That’s a heck of a welcoming committee; guess they thought we needed backup with all those ships on our tail.”

“Something like that.” Muttered Clara. Nobody heard it but her.

If she was correct it would only be a few more moments before the main event kicked off.

She was, indeed, correct.

Consoles across the bridge started trilling as the Starfleet emblem appeared on each one, locking its user out.

“I’ve been locked out.”

“So have I. Helm is offline but the computer is keeping the ship at station keeping.”

“I have lost all tactical control.”

Clara stood, smoothing her uniform as she did so. “I want all of you to know it has been an honor to serve with you. You have demonstrated the best of Starfleet and I can only ask that you remain that shining beacon of hope; the galaxy needs it now more than ever.”

The staff exchanged glances that ranged from confusion to dread except in the case of Cadet Ramirez who just looked frightened and also deeply lost.

The ships intercom came to life with a whistle. “This is Captain Aakon Keacen of the Federation starship Resnik. All USS Galaxy crew is to remain at the current location until told otherwise. All systems have been locked out. Security teams from my ship and the USS Horsehead will begin beaming over in moments. All instructions given by them are to be followed to the letter. Keacen out.”

Within moments the wine of transporter filled the bridge as Keacen and a heavily armed security team materialized.

Keacen was young, probably mid to late 30’s, good looking and likely a Frontier Day baby. 10 or 20 years ago he’d be XO on a Steamrunner or Intrepid for a decade or so before nabbing a small frigate. These days he’d been vaulted to a Gagarin with barely any time in the XO chair. She had no doubts he was competent but it was another reminder that era of Starfleet she knew was long over.

“This is definitely bigger than I thought it would be.” He looked around the bridge. “At least it has carpet.” he rubbed the heel of his shoe across the carpet, almost amused by it.

He took a few steps forward, closing the distance better him and Myers. “Are you Captain Clara Myers, commanding officer of the USS Galaxy?


“Thank you Captain. By order of Starfleet Command you are charged with dereliction of duty, colluding with a foreign power, filing false reports, misuse of Starfleet property, namely USS Galaxy, lying to superior officers and espionage. Do you understand these charges?

She nodded. Time was up. It didn’t matter. Her crew was safe.

“I do, Captain.”

“Very well. Captain Clara Myers, I herby remove you from command of the USS Galaxy and place you under arrest by order of the Starfleet Judge Advocate General.”

The fragile house of cards she had built over the last few months in her effort to rescue her crew had finally come tumbling down.