First Officers Log:
Having stolen a Starfleet vessel, namely the USS Jaxartes and entered a restricted area of space in order to firstly rescue commander Salan; myself and five other officers along with Doctor Andrianakis, have probably already violated several Federation laws, which may result in the ends of our careers. Assuming we ever get out of this alive! The Commander wasn’t pleased with my actions to save him from certain death onboard a Devore warship, whilst we were stuck in Underspace. I hate to think how he will react to this rescue, once he comes round. Well he does regard me as impulsive, so guess the Commanders opinion of me, won’t really change.
Our plans to head for the planet Vashran have been superseded by a dramatic and unexpected development; a planet emerging from within Harpers Rift. From the few things we already know about the rift, there is only one place that planet could have come from, and only one purpose for its arrival.
Countless stories and legends tell of how the universe was created, and just as many describe the nature of its demise. Never before have I felt so close to believing ‘this may be it’. But if this Helgeshran thinks we’re going to roll over and give up, he’s going to be in for a massive shock.
<End Log>
Lieutenant Jason Devron placed the Padd he’d just been looking through as he dictated the latest log entry; down on the desk and stood up, taking a long hard look out of the viewport at the stars streaking past. They’d be soon reaching the mysterious gas anomaly known was Harpers Rift. They’d been here once before and ended up getting sucked into Underspace; which was how their run in with the Devore had occurred. Neither of those things would happen this time round. However the arrival of this planet was certainly not what he’d envisaged.
Ensign Tholakath interrupted his train of thought with a message requesting his presence on the Bridge. When Jason entered a moment later, he asked the Cardassian Tactical Officer what he had to report.
“I’m picking up a small civilian vessel in close proximity to the rift.” Tholakath replied. “Its size and all the interference meant I was unable to detect it before.”
“Do we know what ship it is?” Devron enquired.
“The SRV James Binney was reported as doing a survey of the rift; until we get closer I can not 100% confirm it’s her.” The Cardassian answered.
“What do we know about the ship?”
It was Ensign Harris who’d done a search for any information on the ship they would soon be closing in on. “The Scientific Research Vessel James Binney, NAR 40055. Launch 17th October 2401; with twelve scientists as crew. It’s the prototype of an as yet unnamed class.” Harris paused. “Oh this is interesting!”
“Go on!” The Lieutenant encouraged.
“It’s regarded as a larger and more refined replacement for the civilian version of the Raven class.” Harris concluded.
“I guess we’re going to be paying big sis a visit.” Smiled Lieutenant Stuart.
It was another two hours before they got close enough to have a good look at the ship and confirm it was the SRV James Binney. At 118 metres in length, the vessel did indeed look like and enlarged version of their own ship. The most noticeable differences other than the size; were the higher position of the warp nacelles, in line with deck two and the general downward curve of the back. There was also a pair of large hatches in the upper hull; which Ensign Harris revealed were from the rapid installation and removal of mission specific equipment.
Ensign Cho had tried several attempts on all frequencies to make contact with the ship, and eventually got a response; but something seemed wrong with the incoming transmission. “Sir I’ve managed to raise the Binney, but I’m getting a repeating signal imbedded within the main one.”
“Do you have any idea what this second signal is?” Devron asked her.
The young Korean woman made a few adjustments, separating the two signals. “It’s a text data burst. Warning ship’s crew compromised.”
“Well do we trust whoever is sending that message?” Devron looked around the Bridge gauging the reaction of those around him.
“Sir, whoever sent the data would have to be operating their communications system.” Cho informed him. “However they are expect…expect.”
“Ensign is everything alright?” Devron asked with concern.
The Communications Officer didn’t seem to hear him as she tapped away at her controls, broadcasting the message over the ships speakers; a message that she joined in with. “All hail the Helgeshran, he of the light. For his time is now.”
As Ensign Cho and the many unseen voices aboard the other vessel; repeated the message for a second time, Ensign Harris also joined in the chant. Lieutenant Devron caught a hint of movement behind him. A beam of light lance past him; it struck the upper section of communications console. Part of which exploded, instantly cutting off the transmission. Cho jumped out of her seat, confused and in panic, not fully comprehending what had just happened to her or why Ensign Tholakath had just fired his phaser at her equipment. Harris also stunned, never the less grabbed her and pulled Cho out the way as Lieutenant Stuart aimed a fire extinguisher at the flames.
Harris sat the shaking Cho down in the Science seat. “I’m sorry sir.” She blurted. “I just don’t know what happened.”
Jason couldn’t be angry with the young woman and saw she was distressed by the ordeal, even if it had been brief. He was about to tap his combadge and contact the doctor, when she arrived on the Bridge. He waited whilst Andrianakis checked on the Ensign before saying anything. By this point the fire was out; but from the look of things they wouldn’t be communicating with anyone else for a while.
Devron cleared his throat. “Any idea what just happened doc?”
“Hypnotic suggestion.” Andrianakis answered. “A very powerful one at that.”
“Why didn’t it affect all of us?” Lieutenant Stuart commented.
“It would affect individuals or various races at different rates. You would have all succumbed eventually, Tholakath probably last.”
The Cardassian smiled briefly at the thought of his mental abilities being the stronger of those on the bridge, but it was little comfort after witnessing what had happened to his friends. “Does that mean those on board the other ship are under this things control?”
“Apart from whomever it was that sent the message.” Cho added. “They did try to warn us. Someone might be watching them. Which was could be why it was an audio warning.”
Aiden Scott was been watched; watched by no less than five fellow scientists all under the collective control of some entity going by the name of Helgeshran. How it had taken control of them, he wasn’t sure. If it had been done using the same method they instructed him to use; someone amongst this crew had a communication device that had bypassed the ships main one. But if that was the case, why hadn’t they used it to contact the Starfleet vessel?
All he did know; was that communication had been abruptly severed. He only hoped it had not been too late. Aiden hadn’t been affected himself, because of the way he heard sounds via his electronic implants. But he was one against he assumed everyone else aboard the James Binney. Looking around the bridge smiling at the emotionless figures stood around him. “It’s gone rather quiet!”
They did not respond, it was almost as if they were awaiting further instructions. He couldn’t decide which was worse, the chanting or the eerie silence. Even the subtle tones of controls in the background seemed mute, as if they didn’t want to disturb the peace.
Aiden looked across at the progress of the slowly emerging planet; it was just over a quarter of the way out of the cloud. It looked smaller than Earth, but then the swirling mass of Harper Rift didn’t lend itself to giving a true grasp of scale, so in part he was only guessing. He could see large areas of green, possible massive forests or sweeping grass plains; but the majority of the planets land surface appeared rocky and mountainous. Unlike Earth with it huge Oceans covering around 71% of its surface; from what he could view this planet looked closer to an even 50-50 split.
Five minutes and they hadn’t moved. He yelled at them, jumped up and down, kicked one in the shin; no response what so ever. He’d have exited the bridge area, if it wasn’t for two of these inanimate immoveable scientists blocking it. Then one sprang into action, slowly sitting down in the pilot’s seat and began bringing the engines to life.
“Now what are you playing at?”