Part of Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

Sorry, Wrong Door

Intelligence Section, Starbase Bravo
January 2402
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Ensign Valeriy Borisivich Makarov was taking a walk after he had concluded his duties for the day. This was a pastime where he did his best thinking, and thinking he was. He had finally had the time to listen to the Vulcan physicist, Sturek’s, lecture in his quarters and it had raised some interesting ideas and reworking of some parts of Astro and quantum physical theory.

Unfortunately for Makarov, the downside to his thoughtful strolls was that he only paid the barest attention to where he was going. He soon found himself in a quieter area of the starbase, not that he’d notice. He would continue to not notice until he heard what sounded like someone trying to get his attention begin to intrude through the barrier of his musings.

Davidson had been working on reports and classifying them per the needed requirements. It had been a slog but she was getting rather proficient at it. It wasn’t what she expected she would be doing but currently it was what was needed. She looked up from her console and saw an Ensign wondering into the restricted area. He seemed to be in his own little world.

She stood up and walked over yelling to try and get his attention. “Your not supposed to be here, this is a restricted area and you are not authorized to be here.”

Makarov blinked owlishly at the young lieutenant bearing down on him with a stern expression.

“Hmmmm?”, Makarov gave a distracted greeting as the world swam back into focus.

“You are not authorized to be in this location, Ensign. What are you doing here?”

“Oh! Oh, no. I-I-I am really sorry, sir! I was j-just going over some arguments against some, some, some equations th-that Sturek gave during his lec- and I’m doing it again and you don’t care.”, Makarav gave a pained smile of abashed self-deprecation and looked at his feet.

Davidson raised an eyebrow at the odd Ensign who seemed to be incredibly flustered. “Look by no means are you in trouble, but you can’t just wander anywhere. If I wanted to I could report you for this, but as I can see you had other things on your mind. I can just let this one go.”

She stopped for a second observing the Ensign “Are you new to the station? Most people know not to wonder past certain points of the station and this is one of those areas where unless your asked to report here you don’t want to just wander in here.” she said trying to be kind, yet to make sure the Ensign understood.

Makarov managed to somehow flush even more scarlet and said in clear embarrassment.

“I, uh, just arrived, uh, yesterday.”, Makarov cleared his throat uncomfortably and continued, “Ensign Valeriy Borisivich Makarov, Astrophysics. I really am sorry, sir. I tend to walk when I think on various things and I don’t know the station well enough yet to be on, uh, autopilot yet I suppose.”

Ensign Makarov felt like he’d rather be wrestling a Horta then standing there at this very moment.

Davidson nodded “Well, walking is healthy and I encourage you to continue with such a great past time, but I urge you to begin to pay attention to where you’re going. While I am understanding some of my colleagues are not and I don’t want to see you get in trouble on your first week.”

She looked him in the eye “I am sure you are going to do amazing things. Who knows you might have to work with us, but for now I’d watch where I was going.”

Not the first time one has heard that bit of advice, Makarov thought to himself while saying out loud, “Yes, sir.”

Makarov puffed out his cheeks with a “why me?” look on his face before remembering himself. “May I ask your name, sir?”, Makarov’s Russian accent gave an oddly musical quality to the question.

”Oh I’m Lieutenant Ashlyn Davidson, Intelligence officer for the Starbase.”

“Intelligence?”, Makarov said in a startled tone and his eyes widened as he realized just how restricted an area he had wandered into. “What does a Starfleet Intelligence officer do all the way out here?”

She shook her head “If I told you that I’d have to throw you out of an airlock.” She smirked before motioning to the door. “Let’s get you back to unrestricted territory shall we?”

Makarov blinked rapidly and said, “It’s better than a forced expulsion from an airlock, sir.”

Makarov then gave a shy smile and made a whimsical sort of shrugging motion before turning in a random direction and pointing ,”Thhhhaaaat waaayyyy?”, drawing out the query as he was unsure of the direction he had even come from.

Davidson could not help but chuckle “Not that way…thiiiiiiiiiis waaaaaaaaay.” She smirked and shook her head something about this Ensign made her feel carefree to act silly if no one was around.

Makarov coughed an embarrassed laugh and noticed that the pretty, blonde lieutenant had a nice smile and a sense of humor. He didnt really feel mocked by her little rejoinder and Makarov found that comforting. Trying to shake the thoughts off, Makarov didn’t quite succeed.

“How long have you, uh, been on the station?”, Makarov asked.

Davidson paused for a moment “I just arrived a few days ago, but I am fairly good at my sense of direction.” She continued walking with the Ensign to the unrestricted areas of the station. She stopped at the doorway that clearly denoted the restricted area. “Just watch for these in the future and I am sure you will have no problems.” She smiled at him friendly trying to make sure he felt ok about the awkward encounter.

“Yes, sir and once again, I am sorry.”, Makarov smiled back a bit shyly and began to move off.

Davison smiled “Wait a second.” She said walking over to him and slipping him a note. The note explained where to go if you want the best liquor on the station.

Looking at the note, Makarov cocked his head. He didn’t drink much, but no self respecting Russian wouldn’t at least see what the vodka selection was like, he mused.

“Uhh, thank you, sir. I hope to see you again.”, Makarov’s smile turned to a horrified expression, “I didn’t mean-I mean-uh, sorry I…good day, sir.” Makarov started off, realized he was going the wrong way and then turned and began to beat an expeditious retreat away from the Intelligence section.

Davidson shook her head at the Ensign. He was unique to say the least and his reaction to her note told her that he was like most guys. They thought she was attractive but he was polite about it. Maybe she would see what happened. He was an Ensign, but for some reason he interested her even if she couldn’t fully admit it.

Makarov felt he had been either rude or strange to the lieutenant, probably both. He had been extra awkward around women lately and he was already awkward around them. First the pretty, purple haired security officer and now the pretty, blonde haired intelligence officer. It wasn’t so much that girls didn’t interest him as much as his few forays into that arena had been disastrous, and now he had the subatomic particle project given to him from Lt. Cmdr. Johnson. Makarov was feeling overwhelmed but he couldn’t just leave sounding like a babbling idiot. He turned.

“Ummm…sir, I uh…”, the lieutenant’s face turned back towards him and he noticed how really attractive she was and froze, then managed to stammer out, “I-I am really not so strange, I, uhhh, I’m sorry, I uhhh…see you around, sir.”, Makarov moved his hands around uncertainly and then inexplicably pointed towards the direction he was traveling and said a crestfallen, “Uh, yeah.”, and left….quickly.