Starbase Bravo

Process Not Perfection

It's about rehabilitation

Mission Description

At the dawn of January 2402, the escaped prisoners from the transport ship Tharazad have been wrangled into Starbase Bravo’s brig by security officers.  Investigation and punishment are not the orders of this day.  Rather, the hearts and minds of SBB have turned to rehabilitation.

The start of a new year signals a time of renewal, starting fresh on a new path.  While 2401’s challenges of the Dominion, the Borg, the Klingons and the Cardassians have not been forgotten, Starbase Bravo has returned to business as usual, offering its officers permission to stretch in new directions and dream about what else is possible.


Current events:

– The escaped prisoners are only days away from being delivered to the rehabilitation facility on nearby Tellun.  Any officer with medical training is encouraged to tend to their wounds – be they physical, mental or metaphysical– before they are sent on their way.

– The Sun Bloom festival of Betazed is being celebrated on the Promenade.  All hands are on deck to make the event a success and bring the wide and varied community aboard SBB together in the spirit of friendship and starting fresh.

– While the Sun Bloom festival has brought many partygoers and celebrators from the Betazoid colony on Mellstoxx III, it has also brought peaceful protestors to the Promenade. When debris was tumbling out of Underspace in orbit of Mellstoxx III, a holy site was destroyed by the remnants of a spacecraft’s fuselage.  The second orb of Choiza was destroyed.  In the time since, discontent has brewed among the Betazoid community.  The protesters are voicing concerns over Starfleet’s influence and policies impacting their colony home.  They believe that Starfleet didn’t do enough to protect the site, and there’s a growing vocal minority who claim that other artifacts were removed from the site with the space junk.  Officers from every division are empowered to engage diplomatically with the Betazoid protesters to understand and address their grievances.



Process Not Perfection In-Play

This is a mission about rehabilitation.

While this theme is inspired by the fallout of The Devil to Pay campaign, it’s an opportunity to investigate, reveal and explore your characters in greater depth. As you reflect on the theme of rehabilitation, consider opportunities for your character to experience.

– The slower recovery required of physical or mental health injuries that can’t be wiped away in thirty seconds by a dermal regenerator

– Repairing a fractured relationship with an ex-lover, a distant friend, an annoying co-worker, or an estranged family member

– Course-correcting stagnation in their career

– Making amends for a mistake they’ve made

– Reigniting a forgotten passion

– Reconnecting with a greater purpose

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

25 March 2025

Conundrum II

Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

A few hours later and Cam’s ship looked like it had been turned inside out. Pretty much all maintenance panels had been removed. Wiring and tubing were birthing from the vessel, making it look like some mechanized octopus. Vee, dressed in her engineering coveralls, looked even more dirty and [...]

25 March 2025

Conundrum I

Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

Lieutenant Junior Grade Cam Solari felt a chill run through him as the sensors on his Apsara-class fighter lit up again. Sunshine was leaking—or at least, that’s what the readouts said. The screens flashed with warnings, yet when he glanced out the cockpit, there was nothing to see. No vapor [...]

21 March 2025

Concerns - Part III

Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

It had been a week since Yajat’s appointment with Counselor Jinean. And, although the nightmares have massively decreased in terms of frequency, they haven’t been stopped completely and their intensity still remains the same. His stargazing sessions still occur every night and, despite [...]

20 March 2025

Flashback - IP Scandal

Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

Personal Log, 2nd March 2411. Begin log. I just keep thinking back to the day I was falsely framed for meddling with Academy examination schemes to benefit myself. That day started out like a regular day, then became hell, but somehow had a happy ending for me. Begin Flashback It was the 5th of [...]