Part of USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

Trials of Fire Part 2

Captain's Mess
February 3, 2375 @19:30
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Riandri stood near the transporter controls as she fidgeted with the collar of her dress uniform. She understood why they were needed but had never overly cared for it. As she finished straightening it she couldn’t help but feel that her hair was not out of place. “Every damn time,” she cursed to herself. She turned and went to the wall panel behind her before she flicked it off so she could make out a somewhat adequate reflection of herself. As she started to adjust her hair the door to the transporter room opened and Commander Jeter stepped inside and gave her a slight nod.

“You know Commander, most people fuss with their hair before they come to the transporter room to meet the visiting Captains and the like,” he remarked with a smile.

Riandri scoffed and turned away from the panel before stepping towards the transporter. “What brings you here?”

“Ah, well I figured I would relive my old days as a petty officer and beam them over so you can lead them to the Captain’s mess.”

“Hmm, if that gets you up in the morning Commander,” Riandri said with a smirk. “Ready whenever you are.”

Jeter let out a laugh as he stepped up to the controls. “Perfect timing, the other ships have just signalled, they are ready for transport.”

“No time like the present. Energize.”

Without a word, she heard the transporter come to life as four forms shimmered into existence before her. As they materialized, she stepped forward and addressed the senior officers of the other vessels, “Welcome to the Denver Captain Anderson and Captain T’Mir.” She turned slightly and looked towards their XOs, a Denobulan and Human woman respectively, “Commander Anari and Johanson. I am Commander Riandri Nalam, the executive officer for Captain Talon.”

“Thank you Commander Nalam, it is a pleasure to be here. I have a bit of a soft spot for a Nebula,” Captain Anderson said with a nod.

“Please extend my thanks to your crew Commander, I look forward to getting a chance to speak to both you and your Captain,” T’Mir said with the typical Vulcan tone. Both the XOs nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything.

Riandri turned quickly to Jeter to catch a slight grin on his face, “Thank you for transporting our guest over Commander Jeter.”

“My pleasure,” he said before he turned to leave. He paused and looked back at the quests, “I hope you enjoy your meal, the Denver is a great vessel.” With that he left the room.

Riandri watched Jeter leave for a moment before she turned back to the others. “If you will follow me I will escort you to the Captan’s mess. It is not far.”

Captain Anderson just nodded at that but T’Mir spoke, “That would be prudent Commander, there is much to discuss with the upcoming attack on P’Jem.”

“You are correct on that point Captain,” Riandri remarked as she led them through the corridor. As they make their way through the ship Anari and Johanson discuss quietly amongst themselves at the rear of the group.

“The Denver is looking to be in pretty good shape given all the battles she has been in since the outbreak of the war,” Anderson mentioned idly.

“The engineering team has done excellent work. They should be commended,” T’Mir said in agreement.

Riandri smiled, “We had extensive repairs in Sol and again here but I would agree that our Engineering teams have done exceptional work. I will make sure to pass on your comments to them.”

“Please do,” T’Mir said. “Credit should always be acknowledged when it is due.”

Riandri smiled at that before she made the last turn and stopped before a large door, “We are here.” With that, she tapped the door control.

The door slid open and Riandri led their guests into the Captain’s mess. “Captain Talon, may I present Captain Anderson, Captain T’Mir and their XOs, Commander Anari and Johanson.”

“Mike,” Rebecca greeted and launched herself out of her seat, circled the dining table, and wrapped her arms around him. “It’s been too long.”

Mike grinned, relief washing over his face, and returned the hug, patting her back. “It has.”

Rebecca pulled back, smiling warmly. The memories of the past were still there, but she was choosing to cling to the present, and Mike had become practically family since her mother’s death. He was the one who sponsored her for the academy eight years after her mother had been killed.

She turned to T’Mir and extended her hand. “Captain, it’s an honor to meet you in person. Welcome aboard.”

T’Mir looked at the hand momentarily and took it with a firm grip, “Thank you, Captain. You have a well-organized ship from the little bit I have seen.” She glanced at the table and the selection of food, several Vulcan delicacies on it.

Riandri watched the captains for a moment and turned to the XOs, “It is good to meet both of you. Is there anything I can get either of you? We have fresh coffee, not replicated if you would like.”

At the mention of that Johanson’s eyes widened, “Ow, that would be nice. We only got back here a few days ago and haven’t been able to restock the luxury items yet. I am hoping to get some in the next day to so.”

Anari let out a little laugh, “I will never say no to a good cup of coffee…assuming it is brewed well that is…”

“There is no bad coffee allowed on this ship,” Rebecca quipped.  “It’s a standing order.”

Riandr and the other XOs all let out a little laugh at that, “She isn’t lying. She actually issued the order though I am not sure how it can be enforced beyond ensuring that we have actual coffee on board.”

She stepped over, poured three cups, and handed them to the other XOs, “I’ll let you make it up the way you like.”

T’Mir looked over at the three commanders and raised her eyebrow as only a Vulcan could do, “I will try some as well. I never partook of it when I was on Earth.”

Riandri nodded, “Captain Talon, Captain Anderson, would either of you like a cup?”

“Black please,” Anderson said with a quick glance in her direction before returning to the conversation with T’Mir and Rebecca. “So, I trust you both have been well and I would love to catch up properly but we have pressing matters to discuss. What is our plan exactly?”

Riandri, Anari and Johanson without a glance took that as their queue to sit down.

The doors parted, and Milo entered, his eyes darting around the room. He had a fish-out-of-water look about him. Absently, he tugged at the bottom of his crisp dress uniform, which still carried that faint new replicator scent. “Captain, our plan is to be alive at the end of this, and the Dominion not.”

Rebecca shook her head, hiding a smirk. “Everyone, meet Lt. Commander Milo Talon, my husband.”

Anderson stood and extended a hand. “So, you’re the one Becca has said so much about.”

Milo took Anderson’s hand in a firm shake, giving the captain an appreciative nod. “I reckon she has, and if it’s anything good, they’re likely all lies.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes and waved him toward a chair. “Oh, hush, Milo, and sit down. You can do your butt sniffing and territory marking on your own time.”

Mike burst out laughing as he returned to his seat, leaving the non-humans at the table staring in varying degrees of confusion. T’Mir tilted her head arching an eyebrow. The others exchanged uncertain glances, baffled by the humans.

Riandri shook her head and leaned over to Anari, “I’ll explain later.”

Anderson and T’Mir took their seats across from their XOs and eyed up the food on the table. Anderson looked over at Milo and smirked, “While I do like the overall plan of stay alive, shall we expand on that a bit?”

T’Mir nodded in agreement, “It would prudent to have a more tactically minded plan laidout that uses the advantages of each of our vessels to the best of their ability.”

Further discussions were forestalled as a pair of crewmen entered, each carrying a steaming tray piled high with delicacies from Earth, Denobula, and Vulcan. The aroma filled the room. Despite the seriousness of the discussions, hungry smiles filled the room.

“Now this is a way to take the edge off,” he muttered, eyeing the array of food with appreciation.

T’Mir remained composed, her attention never straying from the mission at hand. However, even she couldn’t deny the small change in the atmosphere as the meal was laid out before them. She nodded approvingly, though her expression remained stoic.  There was a rise of an eyebrow at the lack of plomeek soup. It was always served in situations like this to the point of being cliché.

As the crewmen set the trays down, a third entered with a decanter of electric blue Romulan Ale. The once illegal and ubiquitous drink shared by Starfleet officers for generations legal with the fall of the Empire and the Federation’s alliance with the Romulan Republic.  The crewmen poured the liquid into glasses, its vibrant color almost glowing.

Milo grinned. “Steak and Romulan Ale?  Now, you are calling to this old cowboy’s heart.”

“Keep eating like that dear,” Rebecca said patting him on the thigh,  “And you won’t have an ‘old heart’ for much longer.”

A round of laughter went up from the table as the light-hearted conversation and meal continued before diving into the more pressing matter: their plan for their formation. The next couple of hours passed as all six of the officers discussed the role their ships had to play and how what they could expect from the Dominion before they reached the consensus that they would need to think quickly on their feet and adapt.

At last Rebecca set he glass down, the effects of the alcohol causing her head to swim.  She blinked to clear her thoughts and spoke at last, “Ladies and gentlemen,  it is late.  I think it’s time we call it a night. Commander Nalam are you up to escorting our guests to the transporter room?”

Riandri smiled as she stood from here chair, “It would be pleasure.” As she did the others, all agreeing it was getting late and work needed to be done.

Standing with the others Rebecca hugged Mike and gave him a peck on the cheek.  “We’ve come a long way my friend.”

“Indeed we have.  The Missouri was a long time ago, but it still feels like yesterday.”

Rebecca stared at her feet and nodded her head. With a forced smile she met his eyes, “Be safe out there.”

“You too Becca.”

She bid farewell to the others hoping this wouldn’t be the last time she would get to meet them, but this was war, and war did not discriminate.

Riandri led the guests back to the transporter room without much conversation as everyone had their thoughts on the battle to come. Dismissing the young transporter chief she stepped up to the console as everyone stepped onto the pad.

“It was a pleasure to meet all of you tonight, I look forward to more evenings like that,” she said as she readied the transporter and notified their ships.

“It was a pleasant and productive evening,” T’Mir agreed.

“We will definitely do this again once its all over,” Anderson said with a smile while the two XOs just smiled in agreement. Riandri smiled back sensing that both Anari and Johanson could be people she could see becoming good friends.

With that activated the transporter, “Energize.”