Part of Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

The Physicist and the Free Spirit

Security Office, Promenade
January 2402
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As Ensign Valeriy Borisevich Makarov looked around the bustling station known as Starbase Bravo, he struggled to get his bearings. He knew he was supposed to report to Security to get his clearances but needed to find out where he needed to go. A Guardian-class station was a small city in it’s own right and it seemed to be a busy sort of place. 

Pleading pardons from a crewman that almost bowled HIM over, Makarov realized that maybe the middle of a main traffic corridor wasn’t the best place to be standing and stepped off to the side. After clarifying directions with the station’s computer, Makarov took a breath and merged with the corridor’s traffic.

Fifteen minutes, three wrong turns and an unfortunate incident where he managed to bump into a lieutenant commander and spill both cups of coffee she was carrying onto her uniform later, Makarov was in front of what he hoped was the door leading into the primary Security Office for the station. It was off the Promenade which had been even more busy and alive then the main corridor where his journey had started. Stores and restaurants had threatened to side track him several times.

He was still carrying his bags and it belatedly occurred to him he probably could’ve at least found his quarters first but he had been told reporting to Security was important and why did he always get distracted, he really needed to listen to that recording of Sturek’s lecture but he was hungry and probably should eat first bef-.

Makarov shook himself and told himself to focus. He was a Starfleet Officer as well as a scientist, let’s try to act like it. At least a little. Makarov squared his shoulders and entered the office.

Thompson had been working through reports and checking that her patrol officers were doing the job that was needed. She sat at her desk looking through reports seeing that things had been somewhat calm, which was a good thing, but she never took that for granted. She looked up just to see that all familiar look of a rookie coming into the office looking lost.

She waved to get his attention and had him come over to her desk. She smiled and stood up “You look like you are lost Ensign how can I help you today?”

Makarov saw the movement from the corner of his eye and approached a smallish, slightly built woman with lieutenant junior grade pips on her uniform. He noticed she was quite attractive then felt the blood rush to his face and hoped he wasn’t staring. He looked down at the ground, the ceiling, the bulkhead, anywhere but the security officer seated in front of him. Had he been staring? Makarov took a focusing breath and stammered out, “I-I was t-told to report here for my, uh, security clearances.”

Thompson nodded “Well I can help you with that. If you take a seat we can get that sorted in just a few minutes. Do you know who you will be reporting too? And what will be the job you will start out with?”

“Ummm, whoever the head of Astrophysics is, I can’t, uhhh, can’t remember the name, uhh, sir. I am a physicist. Astrophysicist. Uhhh..and quantum too. I do physics, sir.”, Makarov clamped his mouth shut as he realized he was starting to babble.

Thompson tried not to laugh at the awkward actions, but she just smiled. “No need if your not sure we can get you the proper clearances. Can I have your ID so I can add you to the system?” She said as she grabbed the PADD beside her and opened it to the proper screen.

Nodding, Makarov fumbled around in his pockets until producing the requested identification card and offered it to the purple-haired officer.

She nodded and took the card seeing the name. “Welcome to Starbase Bravo Ensign Makarov. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Sonja Thompson, the current patrol shift leader.” She stated as she began to add him into the system for his clearances and the ability to get where he needed to be. In mere minutes she had it all set up from all her previous ensigns she had gotten quite good at the ordeal.

“The information should be on your PADD is you need it but your clearances have been provided. I even added a list of good places to visit as a newbie to the station. Give it a month and you will know where you need to be and every other area in this place that you can access.”

Makarov blinked owlishly at the unexpected kindness. He asked almost shyly, “Are you pretty new here too, sir?”

She smirked “No, this has been my post for about two years now, but I love the station, though at first I didn’t think I would. I sometimes like to cause mischief. My hair color was not accepted at first, but now they have just accepted it.” She laughed. “Is there anything else you need help with Ensign?”

“Umm, no…uhh…no, sir, uhhhh, thank you.”

One of Makarov’s bags chose that moment to start to slip off his shoulder, causing him to scramble to keep it in place in turn almost causing him to drop his other bag that he was holding in his hand. With more scrambling and almost falling down with a startled, “Blyat!” escaping his lips, Makarov was able to regain his balance. Realizing he had just sworn in Russian, he clapped a hand over his mouth like a little kid. Red faced he dropped his hand and murmured, “Excuse me, sir”, and rushed out of the office with the tatters of his dignity trailing behind him.

Thompson shook her head and looked at the desk seeing he left his id. She quickly walked out to see if she could find him. She spotted him stumbling and quickly caught up with him. “Excuse me Ensign, you left this on my desk. I think you might need it. Also do you want some help getting to your quarters?” She asked seeing his struggle.

Makarov turned with a deer in the headlights look, as the ancient saying goes, as the purple haired security officer approached him proffering his ID card. Struggling to get the words out Makarov suddenly had an idle thought of his friends from Starfleet and their reactions to him in this situation. Badger would be desperately trying not to laugh, Nikkira would be covering her mouth to stifle a giggle and P’nala would be rubbing her face in amused exasperation.

They thought he didn’t notice that kind of thing but he did. It didn’t bother him though. He actually understood. They always tried to help him and he loved them for it. He knew he was awkward and he understood this why he hadn’t made friends. Those three were special people and showed him kindness and understanding. He missed them dearly.

Snapping back to the present Makarov suddenly straightened and tried to put some steadiness to his voice. “Thank you for the ID, sir. My father used to say I’d forget my head if my neck wasn’t holding onto it,” Makarov smiled at his weak joke, “and yes, I would appreciate the help, you know the station after all.”

Makarov prayed to everything that could be prayed to that his smile came of confident and friendly instead of mechanical and off-putting.

Thompson nodded and extended an arm for him to follow her. She expertly led him down the halls trying not to talk because she knew the Ensign seemed flustered. In mere minutes she had arrived at the door of the Ensigns newest home. She looked back to see his face he seemed to be very confused.

”Well, here is your new home I hope now it will be easier to get here.” She smiled at him.

Makarov smiled and nodded but on the inside berated himself, he just knew his smile and manner had been odd despite his best efforts. Still, the security officer had been nice enough.

“Thank you, sir. I really appreciate everything. Maybe we can grab a raktajino or something sometime.”, Makarov’s smile slowly faded as his brain caught up to what his traitorous mouth had just shot out. He began to stammer, “I mean b-because y-you’ve, uhhh you’ve been very n-nice and i didn’t mean it like- I mean you’re very nice l-looking so I d-don’t mean you’re not-b-but I wasn’t….please tell me to shut up now, sir.” Makarov looked like a miserable puppy as he gave a crestfallen look to the floor.

Thompson smirked it wasn’t normal for someone to be so lost for words around her. She decided she could be a little mischievous. She got close and gave him a kiss on the cheek before whispering “Shut up Ensign, I’ll be waiting for this drink.” She said and walked away leaving the Ensign to his thoughts.

Ensign Valeriy Borisivich Makarov, Starfleet officer, physicist, and genius, stood in front of his door for a full five minutes and he tried to get his misfiring neurons under control, prompting a few stares from passerby as they came across the vacantly staring ensign. Eventually he made it into his room, shed his bags and eventually started the recorded lecture from the Vulcan physicist Sturek. He found just couldn’t focus on it.