Part of USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

We’re going to need Security on this mission

USS Denver - in Orbit of Vulcan
January 19, 2375
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Riandri sat in the captain’s ready room and held her cup of freshly replicated tea before her, letting the warmth of it warm her hands. “Thanks for the drink, Captain.” 

She took a quick sip before she leaned back into the chair and looked over at Rebecca, “Your message said you had a possible new Head of Security, I thought Milo was going to fill that role for the time being?”

“He is, but he’s my husband… and that opens the door for problems and accusations.” Rebecca set her coffee down and flexed her fingers to release the tension. Standing, she moved to the window, her eyes narrowing as she tried to peer past the station obscuring Vulcan below.

She let out a long sigh, fogging the transparent aluminum barrier between her and the vacuum of space. The stars beyond twinkled with a promise that there would be a tomorrow. Her shoulders sagged as she rested her forehead against the icy surface, feeling the vibrations of the ship’s systems humming through her bones.

“Are you ok Rebecca?” Riandri asked as she stood and made her way to stand beside the captain.

“Yeah. We’re all fine right?”

“I cannot remember the last time we were all fine in fairness,” Riandri said with a shake of her head. “This damn war is putting an impossible strain on us all.”

“I had read somewhere that soldiers in the old US Army would often remark that ‘fine’ was a very flexible definition,” Rebecca said in a dry tone.

Riandri snorted, “I think that flexible definition worked everywhere in fairness.” As she said it, her tiredness could be heard in her words.

The door chimed and Riandri turned her head slightly towards it, “Shall we?”

Rebecca lifted her head from the window, the glass leaving a ghost of a chill on her skin. She turned, stood ramrod straight, and clasped her hands behind her. “Enter.”

Upon hearing the reply, Gus walked through the doors as they swished open. Large padd in hand, and tactical uniform, he stopped in front of the desk. “You wanted to see me, Captain?” Gus offered. 

“Lieutenant,” Rebecca greeted.  “Have a seat.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Gus turned taking a nearby chair opposite the desk. Once seated, Gus offered, “What can I assist you and Commander Nalam with today?”

“How are you settling in as the assistant chief of security?”  Rebecca slid into her seat with no hint of her earlier turmoil and fatigue. “

“Tolerably well, Captain. The transition hasn’t been as smooth as I had hoped. However, the roles aren’t completely alien to each other. Security of the ship is the same luckily in both jobs, just added administrative duties and personnel shifts so far Captain.” Gus replied.

Riandri smiled at his response, “I am glad to hear that Lieutenant.” 

Gus nodded in appreciation. 

The door swished open without a chime and Milo stepped and glanced around, “Sorry I’m late. Lost track of time.”

“It’s alright Commander,” Rebecca said making sure he knew that this was an official meeting but simply addressing him as his rank.

The corner of Milo’s lip curled upward partially concealed behind his walrus of a mustache.  He sat next to Gus and gave him a polite nod.

Returning the nod, Gus said “Commander Talon, I am glad you made it back. Hopefully, my sword came in handy during your recent adventure on Betazed.” 

“Tried not to get too close and personal,” Milo remarked, but yeah, I used it once or twice. I’d return it,  but the Jem’hadar seized it when I was captured, and when we escaped I wasn’t looking to recover lost property.”

“Ah. The trade was worth it.” Gus offered genuinely.

“Lieutenant, we have reviewed your performance running security and the XO and I have agreed that in light of Starfleet having no one else available to take over the Chief of Tactical and Security we would like to work you into taking on that role.  Commander Talon will hold the position while he gets you prepared to take over.”

“Quite acceptable. Something I wondered if Starfleet would see, in their infinite wisdom, of course.” Gus offered, completely deadpan, though it wasn’t meant that way. Then Gus couldn’t resist a small but wry smile. “Thank you, all, for the confidence in my abilities. So….no changes?” He added, that smile small but back. 

“Commander Jeter has been doing the duty rosters for you and T’Val. I want you to take that over,” Milo said.  “Chief positions are less about doing the work, and more about all the paperwork and delegation of tasks. You came in from the enlisted ranks. Your crews will respect you by default, and I know it will be hard for you not to want to jump right in the middle, but you have to resist the urge to do your crews work for them. They have their jobs, and you will have yours.”

Gus nodded in agreement, “Understood Captain.” He paused, then added. “Unforeseen circumstances aside, this should be a smooth transition as I was Master Chief.” Gus reminded her. Their old friend Micah popped into his head. Mimicking Micah’s tone he said, “This is far from my first rodeo.” 

Rebecca nodded and turned to Riandri,  “You have anything you want to add?”

Riandri shook her head, “Not much. I just wanted to say that you have Commander Talon and Commander Jeter who can provide support as needed. Additionally, if anything comes up my door is always open. As you know they are a good team but there are always challenges with any team.”

“Thank you, Commander, I will keep that in mind.”

“Very well. You are all dismissed.  We got work to do,” Rebecca announced. 

Gus got up and walked out the door, heading for his office.

Riandri turned to Rebecca, “I think that went well. He could be a good fit.”

Rebecca nodded,  “I hope so.”