Part of USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora’s Warp

Happy Acts

Ming's Quarters / Fighter bay.
40 hours after Drastic Aftermaths
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Ming woke up and realized he felt something quite familiar which had dogged him much of the day so far.  Boredom.  He was doing his best to keep busy and was mostly successful.  He wasn’t having luck finding productive things to do while on leave.  

He’d dropped a few tips and suggestions after watching a training for the Knights remotely.  That was about it.  Sh’iv was doing a bang up and kick butt leading the Knights.  He almost felt like a third wheel suddenly.  Screw that. Surrender was not an active part of his vocabulary.  

Marcus dressed in a black pair of slacks, boots similar to a duty uniform’s, a black silken shirt and his overcoat containing the red stripe of his department around his back, shoulders and chest as well as his wings, com pin and two pips of a full lieutenant.   He was on leave but that didn’t totally restrict light duty…or so he just decided.

He tapped his combadge and said, “Ming to Lt. Shiv and Miss Órlaith Murphy.   Please meet me in meeting room two on the command residential deck.  I’m still on leave but that does not stop the business of the Knights.  Please confirm.”

Lt. Shiv’s voice came through first, crisp and efficient. “On my way.”

A moment later, Órlaith’s tone followed. “Murphy here, Lieutenant. Heading there now!”

Thank you.  Ming out, ”the Knight’s winged CO said.

Ming smiled slightly at the tones of his subordinates.  It was actually a little entertaining for some odd reason he didn’t quite know.  As it was he fabricated an official Starfleet Combadge linked to Miss Murphy, official wings that of a fighter pilot as well as one other item.   Ming couldn’t suppress a smile.  He really was starting to fucking love this part of the job.  

He slipped the three items into his right pocket and made his way to the meeting room after confirming it’s availability.  It’d have been embarrassing otherwise.  As it was he moved through the level of the command quarters with a bit of a bounce up to and including entering the meeting room and finding a seat at the head of the table facing the door.   He then waited with a grin similar to that of the cat whom ate the canary.  

Sh’iv was the first to enter. She was wearing a black fur lined cloak over a traditional Andorian tunic and a small duffle hanging from her shoulder.  She raised an eyebrow at Ming and her antennae twitched with unspoken question. “Sir.” Crossing the room she sat down at the in her customary seat setting the duffle on the deck beside her.

Ming stifled the grin that wanted to spout on his lips. He said, “Seems the Captain had some insights that I can’t really argue with without feeling like or even seeming a hypocrit.  That’s something I try not to make part of my everyday actions.  It seems that….”

Marcus paused as the doors hissed revealing the civilian in their little world of the Knights.  He gave Sh’iv an appologetic grin as they were inturruped.  

At last Órlaith stepped into the room. She was wearing mechanic’s overalls, a tool kit slung over her shoulder. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail showing off icelana mixture of Icelandic and Iberian heritage. She wasn’t wearing makeup and there was a smudge of black carbon running under her right eye and smudged across her cheekbone to her ear. “Sir. Ma’am,” Órlaith greeted and stood at the entrance with her hands clasped behind her back as the twin doors slid shut behind her.

“Greetings Miss Murphy. Thanks for arriving as soon as you could.  Looks like you mayve been elbow deep in some fighter or another,” The Knight’s CO said sincerely.  

“Yes sir. Rebuilding the impulse control valve on Knight 3.”

He stood up, giving Sh’iv a slight gesture as he did so, before coming to Órlaith’s side of the table.  He remained informal in posture though there was an official tone to his voice, “You did well during our recent furball.  You’re an ace actually and it was your first official outing with the Knights.  It’s something Captain Talon even mentioned during our recent senior staff meeting.  She pointed out a slight issue with that however.  Turns out the fleet might have an issue with a civilian doing combat msisions.  I happen to concur.”

Marcus paused to gauge Órlaith’s and Sh’iv’s reactions as they mulled over his words.  The Knight’s CO gave his next words as well as actions some thought as he considered the two women who held some importance in his little kingdom.  

“I don’t believe there’s an official regulation against it,” Sh’iv observed.  “However, I doubt anyone in fleet would have even envisioned that that would occur.”

“I uh… sorry sir. It won’t happen again.” Órlaith’s heart sank.  She was finally finding a place where she belonged. A family that she never had.  Both her parents always thought about themselves.   She and Ian were only conceived to be a part of their legacy… an extention of themselves.  Now both her brother and father were dead.  Starfleet thought her mother was dead too, but Órlaith knew better.  She was out there.

Ming gauged the reactions as they came and for less than 4 seconds after.  He smiled a bit sheepishly as he said, “My appologies.  You’ve done pretty well exemplary so far.  Xellath and Andrews have had nothing but good things to say about you.  Maybe a bit ornery at first but Andrews and Xellath both find that endearing to a point.  You’re flying skills planetside were unquestionable.  Not that I ever doubted your word but nothing beats a trial like fire I suppose.”

With a bit of a smile he continued, “Captain Talon felt that the fleet may frown on a civilian fighter pilot especially in a time of war.  Between your proficiency at flying and mechanics being what they are I have been increasingly convinced we need you as part of the Knights plus….Well, you seem to be getting the swing of things with regards to the fleet procedures.  You may need a bit more polishing but you’ve got it together enough…..”

Ming pulled the contents of his right pocket out of his coat jacket.  He displayed the rank insignia, wings and combadge to his protege (amazingly in order) and said, “It is my pleasure to offer you the provisional rank of Ensign and the role of Knight 6.  That’s for the duration of this emergency or until you get into the Academy so you earn an full commission.  For the moment though you’re one of us.  What say you?”

Órlaith stared down at the offered temporary commission, her hands trembling. She wanted to scream “yes” from the bridge, but a gnawing dread seeped in. Who was she to accept this? Just an orphan… or practically one. Her mother, the alternate reality version of this ship’s captain, always insisted she wasn’t good enough. Her mother’s disapproving gaze and snide remarks. She had NEVER been good enough. Nothing more than a failure. A disappointment.

“Thank you, sir,” she said, choking back the lump in her throat. “I am honored, sir, but I… I have to decline. Going on that mission was a mistake. I got caught up in the moment and forgot my place. It won’t happen again. I… I jeopardized the lives of the Knights. I don’t belong there. I was a fool.” She took a deep breath and snapped to attention. “I’m a nobody, sir. I don’t deserve that honor, and I don’t want special treatment just because my DNA says I’m related to the captain. When I am worthy, I can accept this honor. May I return to work now?”

Ming studied the young lady with equal amounts heartache at the sudden change in demeanour and annoyance. He took a slow, deep breath and then spoke, “Miss Murphy:  First of all Every member of this crew is a somebody. This includes you regardless of what….some people may’ve told you in the past.    Second:  You haven’t been to the Academy yet you few a Starfleet Fighter into combat and came out a combat ace.  Our XO, who’s wing you were on, was pretty much all compliments which she does not do without reason.”

Ming paused for a moment to let that sink in for a second before adding,”   Third:  You’ve gotten increasingly better and better reviews since you started work on the flight line.  Your flying and skills were better than many experienced pilots I’ve flown with.  I’m unsure what you may think but I’ve been thinking of something like this for a few weeks.  You sold me and Captain Talon indepentantly.  I DO NOT offer any merit promotions to anyone I don’t absolutely deserve it.  You have earned it, Órlaith.  You helped save the folks who needed rescue and the other Knights.”

He paused and sighed, “And pretty much this entire unit – Pilots and crew alike – think you’re a worthwhile somebody.  Not because of whom you are related to.  Because of the person we’ve you become since you got here. Your actions, your skills and your determination got you the respect of the Knights and got you these.  I promise you that, Ensign Murphy.  Am I making myself crystal clear?”

Órlaith hesitated. All she could think of was her mother shouting at her, telling her she would never be like Ian, never be worthy of the family. She was an embarrassment no matter how well she did.

“Ensign,” Sh’iv started, her antennae twitching, “you earned this. Take the damn promotion.”

Órlaith swallowed and nodded. Silence stretched between the pilots until at last she spoke. “When I fail you, sir, I’m sorry.”

“Everyone makes mistakes, ensign.  Fix what you can, move on.  It’s part of the learning process and is part of being alive.  Try not to worry about that.  You’ve been doing just fine so far regarding all that…At least till now.  Keep doing what you been doing and you’ve built faith in us that you aught to be fine.  Maybe not perfect, which nobody is, but you’ll definitely be just fine” Ming said with a certainty and friendly warmth….and with a touch of a commanding tone.

Tell my mother that, she thought bitterly. “Yes sir.” She finally accepted the items and stared down at them not believing that she was deserving. “Does this mean I have to replicate a uniform now?” She flashed Ming a sly self-deprecating smile.

Ming smiled openly and said, “Afraid so.  You’re relieved of your previous duties, ensign.  Report to the flight bay in 18 hours in the pilot’s arena.  We’ll give you a proper welcome and introduction as Knight 6.  And unless you have other questions you’re dismissed.  Enjoy your time off.  I, and I suspect the entire flight, will be glad to see you there tomorrow.”

“Aye sir,” Órlaith said with a nod.  She headed for the door. As the doors split she paused at the threshold and looked back at Ming and Sh’iv. “I don’t think I deserve this faith you have given me, but I will do my best to keep from disappointing you both, but thank you.” Without waiting for a response from her commanders she stepped into the corridor and disappeared.

Sh’iv smirked and shook her head, “I have a transport to catch. I’ll see you in a week or so sir.”

“Can’t miss that.  Dismissed XO.  Have fun,” Ming said with a slight smile.  

After Sh’iv’s salute and exit Marcus watched her go and stared out into the flight bay.  With a sigh he grabbed a padd off his desk and exited, securing the office door as he did so, before heading back to his quarters.  He mused about life, the galaxy and the outlook for this damnedable war.  Maybe…Just maybe…The Federation – Klingon -Romulan alliance might be able to pull this off.  His hope was tempered by the realism that came with being a soldier but there it was.