Part of USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora’s Warp

Putting a Lid On Pandora’s Box

Observation Lounge
A week later
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Riandri was already in the Observation Lounge when Rebecca stepped in, coffee in one hand and a stack of PADDs in the other. Dropping into her chair she organized her space before leaning back coffee cradled in both hands. She inhaled the fragrant aroma of the beverage smiling in contentment. The soft hum of the life support system and the engines were the only sounds in the room. Rebecca savored to coffee.  She savored the moment of silence

“I read your report. You think that’s why Collins is requesting a transfer?” Rebecca asked speaking at last with a fleeting expression of regret playing on her face. 

Riandri turned from the window and looked back at the Captain, “It’s the best I can figure. I suspect there may be more to it, but he didn’t elaborate after the mission. Going back to Luphirian homeworld with the second contract mission is a good fit I think though. After that mission is over he can always come back to Denver if he wants.” As she spoke she made her way to the seat beside the Captain and sat down.

She absently ran her hand through her hair, giving it a slightly disheveled look, a sign, a mannerism of her’s the Captain knew meant that Riandri had something on her mind. “What will you do about Jeter? He danced across the line with his transporter stunt.” She paused for a moment, “Cannot say I wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

“Yeah, me too. I think I’ll leave that out of my official report and leave it as is.  No sense in marring an otherwise stellar career over something we both agree was the right thing to do.”

Riandri smiled at that, “I couldn’t agree more.”

Rebecca slid a small box in Riandri’s direction.   “For you actions on Lupheria I nominated you and Starfleet approved it this morning. I hereby award you the Star Cross.”

Riandri just looked at Rebecca speechless for a moment. “I, I, don’t know what to say except thank you. I don’t know if I deserve it the whole thing went pear-shaped when I was on the ground, we almost lost people.” 

“But you didn’t. You dealt it with a level head. You acted like a leader. I would also like to officially make you my XO, should you accept. No more acting. I have come to rely on you and your counsel as much as I did with Cheon. The crew likes you, they follow your lead, and they are inspired by you—something I could never hope to replicate.”

Riandri smiled and nodded, “Thank you, Captain, it would be my pleasure.”

The door swished open.  Rebecca gave Riandri a curt nod.  They would continue their discussion later. Sitting upright in her seat she stacked her PADDs into a neat pile and waited for everyone to be seated.

Lt. Marcus Ming took a seat midway down the table.  He didn’t presume to sit toward the head as he was a lieutenant who’d be in the presence of full and light commanders.  He felt like the place to be.  He settled in and settled a PADD in front of him to access data if need be.

Farl Ferrus followed a Lieutenant he hadn’t yet met into the Observation Lounge. He looked at the table, and hoping nobody had assigned or preferred seats, settled into a chair. He straightened his shoulders, and looked at Captain Talon. “Uh, it’s a little late, but permission to come aboard, captain? I can’t quite recall if I made out any words when you and your crew rescued me. Thank you for that, and I’ll bring myself up to speed on the mission as quickly as I can.” Noticing they were still waiting on a few other staff members, Farl took the moment to start poring over his PADD.

Rebecca gave Farl a slight smile, “Permission granted, and welcome aboard.”

Since she wasn’t at the helm, there was coffee in here Arin Jones’ hand. Taking an empty seat near the middle, she could pay attention better whilst making sure she could hear everything. 

Lavender followed her into the observation lounge and annexed a chair on the other side of the table closer to the Captain adopting a sitting style of informal but absolute confidence. Her Padd clattered slightly as it was discarded on the table. Lavender looked around the assembled idly but offered no greeting or acknowledgement. Chit-chat and small-talk were her abhorrence.

Rebecca directed her attention to Marcus. “I understand you put Órlaith in the cockpit this mission and she has several confirmed kills?”

“Yes, Captain.  The head of our ordinance team, who is a certified gunner, was assisting however she was in command of the fighter.  Knowing she was a very skilled pilot she exceeded my expectations and deserves marks for being an ace.  As you know I was on leave for 48 hours after the event but my XO was flying with Miss Murphy on her wing and I’ll get the exact numbers after this meeting for you.”

Rebecca nodded.  “I hope you understand, we can’t have civilians operating fighters for obvious reasons.” Rebecca dug through the pile of PADDs before finding the one she was looking for.  Sliding it to Marcus she continued,  “I spoke with Starfleet and they approved a field commission  of acting Ensign for Ms. Murphy. I expect you know what to do about that?”

Marcus stopped the padd and grinned.  He replied, “Shouldn’t be a problem at all Captain.  She’ll be a welcome formal addition to to the Knights.”

“That’s good to hear,” Rebecca nodded. “Doctor, how are things?” The Doctor’s rather lazy sitting position didn’t change upon her being addressed.

“Well, we still have the same number of crew we had when this all started, somehow,” she said, her gaze landing mostly on the Captain, but it shifted to Riandri for a moment and then back again. “The crew members who were held hostage have all been seen and discharged from sickbay and referred to the counselling service for follow-up. McKenzie, Ming and Farrus sustained severe injury but are recovering well and should be on light duty for a few days.” Lavender paused, but her body language said that she hadn’t finished just yet.

“Once I was back up here with McKenzie I think it would have been extra hassle to get me back down again to the surface to look after my people. Plus, once they became hostages it was Command and Security they needed to get them out, not me. That said, I didn’t like leaving them. I’ve checked or will be checking in with all of them individually to catch up on their experiences on Lupheria. So I should thank those here who got them all out and back on board Denver without any major casualties.” The doctor remained ever cool on the outside, but she suspected that those in the room who knew her a bit better might detect how leaving her team behind on the surface while she was safe aboard ship didn’t sit well with her.

Riandri nodded towards the doctor in understanding, “It was a hard choice but without you there Ensign McKenzie would likely not have made it. As for the medical team, I am glad we were able to get to them before anything else happened. Please do let me know how they are each doing after you speak to them.”

Jeter who had been sitting quietly spoke up, “Rest assured Doctor that Varael will hold the general accountable for what he did. If the rest of his people are like him then they will do the right thing.”

Lavender nodded her intention to do so as Riandri had requested but as Robert spoke her eyes narrowed slightly and she leaned forward in her seat.

“Accountability means nothing without recourse,” she observed. “You’ll forgive me for not putting any faith in them to do right by our people given everything that happened. As any consequences now lie with the Lupherians who are not part of the Federation perhaps our strategy going forward should be a more thorough assessment of the political situation before we start beaming down medics into a danger zone we can’t beam them out of, especially if the locals aren’t unanimous in their desire for Starfleet assistance… Medics don’t grow on trees.”

Perhaps Lavender’s stance was more confrontational than was prudent, but the C.M.O. had taken it hard when her people were put in danger during her first mission as head of department and that was now coming out. You’ll get complaints about me… the phrase she had offered to the Captain upon taking her position played in her head for the eighth or ninth time since she had said it.

“Don’t misunderstand me,” she added. “I’m simply going to do everything I can as Head of Department to watch out for my teams (Lavender prodded herself in the chest with a finger) seeing as it’s them who got busted up.”

“We are dealing with scared people,” Rebecca observed. “First contact doesn’t always go smoothly.  I threw you and your people into a situation without knowing the full context. This is as much my failure as anything.  Relax doctor you did the best in a terrible situation.”

“The initial contact did go well but the coup seemed to catch a lot of people by surprise, us included,” Riandri said. “Lessons were learned but I wouldn’t have gone in any different. There were a lot of people who needed help and though we were down for as long as we could have been lies were saved and that has to be worth something.” 

Jeter leaned forward and looked between Riandri and Lavender, “You have a very valid point Doctor, political assessments are important as you have said so we have all the information we need. As for doing right by our people, I do not doubt that the actions of the coup members cost the lives of many Lupherians and their leadership wanted to make sure they were held accountable. It is something the second contact team will make sure to follow up on.

Lavender listened to the three responses. The officers’ amiability and admissions seemed to satiate her apparent desire for a barney. Hostile tendencies disarmed, Lavender nodded and only responded with an “Okay, thank you.” Before relinquishing the floor to the rest of the senior staff.

“I will be looking for that second contact report. For all the problems we’ve had I find these people fascinating.” Rebecca added.

Lavender just raised a slightly sarcastic eyebrow to this. Seemingly she didn’t. She might, if they hadn’t got on her bad side almost instantly. Lavender would help anyone, but if they spit in the face of the offer that was their chances spent as far as she was concerned.

“Ms Przybyszweska, we’re still down a chief engineer.  I expect you to help young Ms. McKenzie “

Jowita nodded. “Yes Captain, of course.”

“Glad to hear it.” Rebecca directed her attention to Farl, “How are you settling in?”

Farl took in and held a breath for a moment, considering his answer. “Well captain, to be honest I’m still kind of shocked I’m here. Less than a week ago I was teaching students at the Academy. Of course, I requested the transfer, so the assignment wasn’t a surprise, but the rate of change was… brisk.” Farl let out his breath. “That being said, I am settling in nicely. I’ve been working through meetings with the various members of my department, getting to know them and letting them get to know me. With regards to our mission out here in the black,” Farl gestured to the PADD in his hand, “I have a lot of reports to get through. But I’m a quick study, I’m here to help, and I’m happy to do it.” Farl looked around the table, trying to catch everyone’s eye and give them a quick nod or smile. He had to actively remind himself that the neutral face of a Caitian wasn’t always friendly-looking to other species, and he wanted to get along with his new shipmates.

Rebecca listened to Farl sipping her coffee as he spoke.  Setting the mug down  she leaned forward in her seat directing her full focus on the science chief. “I know you are still getting your feet, but I need a report on your department when you can.  If you need anything let myself or Commander Nalam know immediately. You got tossed in here in the middle of a complete shi… in the middle of a total disaster. It’s a lot to take in.”

Farl subconsciously sat up a little straighter in his chair. “Aye captain, and thank you. I have one more meeting with the junior enlisted in my department in about an hour from now, and I’ll have a full report for you shortly after that.”

“Welcome aboard… even if your arrival was unorthodox,” the captain said with a playful grin. At last Rebecca gave Arin a tired smile, “We have our next orders.  We are being pulled off the front lines.  I trust you can figure out how to get us back to Vulcan?”

“Like it was in my backyard, Captain.” She said, looking at Rebecca. Mentally she already knew the approximate direction but would need the computer for the finer corrections, since she wasn’t at the helm.

Rebecca nodded and started gathering up her PADDs.  “When we get out of here make sure we have set course, warp 6. Does anyone else have anything else to say?”

Arin responded. “Aye Captain. Warp 6.” She started doing the calculations on the PADD so it would be a simple order to the helm.

Both Riandri and Jeter shook their heads at Rebecca’s question. Riandri did make a mental note though to speak to Jeter separately when they had a moment regarding the events on the plant.

Ming stirred but remained silent.  There was something very wrong and he had an idea of with whom but he had no proof.  He was sure of it as feelings he had like this were seldom wrong.  He’d bide his time before speaking on the subject until he found concrete evidence verifying it’s validity or lack thereof. 

“Very good.  When we get to Vulcan I will be approving shore leave.  Those with ties or family on Earth. Andor, or Tellerite can travel home. It’s close enough we can get you back to the ship within a day or two.  Submit your requests through Commander Nalam. You are all dismissed.”