Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

17) Many options, but only one true path

USS Mariner - Sickbay
September 2401
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The sickbay became more operational as its systems became more active after they got power and repairs were needed. The EMH was also activated to assist the medical staff in their hectic, buzzing workplace. Sazra rushed to the sickbay to return to, walking in a more reserved way to the room where Silina was lying. She entered and saw Adrián, who had pulled off two 8-hour shifts, and K'Nala, who had been constantly working in the lower decks to get everything sorted. But there she was, Silina smiling in her direction, that same smile that made Sazra skip a beat when she saw it. She wanted to kiss her so badly, happy to see her finally, but others were in the room, and she stayed professional as best as possible. “Commander, it is good to see you back with the living,” she spoke out, stopping at Silina's biobed and placing her hand on Silina's leg, looking at her. 

Giving the nod with a smile to Sazra, “Of course, Captain, I couldn't leave you behind after everything that had happened. I am ready to return to work and get this ship back on its feet. Just point me in the direction that needs me the most,” Silina said, fired up to get back to work. 

“Hold it right there; the doctor said you need to stay in bed until your vitals are in a safe zone. So no work until then.” Sazra lightly tapped Silina on the leg and noticed Adrián staring over his shoulder at another location. Her eyes followed the direction, seeing her Chief Science Officer still in a coma. She took a deep breath. “Commander Valerio, what is her status?” 

Adrián's focus broke, and he looked back at Sazra, crossing his arms. “Stable medical equipment got fixed in time, but she needs to get out of her and potentially get to a hospital for her severe injury. Doc was talking about sending her and some others to Caelum Station.” 

Caelum Station? Sazra was surprised by that statement, knowing how bad things were if she needed to go there. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Let's hope Lieutenant Scott will pull through; I heard she did a selfish deed to get our First Officer back to us.” Sazra looked at Silina, knowing the facial expression of her girlfriend all too well; she was feeling guilty. “Don't worry, she is in good care. Now….we have an issue:" Looking at K'Nala.

“Ah yes, the initial scans of the Klingon vessel are shady at best.” K'Nala regained her professionalism and returned to work mode when asked for a status update. “We are dealing with the ship called IKS Vornak, a Mat'Ha class that is in service of the house of Noggrrra" She continued, crossing her arms. “It's a minorrr that has influences throughout the Klingon-Federation borderrrs. What I could get of information on them was that they have long-terrrm conflict with the House of D'Chok that also patrols these borderrrs.”

Tapping her finger on Silina's leg, Sazra thought about the information. “Meaning two things, they are either behind the raids on that …former colony,” Realizing that the colony was now gone as it was ripped apart, “Or they were there to observe the House of D'Chok actions on the raid.” 

“It would seem dishonorable if a Klingon would do raids on a colony that can't protect itself,” Adrián added. “The Noggra may be there to uphold the honor of the Klingons. But they could have contacted us when we arrived at the location.” Adrián shrugged. “Their cloaking device must have been busted when pulled through the wormhole.” There were a lot of question marks on his theory, but in his mind, it sounded correct.

Taking a deep breath, “We have another concern as well. The Klingons know about underspace” Silina stated, seeing Sazra's surprised look. “K'Nala told me,” And saw Sazra nodding in understanding, “If it is true that the Klingons have discovered it, by either the Vornak being here or from the outside in the neutral zone. They could use this connection hub for other goals.”

“The science team arrre trying to find out if it is trrrue orrr not. But what has been stated so farrr is that the underspace has been expanded into Beta Quadrant. This would potentially mean that it appearrred in different quadrants as well” The Caitian took a deep breath in concern “From a navigational point of view that would peek a lot of interest to shorten the trrrip from one point to anotherrr.” 

“Meaning that the Klingons have free rein to plunder any of the other worlds that are in their reach,” Adrián concluded with a shrug, “No one would be able to pin it on them if no one sees it coming” He blinks for a second as he realized something looking at Sazra, whose facial expression stated pretty much what he was thinking “If these underspace gates appear in different locations throughout different quadrants….that means that other government and species have access to it as well” 

Nodding briefly at that assumption, “It is a wild guess right now, but the indication of such is more traumatic than possible. The Klingons see it as a golden chance to start their conquest. The scattered Romulans will see it as an opportunity to do more spying or sabotage, as they did at Mars.” Sazra shrugged, rubbing her template. “The Cardassians are a wildcard in this; they have been changing a lot and at the same time also not; I believe the last report I read on them was that they have two generations facing each other.” 

The room became quiet as Silina took a deep breath. “Let's not forget about the Borg; getting them back in Federation space for a third time is not on my bucket list. Especially if they can suddenly appear within Federation space without warning,” Silina pointed painfully out. “On the flip side, we might be able to meet new species, new governments that we have not seen before; a golden era of exploration might be breaking.” 

“That depends on if the found species is not hostile in the firrrst place. I agrrree with Commanderrr Ruslanovna that this would be a golden age of exploration. But with a warning label on it, read the smallerrr letterrrs first” K'Nala shrugged with the idea of what these underspace corridors would lead them towards. It was an exciting idea, but terrifying also. 

Crossing her arms, Sazra shrugged “Lets focus on the now, let the science team do their work on getting us back home. The ship is still not functional?” She looked at Adrián.

He looked surprised. “I am working with 1/5 of my engineers to reattach the warp cell to our ship. It is a miracle that we are even able to do so. I can give you a prognosis no sooner than 24 hours. We are working around the clock with shifts of two teams to get things going outside there. The doc is checking our radiation levels just to be sure.” Adrián knew this would be taking long, “But he also told me more of my engineers can work, I will let them do the ship repairs for now and if they are up for it, they can jump in an EVA suit.” 

Putting a finger on his lip, he said, “That does remind me. Not many of the engineering crew have had EVA training before, something we might have to look into when we are back in Federation space.” Adrián noticed it when he was looking for folks to join him for the outside repairs. 

That made Silina blink. “That is kinda a must. I can do paperwork from my bed if the Captain allows it.” She winked at Sazra, who gave a teasing nod. “Just send it to me, and I will try to do operational reassignment work from my perspective.” 

“What will we do about the Klingons?” K'Nala looked at them all.

“The only true path that we as Starfleet can do, the Merapi is ready for launch. K'Nala, get the Hazard Team ready for the go.” Sazra shrugged a bit, thinking about it. “We offer our assistance where possible, but we need to treat this card carefully as they are unpredictable and have no idea their status. Get Miki, L'Iera, Cho, and Asipa for this trip”. 

Shaking his head “No can do, I need Cho for the repairs” Adrián pointed out that Cho was quite helpful and one of the few people that had EVA training “It might be better to take Palema, I heard she was helping out in the cargo bay with the light wounded. She is a diplomat and might be the best to deal with the Klingons, no?" Adrián had to pitch in someone else.

Giving him a nod, “Good call, Lieutenant. Switch Cho with Palema. Get them ready to launch the Merapi and warn them about the potential hostility of the Klingons. They are very on their guard right now, as their situation is not much better than ours. Let's get to work.”

Everyone left the room. Sazra stood there and looked at Silina, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. “I am sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. K'Nala put me in my place to focus on the ship and crew first. How are you holding up?” 

Silina smiled at her kiss and leaned back on the pillow. “I am doing fine, K'Nala, speaking up against you. She is growing up faster than I can blink. Go to work, hun. I will not go anywhere." Silina rubs Sazra's hand. With doubt in Sazra's eyes, she nodded as she wanted to leave but got pulled back by Silina. Then a soft kiss on her lips “Go..” Silina smiled, letting go of Sazra's hand. Sazra smiled and nodded, leaving the room.