Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

18) A wounded dog

Merapi - Bridge
June 2401
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The team was heading to the IKS Vornak, which was still drifting in hostile space, which was known as under space. Miki took a deep breath, feeling the runabout shaking as he noticed the Mariner signal getting further away on the scanner, narrowing his eyes. “We have to expect the worst with the Vornak. The ship has been adrift for a long time and has not tried to repair its damage.” 

Getting the medical gear in her bag sorted, L'iera was trying to calm her nerves. For the last couple of days, she had been rushing from one side of the ship to the other to help those who needed help. Now, she was assigned to the away team to check out the ship stranded with them in this awful and violent space. Taking a deep breath, “Medical supplies look good. My knowledge of Klingon physically is shady at best.” 

Looking over his shoulder, Miki could see the young Deltan woman in slight distress over the situation they were heading into. He looked back at the console, tapping lightly on it as scans gave away the damage to the ship. “Shady will do for now. The rest of the medical staff has no experience in dealing with medical issues regarding the Klingons. No worries; I have your back,” he dryly spoke, trying to express some form of comfort. 

Asipa moved her hands over the console as she piloted the Merapi through the hostile space where they found themselves. She took a deep breath. “I can speak Klingon, but hopefully, the translators will work properly.” She didn't look at the rest of her team, but she would say that L'iera's feelings were mutual in this situation. 

The Merapi moved closer to its target, the Vornak. “Getting data on the ship's status…” Miki stated, looking it over. The Warp core is busted, there is no power to the engines, and the ship is functioning on emergency power. I read about…forty-seven lives." The data made Miki eyes narrow.

“That is about one-hundred-three lives gone,” Palema stated, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. She had been more in the background during most missions and helping out the medical staff during this crisis. But the captain found it a good idea to send her, the diplomat, to this ship. “The Mat'ha class knows to have about one-hundred-fifty crew members. They took a severe hit.” 

Miki gave a firm nod to Palema's observation. “You remembered that info quite well.” Miki shrugged a bit at his comment. “But given the situation, I'm not really surprised.” His big, glazed eyes looked over his shoulder at the Romulan.

Nodding in Miki's direction, “As a republic officer, I had my dealings with them,” Palema concluded with a shrug, noticing the ship coming closer. “Bird of Prey, Mat'ha…you know it…these people glorify everything for honor and even try to justify it with their honor on the line.” Palema taps her chin, thinking, “I will do my best to discover their true intention at the planet.”

“Would that not put the Klingons on edge?” L'iera pointed out fairly and with a tone of concern. 

“It would,” a brief reply from Miki said. “That is why I urge you to be diligent about the matter and focus on showing that we are in good fate.” Seeing the ship coming closer, he tapped the comm. “This is Lieutenant Miki of the USS Merapi. We are from the USS Mariner. We have noticed you are on long-range scanners and are in the same predicament. We are here to offer assistance.” Taking a deep breath, waiting for any sign of life. 

The Merapi comes to a halt before the broken-down Klingon vessel, small particles hitting the ship's shielding as it floats there, waiting for something. “No response…” Asipa is keeping an eye on the communication system. “Try again?” 

When Miki wanted to try again, a reply came in. 

“tlhIngan SuvwI' 'e' vIchaw'meH DuHbe' 'e' vInID.”

Looking at Palema “Well?” Miki asked, wondering about their reply.

“They ID themselves, saw us coming….appreciate the help,” Palema concluded as she puzzled a bit. “Right, Lieutenant?” She looked at Asipa, who was staring at the console, and gave a slight nod in acknowledgment.

Asipa taps onto the console, “Trying to fix the translator here,” Tapping a few databases to see what works.

Tapping the console again, Miki resumed, “What is the current status of your ship and crew? We have a medical officer ready to provide medical support where needed. If I know the ship's status, I can relay it to my ship, and the Captain can send additional engineering support.” 

Asipa looked at the screen as a static view appeared, seeing a bruised Klingon. “This is Soghla' Yiclahl D'ghag. I am the ship's Chief Security Officer. Our command team is dead, and we lost more than ⅔ of our crew. The engine is showing no intention to start up, as our head engineer is dead as well.” 

“I am sorry for your loss,” Miki said, looking at the screen. I am the Chief Security Officer, and this might be a presumption, but….why are you accepting our help so quickly?” Miki knew honor and pride were above all with these people, and it didn't make much sense to him that Yiclahl would accept their offer so readily. He saw the Klingon's demeanor change a bit in awkwardness.

“Because the Soghla' has no choice…” Palema concluded from her observation, “You are at least a Klingon with some common sense to interject your situation as being fatal?” 

He shrugged as Yiclahl looked at the Romulan. “You speak the truth, Romulan; without any experienced engineer on this ship, we will not last for another week in this place.” Yiclahl seemed oblivious to where he was as he clenched his fist in frustration.

The body language showed that Yiclahl was desperate, and Palema gave a nod in Miki's direction as she looked back at Yiclahl. “We are here to aid you. This is the Starfleet principle and the order of the Captain. Provide the information and direct us to a port where we can dock. We are open to assist you in this matter.” She saw Yiclahl nod as the channel closed.

“Information received, docking the ship now” Asipa said a bit nervously. Moving the Merapi in position. 

Looking at Palema “Well?” Miki stated, getting up from his chair. “Are they really that desperate?”

“They are….plus it shows that the Chief has no idea where they are, and the bruises, scans, and everything line up,” Palema concluded. “But it is always good to be on your guard.” Palema followed Miki with her eyes as he gets ready for the docking process.

“I am always ready when it comes to these people.” Miki looked at the port as he tapped on the door console, getting it ready for emergency docking. 

  • Miki

    Chief Security/Tactical Officer
    Hazard Team Lead

  • L'iera

    Medical Officer
    Hazard Team Medic

  • Palema

    Diplomatic Officer

  • Asipa

    Communications Officer