Part of USS Lakota: LAB: Sphere of Shadows and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

4 – The Situation Unfolds

Arbazan System
Day 1
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“Dropping from warp in 3…2… 1…”

On the edge of the Arbazan system, two magnificent bright lights preceded the emergence of two of the sleekest starships Starfleet had in their arsenal. As soon as the vessels appeared from their warp vortices, they effortlessly switched between warp and impulse power, surging towards their target with purpose.

Watching through the holographic viewer at the front of the bridge once the image appeared, Captain and crew watched aghast at the sight unfolding before their very eyes. A swirling storm of energy made the periphery of the wormhole’s aperture light up the heavens, but it was the devastation directly between the arrivals in the system and the wormhole itself that caused the most concern. Debris littered the area, a combination of hull fragments from both of the vessels that had, apparently, engaged in an epic conflict.

Proteus, cut off from all beyond the system, had seemingly engaged the Borg in an attempt to prevent their advance into Federation space – with a hell of a set of consequences in return. She now lay there, in the dead of space, listing to port and spinning on her axis, propelled by the one thruster that seemed to still be working. It seemed to be the only thing still working on the burning hulk. Lakota didn’t need to get any closer for her people to see the flickering lights and the large swathes of their colleague’s vessel without power. The only blessing they could count on was that the Borg didn’t seem to be in any better shape either.

“Sphere is largely offline and regenerating,” Lieutenant Mitchell told from tactical, her ocean-like eyes the only ones not looking out of the viewer. “However they managed it, Proteus gave the Borg a run for their money,” she concluded, relaxing back in her seat, somewhat proud of her colleagues for their efforts. She just hoped it wasn’t in vain.

“Even with her advances, Proteus wouldn’t have been a match for the sphere if it wasn’t already severely damaged,” Noli retorted from her position behind Voran at Ops.

“Agreed Commander,” the Vulcan nodded. “Borg debris at the mouth of the wormhole is not only keeping the aperture open but is showing signs of decay weeks old. She was damaged long before the encounter with Proteus,” the unassuming Vulcan was many things, and being thorough was one of his strengths, his analysis as excellent as always. For the next two minutes, he unravelled all of the Borg systems currently offline, and where the Borg were prioritising their regeneration efforts. It didn’t bode well for the Starfleet ships.

“Contact Proxima,” Nazir finally chimed in after staring at the scene before them for an age, “inform Captain Vos that we’re sending medical and engineering teams to Proteus. Have him do the same, and then request his presence in a conference call at his earliest convenience,” she instructed, rising from her command chair and taking the short walk to the XO’s side.

“Number One,” she looked at Noli, “in the absence of Commander Peri, and with Lieutenant Mitchell being relatively new to the team, I’d like you to command the relief teams,” she told her XO, but in a tone that implied that she was almost seeking permission, or acceptance of her request from her first officer, instead of the non-negotiable tone she usually used.

Slightly reluctant at first, the Bajoran eventually nodded in agreement. “As you wish Captain,” Noli nodded, arms folded across her chest. “I’ll check in regularly,” she added, by way of confirmation that she would be watching what was going on aboard both ships. She was trusting of her commanding officer, but wary, too.

When she received the nod from Nazir, Noli sprang into action mode. “Have medical and engineering teams meet me in transporter rooms one and two. Voran, you’re with me,” she instructed, patting the Ops chief on the shoulder. She’d usually take the tactical chief on such a mission, but with the Borg just kilometers away, she felt it best to leave Mitchell aboard Lakota. Plus, the newcomer had so far done nothing to demonstrate she would be any sort of asset to her team.

Headed for the lift, she was stopped by Mitchell calling across to her from tactical. “Proxima reports they’re sending teams to decks seven through sixteen. You’ve got everything from six upwards,” the tactical chief confirmed, eliciting a nod from the XO before she disappeared with her Vulcan counterpart.

Darkness had long engulfed the command centre of Proteus, as, it appeared, had lifelessness. Not a soul moved while consoles flickered and cables hanging from gaping holes in the ceiling sparked dangerously. For the briefest of moments, the darkness was replaced with several bright, swirling hues of blue as the transporter rematerialisation process took place, and several figures appeared on the bridge. Activating the light beacons strapped to their wrists, the newcomers to the Echelon-class light cruiser began their sweep of the command deck, searching for survivors of the epic dual with the Borg.

Commander Zinn, alongside Noli and without so much as a hint of the earlier tension that existed between them, made for the command chairs at the top of the platform. Slumped in the chairs, an elder woman with black hair, and a man with white hair and a blood-stained white beard, remained unconscious, oblivious to their fate. As did the rest of the bridge crew.

“It’s not looking good. I need to get as many of them as possible to sickbay,” Zinn told the XO whilst scanning the lifeless bodies of the Proteus command team.


Both Zinn and Noli turned just in time to prevent an onrushing young woman from reaching the injured officers. “Steady there!” Noli grabbed the woman in the arm at exactly the right moment to stop her from collapsing to the floor in a heap. “They’ll be okay Lieutenant,” she lied after noticing the woman’s rank insignia. “I’m Commander Noli, first officer of the Lakota,” she told the younger human.

“Celeste Moreau,” the fallen responded, with the faintest of French accents, “CONN officer.”

“I’ve got to get your commanding officers to my sickbay,” Zinn told the youngster, “but I promise we’ll do everything we can to help them. The best thing you can do right now is assist my colleagues here in ascertaining the state of your ship and the rest of the crew.” His tone was firm and authoritative, yet surprisingly it put the younger woman at ease. Maybe it was the blue uniform and his humanitarian efforts that helped.

“Yes doctor,” she nodded slowly, relaxing into the support offered to her by Noli and one of the Lakota‘s medical team.

When the helmswoman had been dealt with sufficiently, Zinn rose to his feet and tapped his commbadge. “Zinn to Lakota. Three to beam up,” was his instruction, and whilst Noli stood and watched, the Chief Medical Officer dematerialised, along with his two patients.

“Commander,” Voran interrupted, “we have completed a sweep of the bridge. So far, everyone is accounted for, and being tended to,” the Vulcan revealed, turning to the forward stations. “I’d like permission to try and access ship systems and ascertain the degree of damage,” he waited for the nod from the Commander, and then assumed the empty Operations station seat.

“With your commanding officers on Lakota, who would be in command over here?” Noli asked as she rounded the young Frenchwoman’s position.

“That would be Lieutenant Iersa,” she nodded towards a stricken-looking alien under the close care of the Lakota medics, “he’s our Ops chief.”

Noli let out a sigh. A Lieutenant being left in command of a ship of over four hundred souls wasn’t ideal. She had an idea, but it wasn’t exactly her favourite plan considering the state of things aboard her own ship. “Okay Lieutenant,” she smiled, “help the teams in any way you can and we’ll do our best to get your ship operational again. In the meantime, I’m going to let my Captain know the situation,” Noli patted the woman on the shoulder gently and then walked away to have a hushed conversation with Voran. The Vulcan seemingly agreed, and Noli tapped her commbadge.

“Noli to Lakota…”

Executive Officer’s log, supplemental.


Away teams from Lakota and Proxima are aboard Proteus and engaging in repair and humanitarian efforts. So far, only three lives have been lost during the confrontation with the Borg, but there are a number of serious injuries being attended to by medical staff. Captain Quinn and her executive officer are aboard the Lakota under the care of Doctor Zinn, leaving a dearth of command experience among this young and inexperienced crew. In discussion with Captain Nazir, I have assumed command of Proteus until such a time as a member of her command team can resume their duties. While I am reluctant to leave behind my duties on Lakota, given the recent… tensions… I have to put the safety of this crew first. They need someone capable of leading them. I hope that’s me for now.


Repair teams indicate it will be several hours before the ship can get back into any potential fight with the Borg. Weapons, warp engines and communications are just a few of the systems that remain offline. Our teams will continue to support Lieutenant Meniz as she endeavours to get the ship functioning again. Until then, we’ll be flanked by Lakota and Proxima, both ship’s forming the defensive screen that could be essential to our safety.


I just hope we can be functional before the Borg sphere regenerates and perceives our task group as a threat…