Part of USS Tomcat: Just a Quick Spin Around the Block and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Just a routine patrol

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Just a routine patrol.

The Tomcat was out on routine patrol. Around the block and back. Not looking for anything particular and not expecting trouble. The mission was more about deterring hostile activity than stopping it.  The local elements had gotten used to the Tomcat’s presence and the constant cat and mouse game.

 Deterring hostile activity. That was their mandate. That was what Starfleet wanted and they had been clear about the mission. The Tomcat was big enough for this mission. She wasn’t an old ship, but then she wasn’t a new ship (although she had been refitted before Jonas took command, so there was that).

 There was a beep from the helm. “Captain, we just picked up a freighter on the sensors. Running about one-half impulse. She just reversed course and is speeding up.”

 “Open Channels and hail her.”

=/\=Attention unidentified vessel, what’s your cargo and destination?=/\=

Smeezo’s ship, the Profit Center, was understaffed, more staff meant a larger payroll which meant less profit. All told, it was him, an engineer and a deckhand. Smeezo stabbed the comm button to reply. “Hello Tomcat. This is the legitimate trade vessel, the Profit Center. We have nothing of interest for you, just some random turbolift repair parts.”

 Jonas looked over at Cra’si, the Tomcat’s tactical officer. “Threat assessment?”

She tapped her console, “Minimal. It’s just a junk freighter. They probably are hauling contraband of some type. Turbolift repair parts are very improbable. Turbolifts rarely break and the repair parts would be easily replicatable.”

Jonas agreed, although he did remember a turbolift repairman from his time at DS14, Haarvi Pux, but then Pux wasn’t that much of an engineer, more of a technician. “Our mission is peace and order and interdicting pirates, we really don’t care about the odd Ferengi smuggler.”

“Open the Channel again.” The screen flashed on and Smeezo dominated it, or at least his ears did. “All right, Profit Center, you’re clear to continue.”

Smeezo cut the feed from his side and snorted, “Pesky hoomans, sticking their noses into everything.” He started to resume his course away from the Tomcat. There was a flash and his viewscreen scrambled.

Back aboard the Tomcat, they saw the flash and the Profit Center disappeared.

“Captain, the Profit Center is gone!”

Vage Taz, the science officer, called out. “It appears to be some sort of wormhole opened up and swallowed the Profit Center.” He looked at his console. “It’s still open, shall we pursue?”

Peacekeeping and pirate hunting had its moments, but generally speaking it was boring. Jonas nodded, “Shields up, take us in nice and easy.”

Artemis Zephyr, the flight control officer nodded, “Aye Aye Captain.”

Moments later, they were in the worm hole hurtling through the underspace.


  • FrameProfile Photo

    That all happened quick like really quick, but now that the ship is hurtling through Underspace what is going to happen? I will say I think the story could have had a little more content before the events occurred. I think by doing this you could have really reeled the reader in more. Sometimes that slow buildup makes it so much better. Nonetheless great work and keep it up!

    June 26, 2024
  • FrameProfile Photo

    Why would every Ferengi ship start their transmission by saying they are legit, it makes them more sus if anything. Thought their sudden occurrence kinda was me wishing to hard that would happen, hope Tomcat wont get into trouble. Great job with the post, looking forward to it!

    June 26, 2024
  • FrameProfile Photo

    Will a Ferengi ever learn to act just a little less dodgy; or would that just raise as much suspicions for the simple fact they are Ferengi at the end of the day? The anomaly sprung out of nowhere or the 'Profit Center' only has limited scanning equipment. So its Tomcat to the rescue, if they can safely make the journey through underspace. A very nice start, looking forward to more.

    June 30, 2024