Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

11) A Chilly Jump

Deck 6 - Starboard Emergency Airlock 17-C4
September 2401
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Starboard Warp Cell

Leaning against the hull, her head felt the coldness of the steel, and she could hear its cracking sounds. The situation was dire. Both Suto and Silina were trapped in the broken piece of the warp cell, hanging with a few plates onto the Mariner. The problem was briefly upheld higher when the static and difficult-to-understand communication from the other side came that they found them. Silina's condition had worsened, even as a doctor herself. There was only so much she could do to stop the bleeding, but this became an internal concern, and she knew that the bleeding didn't stop in her. 

The situation didn't make it easier, knowing that the transporting system was still down and could take hours to get functional. The shuttle bays were also out of commission for hours. This warp cell had one EVA suit. Silina's eyes were locked onto it as it lay before her.

“Time is running out, Commander. Your latest scan of your body shows….” Suto was no expert in the medical field and had little care for it. But she also knew the Commander would most likely fill in the blanks herself. “We should make use of the suit and jump across.” She points at the sealed door. 

Her eyes shifted in the direction of Suto, narrowed weakly. “How do you think that would work? We got one suit, not two.” Silina knew the direction she was going to go and shrugged. “ Get in that suit, Lieutenant, you jump…” 

Looking at the door and the harsh conditions outside, she looked back at the weakened Commander. “That would mean death for you, Commander. You heard Ensign Cho. This is the only option, and you are more in medical need than I am. So, I urge you to get in that suit, and I will help you cross the line.” She looked outside again, some worry flickering in her eyes.

Why was this prodigy child of science so concerned about the well-being of her? She refused to help Silina with any medical procedures. Then again, Silina did notice a gagging sound. Blood disgusted Suto, most likely? “How can you get safely to the other side?” 

Suto thought for a second and calculated the risk: “About 29%? We are dealing with the harsh conditions of space, vacuum, and cold, and then there is the element of surprise that you got tachyon particles that can make anyone's day a living hell…or shorten it.” She looked back at Silina, who was barely able to keep her eyes open. “I think it is time for you to go…” 

Trying to resist Suto's suggestion, “I….I am not leaving you behind, Lieutenant. You got what….air for an hour?” Silina noticed Suto putting the suit's pants on her, “I can't … leave you.” 

“It is not logical to put yourself at risk if the situation doesn't ask for it. I am in perfect health and condition and only have minor injuries. Now please stop resisting and accept the help." Suto shrugged a bit. “I know I am into a social butterfly, as most humanoids say. I am ….I can't blood that well and was unable to help you.” She closes the belt and places the shoes on Silina's feet. “So I do apologize.” 

She placed the upper piece on Silina as Suto gagged at the blood she saw and looked away while placing her boss into the suit.

Breathing heavily and feeling parts of her body going cold, she knew that the bleeding was taking a toll on her. “Fine, how do you get out, Lieutenant?” Silina managed to get out of her. As she magnet-locked her wrist into the suit, she saw Suto stand up and search in nearby cabinets. “What are you doing?”

Scuffling through the cabinets, Suto was looking for something, “I am using the parameters of the situation in my favor. But it is not favorable in its current condition. I have about 16% survival if I stay here. I have about 2% if I go out there.” She pulls out materials that Suto deemed as not worth her time. “That would mean I need something to boost those statistic measures.” She pulled out a few blankets, an engineer mask, an engineering jacket, and some isolation tape. 

“So…that will solve the issue?” Silina shrugged at what she was seeing.

Puzzled at the items, Suto slowly nodded. “It would increase my odds.” She looked at Silina, seeing her condition getting worse by the second. “This is what they would call take a leap of faith.” She pressed the commbadge “Scott to team near. Airlock 17-C4. We are going to attempt an airlock breach. Get ready to receive. Scott out" Starting to bind cloths of blankets around her vital areas and taping it with isolation tape. She placed the mask on her face and put on the jacket, taping the wrist to a close.

Silina looked at the crafty scientist, “You sure …about this?”

Looking at the areas she closed and warmed up with blankets, she looked through the mask at Silina. “Vital areas are protected. It should give me time to make the jump. I will need to hold my breath, and you need to hold onto me.” She helped Silina to her feet as she clicked the helmet close from Silina's suit.

“What are you going to do…” Silina looked puzzled as she was guided to the sealed door. 

Suto took a deep breath, placing Silina in front of her with the door behind her. “The airlock is about eighteen meters from us away. When I override the door locks, it will open, and all the air in this area will be pushed outside. It will create a force to push both of us in the line toward the open area with the force field. Now, the tricky part is that I don't know the trajectory and how long I can hold my breath.” 

Wanting to reject the idea was too much of a risk for Suto. But Suto was already dialing in the code: “Ready or not, here we go.” She pressed the panel's final codes as a countdown went off. She held onto Silina's EVA suit and took a few deep breaths before covering her face in the ripped blanket. She could feel Silina's arms going around her and holding onto her.

With a sudden click, the door opens, and an immense force of air pushes out as the two get pushed into the harsh and cold space in the direction of the ship's shimmering blue field. Twisting and turning, the two had barely any control over what was happening. Suto felt the coldness hit her, creeping up her exposed skin. But she held onto the suit, eyes closed and her breath in. It felt like an eternity; she was losing her breath due to the intense shaking.

Deck 6 - Starboard Emergency Airlock 17-C4

A little bit earlier, the team was looking at each other, trying to think of a way to get the two out of there. “Shuttle bays are out of commission for a few days, the transport system is a liability without proper checking, and it's not a first concern.” Adrián was relieved that Sazra and the rest of the bridge were okay, but he was less relieved when he heard the predicament Silina and Lieutenant Scott had been put into. 

“I just communicated that to Lieutenant Scott; she sounded not that happy about the given situation,” Keeyiro stated with a shrug, scratching the back of her head. “I honestly don't have any ideas to get them here…" She was interrupted by the sudden communication. 

Scott to team near. Airlock 17-C4. We are going to attempt an airlock breach. Get ready to receive. Scott out

The team looked at each other. Did they genuinely hear that message? Adrián rushed to the force field, seeing the activity going on in the warp cell. “Is she out of her mind?! There is only one suit in that compartment…” Seeing Silina getting helped into the suit, “Nurse, how long does one survive in space…given situation?” He looked at her.

Theetika shrugged. “Given the situation, minus 250 or more Celsius out there. No one will survive that for a long exposure of time.” 

Rolling his eyes, Adrián sees them getting ready “Fuck mee…. Aakif helped me, Nurse, get ready to receive someone in freezing conditions. Ensign Cho, get me a carry team down here, stat." Aakif stood quickly at the side. Theetika stood at the ready, not amused by the given plan. Ensign Cho started to communicate with a transport team for emergency pickup. 

The air explosion was seen from the other side, seeing the two bodies being launched from the compartment, “INCOMING.” Adrián raised his voice, tracking with his eyes the two unstable projectiles of bodies. Seeing the slow-down of the two, seeing them getting closer and getting too slow to get to them. Taking a deep breath, “Aakif, hold my arm, counterweight!” 

Slowly, Suto looked up and opened her eyes, looking at Silina's helmet. She felt so cold that she needed to breathe as it slowly escaped her lungs. Feeling her consciousness fading, she suddenly felt a tug on her feet and dragged through the force field that allowed for a quick entrée. 

“Get the Commander to sickbay stat!” A voice yelled the orders.

“Commander your arm…” 

A familiar voice came by that might be linked to that nurse Suto knew. She felt a sudden lift from the floor as if she were being carried. Her eyes opened slowly as she saw snips of Adrián's worried face: “Commander….” She was confused. Suto didn't understand why this man was carrying her. Ah, yes, the transporter was down, but then again, a triage team should pick her up and not like this.

“Don't worry, Lieutenant, we will get you to the sickbay. That was the stupidest thing I ever saw anyone do, but….also the bravest,” Adrián spoke, not looking down at the frozen-up Suto, who had difficulty breathing. 


  • A chilly jump? That’s got to be the most understated title ever for what that madwoman just did, and now I’m more worried about Scott - someone that just a couple posts ago was a comedic foil… the ebullism, hypothermia, and hypoxia, plus the newbie mistake of holding her breath rather than exhaling as she became exposed to the vacuum, causing her lungs almost certainly to burst… things do not look good, in the slightest for our Vulcan science officer. Gonna take a miracle of 25th century science to save her, and then we’ve still got Ruslanovna to worry about too.

    June 25, 2024
  • I actually didn't know what to expect when I saw the title of this story, but you did not disappoint in this story. Scott is crazy though in doing what she did reminds me of an action one of my characters made. The truth is I am wondering how she is going to survive from the crazy action she just took. On top of that we still have to look at the Commander who is also in need of saving. I am interested to see what you're going to do.

    June 25, 2024
  • Wow! This chapter was such a gripping read. Crazy solution for a crazy time! You can really feel the tension as Silina and Suto try to figure out how to survive with only one EVA suit. Gotta say, the solution was brave af! Suto’s discomfort with blood adds a layer of vulnerability to her otherwise calculated demeanor, making her more relatable. (Kinda more especially to me atm bc she seems autistic). The decision Suto makes to risk her life to save Silina is both harrowing and heroic. It shows a lot about her character and the lengths she’s willing to go to for her commander. This moment of selflessness is poignant and really elevates the emotional stakes, even though her (alleged) motivation is logical and rational. And oh goodness! Valerio is so sweet ❤️ Overall, this chapter does a fantastic job of maintaining high tension and emotional engagement. Excited to see what happens next! (I didnt understand the social butterfly comment, but as I mentioned in comment for chap 10, it's a bad brain day)

    June 25, 2024
  • Really enjoyed this, the danger felt real. Both for Silina who was in such a bad way, but trying to be selfless in fine XO style. The logic and the ingenuity of Suto came across very well. It keeps the 'how do we get through this' story of the Mariner's situation going. You manage to get such a sense of personal interaction between the pair as well even with the situation being as it was. Thank you.

    July 14, 2024