Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Bridge Crew Promotion

Bridge, USS Cupertino
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“This is Captain Nassar speaking. We have encountered a subspace aperture that has pulled us into an unknown region of space. Our helm is working on getting a fix on our location, and our science department is supporting them with this. We have prioritised getting systems back online, and the recreational area is being used as a triage centre for those of you who got injured.”

Vitor was still in the improvised triage center when the Captain’s voice came trough the comms. He was helped by that civilian who was working as an “improvised nurse”, and checked afterwards by a Doc that confirmed he was alright and promissed to release him, but was called to another emergency.

All that however seemed meaningless after the Captains first words.

There was a long pause, and then the Captain continued. “I know all of you come from varying backgrounds, and I regret not having had the time thus far to get to know you better. I still believe that any information, and any suggestion can be valuable, and I want you to know that I am grateful for anyone coming forward with ideas and theories. Nassar out.”

He raised an eyebrow as he raised himself and began walking out of their improvised triage center. He wasn’t sure were he could be of use, and he also wasn’t going to provide much theories. But he could man a station on the bridge and likely release someone there. Maybe someone who can actually help.

Rushing to the turbolift Vitor took it and went all the way to the Bridge. He stepped out going directly to the Captain.

“Captain, were can I help?”

“Ah, Mister Silveira. I was just going to call for you.”, said Nassar with a somewhat stressed smile. “Lieutenant Keller was injured and will not be able to attend her duties. You said that you have experience as a tactical officer?” 

“I do, not exactly in a California class, but the principal is all the same.”

“Then I would like you here, replacing her.”, the Captain nodded. 

“Understood Captain.” Vitor moved to the tactical station and tapped in the commands to get a general picture. Phasers and Torpedo launchers were down , with no power running. Shields were now up but with some fluctuations due to the damage and lack of energy.

He tried to keep the shield emiters powered and ready, as he redirected some of the ships energy to Tactical.

“Shields holding, but weapons offline. Permission to redirect damage control crews.”

“Permission granted.”, Saffiya smiled, happy to see someone getting to work this quickly. “We do not have a fix on our location yet, but I have several people working on the matter. For now, let’s stay vigilant, and get our systems back online.”

Vitor simply nodded and redirected a pair of repair crews to assure the shields would be working properly. He had no idea where they were, but at least he was going to make sure they could defend themselves.


  • Its nice to work on Saffiya announcement, it shows that it turns the crew slowly in their attitude towards her. Vitor was one of those, being a multi-skilled person, he wanted to feel useful and was encouraged by the Captain's request to step forward. A great post to show the further development of this crew. Looking forward to more!

    June 24, 2024