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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions

When the USS Cupertino embarks on a critical mission to rescue Captain Jurev,  nothing could have prepared them for the gravimetric distortions that drag their ship into a mysterious and perilous network of subspace corridors known as Underspace

Mission Description

The USS Cupertino, commanded by Captain Nassar, is on a mission to locate and rescue Captain Jurev, the Cupertino’s former Commanding Officer who mysteriously disappeared a few weeks prior. En route, the crew detects unusual gravimetric distortions and, upon investigation, is unexpectedly pulled into an Underspace aperture.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

30 June 2024

Waiting Game

USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions

B.L.A.D.E didn’t understand the concept of lies and deception, and when Lieutenant Vargas had chosen to logically explain why they needed the Captain’s approval to truly be Starfleet – and could only attain such approval if not lodged in the main computer – it had believed her. [...]

30 June 2024

Implementing A New Approach

USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions

Captain Nassar was on the way to the holodeck, not sure what she was expecting. Then again, she had certainly learned to adjust her expectations, and with the new approach Lieutenant Seta had suggested her, she felt like she was embarking on a highly experimental endeavour. She greeted the crewmen [...]

30 June 2024

... Another One Opens

USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions

Hina shook her head. Catherine seemed smart, but there was no way she could honestly believe what she had said. “No it isnt. Its using us.” she said. “Just like it did those other ships.” she added, pointing to the now locked doors. “Because without the crew its stuck [...]

30 June 2024

One door closes...

USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions

The more Catherine Vargas thought about the conversation she had just had with Hina – the one in which she had disclosed some of the Computer’s intricacies – she figured that all of it had been a very bad idea. Not only because she had criticized the Captain who was also [...]