Part of USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora’s Warp

Side stepping a Coup d’état

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The control tower was bustling with activity as the two fighter-bombers touched down following their strike on the prison compound and the aliens attempting to break the prisoners out. Though he hated launching an attack on his own people his orders indicated that the Cardassians, as they called themselves, had taken over most of the prison and the new aliens after they had attacked and presumably killed the Alpha where on their way to free them.

Colonel Crocked-Tooth paced back-and-forth as he tried to keep his nerves calm. The preliminary report from the pilots indicated that they had not succeeded in eliminating the alien attacking the prison. The only upside he could see at the moment was from the report General Swiftclaw had sent him indicating that the aliens who had destroyed Delos City were pulling back.

“Any more news from the General or the recovery team heading to the prison?” Crocked-Tooth said as he watched the two aircraft make their way off the runway.

“No, sir. Nothing since the last report. The time limit he gave them ended only a minute ago,” came the reply from the radio operator.

“Keep me updated as soon as you hear anything.” Without pause, he excused himself and returned to his office one floor down. He glanced at the desk where the orders sat from General Swiftclaw; orders that made him question many things. After he sat at his desk he reread the orders for the tenth time, at least, unable to shake the feeling that he was missing something, “Why would these new Aliens attack the city or the Alpha?”

The away team beamed in once the Colonel was isolated enough. Varael stepped in from the Colonel’s assistant desk, he said, “You should probably ask me.”  Varael offered, standing calm, but wary. Hearing the question, Varael’s righteous anger shifted from the Colonel but he was still pissed. That would be obvious to anyone who knew him. 

The Colonel jumped to his feet, almost losing his footing when his left got tangled in with the chair. “Alpha!” he stammered while he glanced down at the orders. “How are you still alive? The General told us that the Aliens had killed you…” he stopped as a figure stepped in behind Varael. Crocked-Tooth looked back and forth between the alien figure, who casually leaned on the door, and Varael, “The aliens….the Cardassians, didn’t escape did they?” He felt his anger grow as the pieces began to fall into place. He knew he was long down on the hierarchy in the military so he had been unlikely to question the orders, he had been used, his pilots had been used to attack his own people. 

Jeter stood quietly, though his hand was close to his phaser, as he watched the Colonel quickly put everything together. He could understand the anger both the Luphiraians now displayed and was curious how this would play out. 

Picking up the orders on the desk, Varael read with great interest. While Varael didn’t know the officer extremely well, he knew enough to know that he’d been used as a pawn. Placing a hand on the Colonel’s shoulder, he said. “Give me everything you gotten, and the pack will resolve the issue.” Varael knew exactly what he had to do now. 

Crocked-Tooth bowed his head every so slightly and quickly went to his desk and began to gather all of the documentation he had received from General Swiftclaw. As he did his eyes drifted to the figure quietly waiting in the doorway. As he grabbed his notes and orders he looked up, “I don’t have much Alpha, the General and his supporters have only spoken to me twice. The first was to notify me of the alien attack and your death, ordering me to launch the fighters. He provided all the correct codes…”

Deep in thought, it took Varael a moment to respond. “Swiftclaw. Thank you. The General and the rest of his band of traitors are getting a rude awakening as well. “The difference is, you are awakening from your nightmare. Theirs will just be starting.” Varael’s muzzle animated at the prospect of setting things right. 

Jeter looked between the two and stepped forward, “Are your men loyal Colonel? If the Alpha steps into the command centre here will they join him and remain loyal?”

“You may call us traitors,” Swiftclaw announced stepping into the command center.   He had come here to see if Vareal was dead only to find not only the Alpha, but one of the aliens as well. “It is the Alpha that  is the traitor.  He has betrayed us to aliens.  Sold us put for some weapons and to travel the stars.  Well, we’ve seen where that has gotten us. Our planet is crawling with alien filth and one of our cities obliterated.  I am not the traitor Colonel.  The Alpha is.”

“I don’t need weapons, alien or otherwise, to return your traitorous skin to the ground, Swiftclaw.” Setting his gaze hard, hackles raised. “ Varael wouldn’t be looking away. ”Your failing grasp of obvious facts is only surpassed by ending string of errors in your recent actions. The new smart weapons on your fighters. Hypocrite.”

Getting within inches of Swiftclaw, “This is now far larger than just us you simp. We are about to be involved as less than cannon fodder in the middle of a galatic civil war we didn’t even know existed until today. Adding to that, your ill-timed attack just denied medical and emergency treatment to that same city, which I voted against but was overruled by the tribal vote.” Using a finger and pointing to his temple. “Think you squirrel!”

Swiftclaw growled barring his teeth, the fur on the back of his neck raised.  As he did half a dozen armed troops responded their weapons poised to fire. “Today will be your last Alpha!”

Jeter sighed, “Well this didn’t go as I hoped. But as expected I guess….” He gently squeezed the small emergency transponder he had been holding. As he did the world swirled around Vareal and him as shouts erupted around them. A moment later they found themselves standing back onboard the Denver

Jeter didn’t delay as he quickly ran to the transporter console and focused the scanners on the room they had just been. “Got you…” As he did he activated the transporter, targeting all the Luphiraians within the Colonel’s office.

Seeing the human rush off the place they had beamed to, Varael and the others cleared the transporter pads. Turning, he said, “Thank you, Mister Jeter. I thought I was going to have to resort to more aggressive tactics. My gratitude for your impeccable timing. Please tell me with all of your wonderous technology, you also have the traitors?” 

He added, “Even if you don’t, I have the evidence I need thanks to body cameras.” Varael said with a smirk, tapping the camera on his chest plate. 

Bridge to Jeter ” Rebecca’s voice came over the com. “Report.”

Jeter looked at Varael and grinned, showing his teeth,  “One sec.”

He took a deep breath and activated the coms, “Apologies Captain, I had to act quickly. The General who orchestrated the attack ambushed us in the office of the base commander. I believe he was about to kill us so used an emergency beam out to get the Alpha and myself safely aboard.” He paused for a moment before continuing, aware the next bit crossed a line, “I then used the transporters and activated a group transport on all the remaining occupants of the room. They are currently spread across the various bring cells. I would suggest we have security get there right away.”

Understood.  Please escort the Alpha to my ready room.”

Ready Room…

Rebecca stepped away from the replicator with a coffee in hand, inhaling the aroma and savoring the moment. She let the warmth seep into her hands and smiled. Even if it was replicated, it was still coffee, and after today, she was going to need all the help she could get. The door chimed, snapping her from her reverie. She hesitated and looked down into the swirling black liquid, steam rising from the surface. “Enter,” she called out with a sigh.

Moving behind the desk, Rebecca took her first sip of coffee, using it as a ward against the recent events and news that might be lurking behind the parting doors. When Jeter and the Alpha entered, she flashed them a polite smile before taking a seat. She wished she had Riandri here; Rebecca had come to rely on the Intelligence officer and acting XO. “Gentlemen,” she greeted, motioning towards the empty seats opposite her.

“Captain,” Jeter said with a quick nod before taking a seat. As he did he pursed his lips and clicked his tongue, a habit he had when he was nervous, “How are our guests?”

“Hopefully not getting too comfortable,” Rebecca replied. She glanced at her coffee, considering a sip, then decided against it. “What you did violated countless regulations, including the Prime Directive.”

Jeter nodded in agreement, “I know. I viewed it as the lesser of two evils given the circumstance. I was hoping that Varael, their duly elected leader may have a place he could hold them for trial.” As said that he glanced over at the Alpha.

Rebecca leaned back in her chair, cradling her coffee. At last, she took her second sip. It really was a good replicator recipe. She had gotten it through a friend of a friend who knew someone. Apparently, it was the same one Captain Janeway used.

Varael commented, “There is a volcano in the Southern hemisphere that you could drop the traitors in, problem solved.” He said morbidly but with a chuckle. “Your timing was impeccable, Mister Jeter, thank you. ”Captain. I do appreciate your position. Allow me to get loyal troops back at the camp and they can be interned where their treachery took place.” he said getting up, giving the Captain a release for her brief look of suprise.

“Also, it’s time for action. You came to help. My people desperately need that assistance. The one way to squash this xenophobic infantile behavior is to get your people amongst mine. I have no doubt that your scent will ring as true with them as it did with me. “

“The coup is your responsibility Alpah. We  can’t and I won’t authorize military intervention.   For one, we are explorers and two that is our general order number one.  Once we have your injured stabilized we can provide shelter,  food , and some medicines… even that is bending the rules, but considering the contamination of your culture is partially our fault I think we have a duty to your people.”

Rebecca entered commands and brought up the sensor logs from eight months prior. Hitting play she turned her computer terminal to face the Alpha to view the battle between a Sovereign-class and a Cardassian ship.

Varael watched the screen with great interest. He didn’t pretend to understand the physics of it all. He completely understood the ramifications, horror, and fascination of the situation. “Captain. You and I are in complete harmony. All I am asking for is help for my people. The question we are all wrestling with is undoing what may not be able to be undone.” Then added, “We are also great believers in harmony and fate. Let us see where the music takes us before we ruin the dance.” He offered. “All I require is a communications terminal. The entire interaction between Swiftclaw and I is on record thanks to the body camera in my armor. The pack will decide the traitor’s fate.”

“Then Captain, I need to be with my people. Not dancing here up in the stars.” Varael said plainly. “This is wonderous, magical even, but the day isn’t getting any younger while there are people to attend to.”

Rebecca nodded.  “Mr Jeter will escort you to the transporter room.  Alpha, I wish we could have met under better circumstances, but I will get my people to beam down shelters, and medical supplies.  If you need anything please ask. I will also supply a small subspace communicator.  In the coming months a Starfleet follow-up team will likely arrive.”

“Captain. I too would love to have shown you the many splendors we offer. Business as always can be a struggle to harmonize with more pleasant events.

Rebecca nodded, and picked up a PADD containing the specifications of Cochran’s warp drive on the Phoenix. “If anyone asks, you stole this,” she said giving the Alpha a conspiratorial smirk. “That cat is out of the bag, and I doubt you are going to stop developing your own warp drive.  As such you might as well do it safely so we aren’t having to provide rescue teams again.”

A sly smile crossed the Alpha’s face. “Well, Captain. As the author, Terry Pratchett said, your Lieutenant Viat kindly passed along, ” May you live in interesting times.” He said it was one of three books Gus passed along to gain a deeper understanding of humanity. Captain. regardless of what happens from here on out, your crew are honorary pack members. Welcome at anytime. Just call first.” He quipped.

With that Jeter, gestured towards the door, “It’s been a pleasure Varael.”