Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Intercept (Indigo#13)

Indigo System
Stardate 78196.18
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Arriving on the bridge to find it fully staffed, the alert panels lit with the fixed yellow colour, Vilgi moved quickly to the center of the room. “Charnack take the Operations station, Wren you’ll act as my second in command for the moment, report please.”

The female lieutenant commander in question rose from her chair and crossed the bridge, given Merrova being otherwise engaged, the selection was merely one of seniority, which she seemed to acknowledge well enough. 

“The vessel has continued on its present course, no other vessels have been detected joining it, it has made no attempts to contact us. Also the station is no longer answering our communication requests.” There was perhaps a little too much eagerness in both her approach and the report that followed for Vilgi’s liking, but placing his personal concerns aside he focused on the task at hand.

“It is curious, sir, if the vessel is native to the system, why is it at present so far out.” Maven asked, unprompted from the helm station.

“Trajectory on screen please.” Vilgi requested, in response, the bulkhead then phased into a tactical display, with the system, the station, the Rubidoux, and the incoming vessel displayed. A dotted line connected the vessel with the fifth planet of the system. “If we were to input a slingshot path of between  one-eighty and two-fifty degrees, have the computer extrapolate launch positions.”

The computer returned a quick answer, the dotted line extending out behind the vessel, splitting into two lines and curving in arch back towards the system, the area between shaded gray, with the outer line clipping through the sixth planet in the system. “Looks like a slingshot style maneuver. In any case, first we hail, then we intercept.” Looking back to the Tactical Officer. “General hailing frequencies please.”

“Vessel on approach to Indigo system, this is the USS Rubidoux of the Federation, your transit is not registered and you are on course for a restricted system, either state your intent and clearance or divert your course.”   He stated authoritatively, not entirely expecting a response.

After a pause of a few moments, he decided on action. “Send a comm burst to the North Star. Inform them we have a rogue vessel attempting to enter restricted space and are moving to intercept. Request assistance in both intercepting and blocking the vessel’s approach.”



Captain Treylana Hess moved purposefully around the bridge of her new command, the USS North Star, her experienced eyes keenly inspecting her crew as they made the final preparations for the ship’s maiden voyage. The North Star, much larger than her last command and fifty per cent additional crew compliment, was docked at the station, the atmosphere filled with a buzz of anticipation. Amidst this organized chaos, a young lieutenant at the Operations console looked up and called out, “Captain, we have an incoming transmission from the USS Rubidoux. A rogue vessel is on an intercept course for the Indigo system, and the Rubidoux intends to engage and is requesting assistance. Treylana’s mind raced through the implications. The North Star was still docked, not fully prepared for immediate action, but this was exactly the kind of situation that required a swift and decisive response.

“Commander Selok,” she addressed her First Officer, “how long until we can be underway?”

“Approximately fifteen minutes to undock and clear the station, Captain,” Selok replied, his Vulcan demeanour unflappable.

“Make it happen. Notify all departments to expedite departure protocols. We need to be spaceborne immediately,” Treylana ordered, then turned to her tactical officer. “Lieutenant Mulaho, plot an intercept course for the rogue vessel and coordinate with the Rubidoux. We need to cover as much ground as possible to prevent any breach of the restricted zone.”

As the crew sprang into action, Treylana tapped into the comm panel on her chair. “Rubidoux, this is Captain Treylana Hess of the North Star. We are preparing to undock and will assist in intercepting the vessel. ETA is fifteen minutes. North Star out.”

She then turned her attention to the helm. “Lieutenant Joras, prepare for rapid departure. Engage thrusters as soon as we’re clear.”

“Aye, Captain,” Joras acknowledged, fingers dancing over the controls.

“All hands, this is the Captain,” she announced over the ship-wide intercom. “We are responding to a potential threat in the Indigo system. Prepare for immediate action. Hess out.”



“Sir, it feels like we are in an area covered by the Prime Directive, is it appropriate for us to be taking action?” Wren asked, her expression genuine and her voice had a slight shake to it, perhaps denoting her trepidation, either because of the situation or for asking this particular question.

“I appreciate your concerns, it could be said that what has gone between the three species is their concern. However two of them have openly asked for our aid and now potential mistreatment of the third has come to light, our attempts to investigate have been blocked, and an unknown vessel with unknown intent is on the way here. I have the ability to act on their behalf, so I intend to ensure their safety.” Vilgi stated, this was one of those occasions it felt appropriate to make it clear, to the senior and bridge officers, why he was intent on a particular course of action. He paused, the implicate reason was for objections or additional questions, when none were forthcoming, and the moment passed and the time for action had come.

“Helm, One quarter impulse, starboard turn eight degrees.”Vilgi instructed, the perfunctory ‘aye’ followed and the vessel began to move off. “Set a course for the edge of the system, bring us to full impulse once we clear the station’s control area.” He seated himself in the center chair, fixing the tactical display on the screen, his intention was to keep the ship from entering or reentering the system, his thoughts were consumed with possible maneuvers that could be employed, dismissing ones he felt would not be as effective.

“We’ve reached the edge of the system, sir.” Maven reported from the helm station.

“Slow to a quarter.” Vilgi looked up from his personal display, set off to one side, to the main screen. The glance was enough to tell the approaching vessel was holding its current course. “Any change in speed?”

“None, sir, at present rates we will be in visual range in eight minutes, and weapons range in four.” Came the response from the tactical station.

“Very good.” Vilgi responded, deciding it was time to test out the vessel’s intent, he planned a simple move, shifting his own vessel away momentarily before cutting back across. “Helm adjust heading, zero five zero mark two two.” The order was acted on and the Rubidoux shifted in space, her bulk turning out and upwards, as the ship continued on its steady progress away from the Indigo system. It held to the course, any intercept chance was gone now as the gap opened wider. The tactical display showed a little adjustment from the incoming ship but only a few degrees inward.

“Incoming Communication. Starfleet encryption, Commander Merrova’s I believe.” Racshaw announced clearly from her position near the back of the bridge.

“Patch her through.” Morr ordered.

“Captain, Not sure how long this line is going to last. The ambassador and I have uncovered enough to be sure the vessel has orders to assault the planet and the station commander is to take no action.” Merrova relayed quickly, the urgency and intensity in her voice, likely a combination of the subject matter and the uncertain length of time to discuss. “I’m transmitting the specific log now, if the line holds I’ll forward more.”

Vilgi glanced behind and to his right, Racshaw nodded, he then point down to his personal terminal, an unspoken instruction to pass it on to himself.

“That track with what we see out here. One lone ship. I’ve called in a support ship.” Vilgi informed his first officer, and now business was taken care of, his catering nature came to the fore. “That was a hell of a play, Vonny. Captain thinking for sure. You sure your safe?”

“Safe enough for now. I think I put the wind up then with the Fed jurisdiction.” The comm signal stretched out over the last word and then cut out completely.

“Merrova.” Vilgi stated simply, hoping for a slight glitch rather than anything more permanent comm’s loss, a thrown glance, a shaken head, told him it was the latter. The task at hand and ship in front of him beckoned

“Course adjustment, one-one-five mark one eight. Let’s see what she does when the gap closes again.” Vilgi said calmly. Both the tactical display and a visual glance would show the Starfleet ship, make a sudden shift, cutting back across the edge of the system. If it continued the two ships would certainly pass close by. Then came the first evidence of the incoming vessel trying to avoid any blockages, its nose shifting over a couple of dozen degrees, and trying to ensure the two vessels would never meet.

“Port turn sir. She wants to get by us for sure!” A call came from the tactical station.

“Hold you course and speed, for the moment” Vilgi instructed, his attention on the display, and the cat and mouse type scenario that was developing. “New heading one-zero-five mark zero.”

“Visual range.”

“On screen, keep the tactical overlay. Ee-Tee-Aay North Star .” Vilgi instructed, he was pitched in the middle at this point, easier to twist and glance and hear the goings on, also the situation making it impossible to relax back fully.

“They’ve made a starboard turn sir, zero nine five mark three five. North Star ninety seconds out.”

“Cut to half impulse and come all about. Then match their heading and punch up to full again.” Even though there was still plenty of distance between the two vessels, Vilgi pulled the specific move to both demonstrate the ships agility, the commitment to the block, and also to give a little bit more maneuvering options. As the Roo performed the maneuver, the tactical display showed the arrival of the second ship, reinforcements, and a chance at ending this.

“Channel to the North Star ” Vilgi requested

“Open, sit.”

“Captain Hess, request you take the port side of the approaching vessel, catch them in a wedge, they might not reach the fifth planet or station orbiting it.” Vilgi relayed his plan for the forthcoming action, trusting the captain would follow through.



As the USS North Star swiftly manoeuvred into position, Captain Treylana Hess surveyed the situation unfolding before her on the viewscreen. The sleek form of the rogue vessel loomed ahead, its intentions still unclear but undoubtedly concerning. With the Rubidoux holding steady on the starboard side, they had a chance to enact Vilgi’s plan and prevent any breach of the restricted zone.

“Understood, we’ll take the port side as requested,” Treylana responded, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. “Lieutenant Mulaho, adjust our course to align with the North Star. Maintain formation with the Rubidoux.”

“Aye, Captain,” Mulaho acknowledged, swiftly inputting the necessary commands into the helm console.

The North Star smoothly glided into position, flanking the rogue vessel alongside the Rubidoux. The combined presence of the two Federation starships created an imposing barrier, effectively cutting off any path the rogue vessel might have intended to take towards the fifth planet of the Indigo system.

Rubidoux, North Star, we’re in position,” Treylana transmitted, her gaze fixed on the viewscreen as she monitored the movements of the rogue vessel. “Let’s hold this formation and await further instructions. North Star out.”

As the tense standoff continued, Treylana couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride in her crew. Despite the unexpected nature of the situation, they executed their manoeuvres flawlessly.

“Captain, the rogue vessel is altering course,” Lieutenant Mulaho reported from the helm station.

“Maintain our position, Lieutenant,” Treylana ordered, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched the movements of the rogue vessel. “Let’s see where they’re headed.”

The minutes ticked by as the North Star and the Rubidoux held their formation, vigilant and ready for any further developments. It was a delicate balance, the tension palpable as they waited to see if the rogue vessel would attempt to evade their blockade or if they had successfully deterred any further incursion into the restricted zone.



The time had come for another hail and another warning.

“Approaching vessel. You’re entering a restricted space.  You’re clearly surrounded. Cut your engines and answer this hail.” Vilgi stated authoritatively. Before looking over his shoulder to the tactical station, there was a subdued but definite shake of the head.

“Hold your course. Let’s see how committed or foolish their commander is.” Vilgi stated, giving both an order and making his intention plain.

“Vessels making a port turn, that’ll put her in the side of the if they hold it, I think foolish is the answer.” Mavern commuted from the forward helm position, his tone was flat for the most part, although that added to the condescension of the remark somehow.

“Follow their turn minus five degrees, tighten the net.” Vilgi stated, hoping for a quick box in and surrender, but on his personal screen, had an alternative or two just in case.

“Vessel slowing.” Came a call from behind, Vilgi straightened, this could be designed to draw them in, or just the hoped for compliance. “She’s all stop sir.”

“Cut to one quarter, have the do the same.” Vilgi responded, with a possible end so close, he intended to creep in and make sure of it. About to ask for another hail, he was beaten to it.

“Incoming transmission. Finally.” An exasperated report from tactical.

“Loose the tactical display and let’s have it, and loop in Captain Hess .” A short instruction, but important in keeping everyone on the same page.

The tactical display dissolved as the screen went to a solid black. Then two side by side insignia’s appeared. One more than familiar, the United Federation of Planets badge with the vessel’s name underneath, on the right side. On the other side a different  symbol displayed, two side-on triangles with overlapping points at the middle, one silver, the other gold, with the overlap orange. Then the screen displayed a Kerack male, resplendent in a neat tunic, triple gold striping on both shoulders, a broad gold stripe running the length of the purple upper tunic.

The chair was functional, with the only standout feature being the inverted triangular headrest that was significantly larger than necessary, designed perhaps to draw the viewer to the commander’s presence. “Starfleet Vessel, I have complied with your request and will go no further forward. My orders included an assurance our approach would be unnoticed, and thereby unopposed. Plainly this is not the case. Therefore I surrender, I ask that my crew be treated with due respect as I believe your regulations permit.”

“You and your crew will be treated fairly, you will fall in line with the , who will escort you back to where you came, Commander.”Vilgi assured his opposite number, remaining seated also during the exchange, he was of the school that a seated, relaxed commander was often more effective, than a standing and trying to intimidate commander. He went on to explain that he would be using the commander’s previous statement in further  interactions with the Dari/Kerack leadership representatives. “Your testimony corroborates our signals intelligence, we intercepted a communication to the station commander to not oppose, rather treat your vessel as non-existent. Further we have evidence planet Indigo five is inhabited and your orders, were they carried out would have constituted a war crime, under interstellar law.”

“I Pimus-Navus Odwurd make an offer and impose upon you to make a request. I’m opening access to our computer logs, please take up to the last four cycles, information in there may help your case.” He gave a perhaps exaggerated arm gesture to an officer off screen.

“I was sent on a fool’s errand Captain Morr. The war is over, as were fools errands for commanders of our level. I would like to call my government to account and it might just provide another line of evidence. Prefectus-Navus take command, heed the federations last instruction, serve your crew well.” He was standing now head held high, Vilgi noted attempt at connection with him on a professional level at least, in his phrasing, ‘commanders of our level’, he also took the man on face value as a very principled Captain, with a little bit of training and experience he could make a fine Starfleet Captain, but that was for the future. Right now they had more immediate concerns.

“Security to transporter room one.” A voice to Vilgis left, his acting first officer taking a bit of initiative. “Be ready to take in a prisoner.”

“Racshaw, Make the appropriate connection with the vessel and download the offered logs, be sure to take only what is offered, as a gesture of good faith.” Vilgi instructed the junior, but capable officer, continuing to use her as the designated signals officer for this particular encounter. “Wren, have security escort Pimus-Navus Odwurd to VIP three, assign three guards, two physical, one surveillance monitor.”

“Pimus-Navus we will transport you shortly, please comply with the officers charged with your arrest, they will escort you to quarters, you will stay there unless requested otherwise. I will visit you shortly to determine our next actions.” Vilgi stated, for him, very bluntly, but not forcefully or aggressively. Just enough to have the needed compliance of the opposing commander.

Directing his attention to the Federation Captain on the other half of the screen, Vilgi made his request. “You have had a clear transmission Captain Hess , I request your assistance in escorting the vessel as soon as we have the Commander onboard.”



“Understood, Captain Vilgi,” Treylana responded, her tone respectful yet resolute. “We’ll stand by to assist with escorting the vessel once Commander Odwurd is aboard. North Star out.”

With the transmission concluded, Treylana turned her attention to her crew. “Lieutenant Mulaho, maintain our position alongside the Rubidoux. We’ll remain on standby until further orders.”

“Aye, Captain,” Mulaho acknowledged, her focus returning to the helm controls.

Treylana then turned to her First Officer. “Commander Selok, inform all departments to stand down from battle stations but remain at readiness. We may need to act swiftly depending on developments.”

Selok nodded in understanding and began relaying the orders to the crew. As the tension on the bridge eased slightly, Treylana allowed herself a moment to reflect on the events that had transpired. It had been a challenging situation, but thanks to the swift actions and cooperation between the North Star and the Rubidoux, a potentially dangerous encounter had been resolved peacefully.



“Download complete Captain.” Racsahw reported promptly.

“Transporter room energise.” Wren ordered though the comm line.

“We have Pimus-Navus Odwurd, bridge.” The disembodied voice of the transporter operator echoed around the bridge.

“Once again, your assistance and support is much appreciated Captain.Hess The Rubidoux will depart for Indigo Station in short order. Morr Out” Vilgi reiterated into the open com line, and after a pause, indicated for the line to be cut. A blank, black screen followed for a moment before being replaced with a view of the other two vessels,  nose on,  waiting,  much as the Roo must have appeared to each of them.

“Mavern, all about one quarter impulse, then up to one half back to the Station. Let’s put an end to this.” Vilgi instructed, still seated, despite the close call of the situation, instilling an air of calm to the bridge, he trusted.