Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Pull one Thread, Then another…..part two (Indigo#11)

Indigo Station
Stardate 78196.18
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Unarmed, and without much hope of overpowering three security persons. Racshaw mouthed ‘I’m sorry’, in Withath’s direction, to which she received a resigned shrug, expecting to be pushed away from an avenue of research, that made the woman first disappointed, which lit Andorian blood aflame with frustration. As she filed out of the room past the spokesperson and the pair of security, her face had slipped from worry and concern to stony hard contempt and prompted a remark. “Three for a pair of academics someone’s worried.” Returning the glare from security number two, starting to dig in, the academy training to stand one’s ground was coming to the fore. One more thing to do. “Racshaw to Commander Merrova, we’re rolling to you.” She stated in a bare whisper, after a subtle insignia tap, pre-set phrasing to indicate the type of approach.



“Father. Whatever happens in the next five minutes, stay in this room please.” Eviea stated after receiving the communication from her subordinate. Already moving towards the entrance, she asked over her shoulder “Assuming this is an official diplomatic space?”

“Indeed it is, federation rights and standards apply.” Sethren stated, moving and placing himself behind the rearmost desk. “You’re expecting trouble, Commander-Daughter? The communication made this clear?”

“Racshaw used the ‘rolling’ phrase, Rubidoux away teams use that when withdrawing from dangerous or hostile circumstances, or unwillingly in the company of security or military unit, let’s put it that way for now.” Eviea explained positioning herself to one side of the entrance,  positioned ready for at least a stand off if not outright confrontation. “Right now lets just be ready and hold any speculation, we’ll have answers soon enough.” She added, telling herself to breath and not tense up while they waited, clear and measured actions would be needed in the next exchange. 

There was a firm, purposeful, hard triple rap on the doorframe. Eviea exhaled and pushed the control to slide the door back. She smiled at the five who stood in the corridor. One of hers and one of theirs flanked and fronted by three clear security type officers, two Dari one Kerack, the intent to threaten was clear. But Eviea was outwardly unconcerned, giving this impression with her opening question. “Can I help You gentlemen? Did my officer get lost, such a shame when that happens.”

“My commander has determined you and your subordinate have overstepped your remit as agreed by our respective governments and have ordered you removed from that station until the ceremony.” He stated tersely, realling off the script he had likely had dumped into him for the few minutes prior to being sent on this particular task. Eviea caught a glimpse of uncertainty in his eye, just for a moment, then it was gone.

“Your Commander has determined or His Commander has determined, how high does this go, officer?” She pushed a little, before relenting. “Of course, the diplomatic personnel will be allowed to return to this officer before we depart? Starfleet treats it’s duty to it’s diplomats with the utmost care.”

“They are being escorted to the receiving pad as we speak; they will also be removed, because of uncertain agendas.” The Officer stated, for once cracking a smile, as if delivering bad news brightened some perverse part of him, or maybe he just liked to push back when pushed himself.

“You can not do that. It’s illegal.” Came the surprising and utterly frustrated outburst from the andorian science officer.

“Racshaw, that’ll do.” Eviea instructed quickly, then turned her attention to the twist, and twisted it some more this time to her advantage. “Well then I will be staying put.” Gesturing to the office. “This is federation territory.” Gesturing to her father. “That is a Federation ambassador.” Hooking both hands onto her collar and chest. “I am a starfleet officer. I have a duty and an obligation to aid and protect my ambassador inside federation territory, which this is.” She grinned broadly, despite the risks she was opening herself up to, gambling that incursion was not something the officer had been briefed on or willing to do preemptively. “So i will be staying right here until the ceremony, or we get this matter straightened out whichever.” In the background she could just see the pair of betlegusain aids being brought to the growing leaving party. Fixing the increasingly concerned and angry looking andorian science officer. “Racshaw, Go back, apprise Capitain Morr of events, follow his orders, I’ll be fine and I’ll be in touch.”

“Not with restricted access you won’t.” The officer shot back, now intensely frustrated and developing a strong dislike if his expression and tone were anything to go by.

“Run along now.” Eviea said calmly and pointedly, before keying the door to close.

Facing her father, who for once had an expression she rarely caught sight of, it looked like concern with a heavy dollop of relief. “I wasn’t leaving you alone, and having me here might prove useful to my Captain.”

“I may have misjudge you Commander.” He said, with an uncharacteristic warmth in his voice, Vonny would almost call it pride.

“I think that goes both ways, Father.” Was her response.


  • Eviea

    Executive Officer

  • Racshaw

    Ops (Beta Shift)/Science Officer