Part of USS Jaxartes: Dark Shadows

Part 7: Ty Shyla

USS Jaxartes / Ty Shyla
13th August 2401 23:00
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Just under nine hours it had taken them; nine hours for the USS Jaxartes to reach the seemingly small and unimportant research establishment called Ty Shyla; situated on an equally insignificant planet that hadn’t even warranted getting its own name, not on either Romulan or Federation star charts at least.  So if there really was nothing remarkable or special about this place; why had a Valdore class warship been assigned to protect it, and why to had it needed the large powerful, heavy automated defence platform that orbited the planet?

The platform had been designed to take on a fleet, single handed; and it was clear from the damage that this had clearly happened.  Or had it?  There was something wrong with the whole scene of total destruction that lay out before them. 

“Tholakath, C’Rren, give me a full analyse of that space station and tell me what you think?”  Devron asked the two ensigns. “Check for any life signs.”

He was glad of the travel time, which had allowed time for the crew to rest; even he’d managed a couple of hours sleep, a chance to shower and eat a decent meal.  But Devron was far from happy that they’d apparently arrived too late to help, or witness first-hand what had happened. 

His original hunch had proved correct; a large proportion of the damage had been caused internally, as if someone had managed to get on-board and had planted explosive devices throughout key areas of the station. 

“That vessel we picked up heading here, how big was it?”  The captain enquired.

“Standard fleet type currier.” Replied his Tactical Officer. 

“And how many well-armed Klingon warriors could you pack into a vessel like that?” Devron asked.

“I’d estimate 36, 40 at a push.” Tholakath surmised. “Are you suggested a small force gained access to the station using the currier and attacked it from the inside?”  The Cardassian was silently impressed; with odds of in the region of 12 to 1 against, a group of Klingon warriors had made their way from the landing bay and rampaged through the platform, killing and destroying as they went.  How many had survived long enough to be beamed off when the rest of their forces had arrived to finish the job?  Whatever the case; not a single life sign could currently be detected anywhere within the shattered remains. 

Focus now switched to the planet and whatever was down on its surface.  The planet CC2203-87 was an M class, but only barely.  A fraction smaller than earth; there was a roughly equal land and ocean.  Of the land 70% of that consisted of one huge, near desolate continent.  Where the water and land met, there was a band of lush tropical rainforest; further in scrubland and savanna.  But at the continents heart, lay an immense barren desert.  It was at the centre of this empty desert that the research complex was situated. 

If Jason was going to pick anywhere to build something on this planet, it certainly wouldn’t be there. “Thoughts?” He question was aimed mainly at his Science Officer.

The Caitian studied the buildings, which consisted of three domes in a semi-circle and a long two story structure off to one side.  Further analysis revealed a network of subterranean passageways linking the four buildings, along with other sections of the complex which were entirely underground.  Like the space station in orbit, these building showed signs of damage; not one of the building had escaped unscathed and there were indications that sections underground had collapsed also.

“This whole place looks wrong, if I’m honest, Captain.” C’Rren finally announced, before going over some of the data on his screen a third time. 

“Reminds me of a prison complex; rather than a research site.” Mused Tholakath. “We’ve built enough in our time.”  He was referring to his own race and how they had treated their own people and those they’d conquered.  Yes, to him this made a perfect location for a prison.  It didn’t need to bother with walls, fencing or guard towers.  Where was anyone going to run?  It would take at least a month to cross that desert, and no one was surviving its harsh conditions more than a day or two.

This place had been a secret, or at least its true purpose may have been.  Had the Klingons merely stumbled across it, or hand they discovered what was going on here.  Had they come to rescue their fellow warriors to join the impending fight? 

Jason wanted answers and assumed he wouldn’t have a lot of time to get them. “How long before any Romulan forces get here?”

“One hour, ten minutes.” His Tactical Officer informed him. 

Devron looked towards Lieutenant Stuart. “Number one I want you to head down to that facility and see what information you can gather.  Take whoever you want.”

“How long have I got?” She asked pointing at both Tholakath and Cho to follow her. 

“I want to be clear of this place twenty minutes before that Valdore arrives.  Just in case you find anything we’re not supposed to know!”  The last part was shouted, the three bridge crew already past the door. 

“Are we heading into trouble?” Ensign Cho asked jogging up alongside the First Office.

“Aren’t we always?” Stuart smiled back.


Under ten minutes later, six figures materialised in what they hoped was the main control centre.  Lieutenant Stuart snapped into action the second their bodies finished coalescing.  “Cho, Tyson, check these computers and see if you can retrieve any data from them or the main computer if it’s operational.   Tholakath, take Appleby and search the main building opposite.  You’ll need to go across on the surface, but these a nice big hole to walk through!” Then she turned to the last member of the way team. “N’Quith you’ve drawn the short straw.  Follow me.”

The three pairs split off and set about gathering what information they could in the short time available to them.

The control centre had been wreaked, by energy weapons fire; the bodies of two Romulans lay on the floor, both male, one clearly having been shot due to the large scorch mark on his chest, whilst the other had been dispatched by the sharp blade of a Bat’leth.  Neither of the Starfleet personnel dwelled on the sight to long.  Tyson set about stripping out various components from the dozen consuls in the hope of cobbling together a working one; time was a major factor, so he working quickly, with the help of Cho, who passed him tool when required. 

The air was hot and stifling outside; even for a Cardassian, who was more used to oppressive temperatures such as these.  On the other had Crewman Appleby couldn’t stand it; and was sweating like mad and coughing his lungs out, by the time they reached the other building.   Tholakath let him rest and recover a moment, before they continued their investigation. 

As the two of them clambered over rubble and past twisted metal doors, they noticed bodies, a mix of Romulan and Reman, the later in full combat gear; all were dead.  Through another set of door, blown open by explosives, they found three Klingons; not dressed as warriors ready for a fight, no, these Klingons where dressed in simple coveralls.  But these prisoners hand not been executed at the hands of their captors whilst trying to escape; they along with another eighteen found throughout the building had all been killed by other Klingons.

The Cardassian Tactical Officer was puzzled.  This building could have held 300 prisoners easy; so why only 21, why only 15 guards, and finally why had they been murdered by their own.  The relayed his findings back to the Captain, before asking to be beamed up from their current location.

The other two teams followed suit a few minutes later, and with 25 minutes to spare before the arrival of the Republic Valdore, the USS Jaxartes sped away.