Part of USS Jaxartes: Dark Shadows

Part 6: Another Wild Utoxa Chase

USS Jaxartes
13th August 2401 14:00
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Six day’s and four anomalies reported; that’s what it had been like for the crew of the USS Jaxartes.  Each time a Romulan freighter would send out a distress call after picking up something on their scanner’s that appeared to be shadowing them.  The Raven class corvette had responded to all of them; three times the same Republic Valdore had arrived on the scene, one of those times a good twenty minutes before they had.  The other occasion it had been a D’deridex answering the alarm.  The once mighty warship was starting to show her age and this particular vessel was no longer able to pass warp 6.5.  Even now though; a lot of other ships would still avoid tangling with this veteran of the long gone Empire.

So what was going on?  Ships in other sectors had reported on Klingon activity, usually aimed at which ever Romulan faction just happened to be in their way.  Here thought it was different; someone was toying with them.  Testing out the response times of both this ship and those of the Romulans’.   Those freighters should never have known they were being followed.  Any half decent Bird of Prey could have ripped them to shreds and been gone before help arrived.   So the big question was why weren’t they?

Lieutenant Devron slapped the palm of his hand down on the armrest of his Captain’s chair; he was tired and frustrated by the whole situation, and he knew the rest of the crew weren’t faring any better.

“So how long before we get the next panicky message that has us on another wild Utoxa chase?” Enquired Tholakath; noting the irritation on the face of his commanding officer.

“Three minutes and forty-seven seconds.” Announced Doctor Andrianakis; walking on to the bridge.  “This should give me just enough time to check how you all are.” She waved a Medical Tricorder and moved towards Ensign C’Rren.

“That’s a very precise answer doctor.” The Caitian mused.

“Just a guess, like anyone of you here could make.” She replied. “Well you check out ok.  I know you need less than others, but make sure you do get some sleep.” The Science Officer acknowledge with a nod as the doctor moved over to Ensign Cho on communications.

“How are you?” She asked calmly; running the Tricorder over the young Korean. “You look a little fatigued.  I can see in in your eyes.”

“I’ll be ok.” Answered Cho, hesitantly; half looking past the doctor and her Captain.

“Never mind him.” Retorted Andrianakis. “If you have any medical issues or problems, you tell me. Ok?”

“The doctor is right.” Added Devron.  “You have all been giving 110%, not just lately but throughout our short time working together.  So if our ability to function starts to look compromised, I won’t hesitate to pull us out.  Understand?”

The rest of the bridge crew acknowledged the statement.  They were all glad their Captain was as much concerned about their health and well-being as the doctor was.  These were tense times, and the all knew how stretched the resources of the Federation were getting.

Andrianakis moved on to Lieutenant Stuart and checked her over, before moving across Tholakath; who as usual was causing problems for the doctors’ equipment.  As the doctor had once bluntly put it, the young Cardassian appeared as relaxed as a comatose Vulcan, even under the most stressful; of situations.  He had a way of holding it all back until he could find an outlet for all his emotions.   That outlet, aboard the ‘Jax’ at least; tended to be the holo-suite.  He had various simulated enemies to fight both armed and unarmed.  It did however make spotting the early signs of any problems that much harder.  So she hoped he’d be smart enough to tell her anything, rather than leave it until it could be too late.  Finally she walked over to the Captain and conducted a scan of his vitals.

Ensign Cho abruptly broke the near stillness of the situation.  “Picking up a distress call from a pair of Romulan ore carriers.”

“Let them know we’re on our way Ensign.” Devron requested. “Number one lay in an intercept course maximum Warp.”

“Course laid in, ready to engage.” Lieutenant Stuart announced just a few seconds later.

“Hit it.” Devron commanded.

The stars before them changed from multiple point of light to long streak’s whizzing past on all sides, as the corvette jumped to warp.  “Three minutes and forty-seven seconds.” Muttered Lyanna to herself under her breath. “How the heck did she get that right?”

The doctor knew very well why she’d been so accurate, or at least was starting to suspect something.  It wasn’t the first time she’d predicted an event at near impossible odds; and recently it had started to happen more often.  It both fascinated and scared her to death in equal measure, and it was all felt somehow connected to those dreams.  She hadn’t had one since that weird incident back on Earth, in France, were a guy called Flint had tried to kill her.  He was dead; killed in the most bizarre and unexplainable way possible.  As if her dream world was just as real as any other, and Andrianakis had took him there to die. What was the connection between her, a father she’d never known and this place she’d dreamed of? 

Phoebe had thought about contacting a psychiatrist or counsellor on several occasions.  But they’d only tell her she was stark raving mad and put her in a small padded room.  At least that’s what Andrianakis felt they’d do to her.  She didn’t feel crazy; at least not that crazy.  The touch of Jason’s had on hers, made Phoebe realise she’d been standing by him nearly a minute, as the Medical Tricorder did its work and flashed up the details.

“You ok?” He mouthed silently; giving her had a gentle squeeze.

Oh, she wanted to jump into his arms and cry her heart out, telling him everything.  Jason knew more than anyone else as it was, so filling in the blanks for him wouldn’t take much, and she knew he’d somehow understand.  He always understood, even when things didn’t make sense to her.  Instead though; Phoebe nodded, giving a weak attempt at a smile as she did so and left the Bridge. 


Roughly fifty minutes later; the universe stopped flashing past, as the USS Jaxartes dropped out of Warp; fairly close to the two Romulan vessels.  Like most other ships around, they made a Raven look small and just a little insignificant.  But for Jason Devron and his crew, they were used to that. 

Both Ensigns Tholakath and C’Rren begun their scans of the surrounding area of space, each using their different skills in an effort to spot any trace of a cloaked ship.  They analysed the data transmitted from the Romulan’s and compared it with everything they’d already collected.

“Well I can confirm this was Tango 2.” The Tactical Officer announced.  It at been established that there were two cloaked ships at work.  Subtle, yet recurring differences had been noted, and each of the vessels appeared to be taking it in turns, whilst operating just far enough apart to warrant a jump back and forth along the shipping routes.

One major change this time round though was the absence of any Romulan warship joining the search.  Had this been part of the plan?  Wondered Devron; set them off on a series of wild goose chases, or Utoxa as the ships Tactical Officer had put it; which apparently was a water fowl native to Cardassia with long turquoise feathers, dark blue underbelly and webbed feet.

The carriers’ commanding officers both seemed friendly enough.  There had been a mix of reactions to their presence each time they’d responded to a distress call; ranging from the cordial and welcoming, to one who’d been downright rude and obnoxious.  Still, the ‘Jax’ was here to do a job, whether everyone liked it or not. 

Lieutenant Devron asked them about their cargo; apparently though, both ships were currently empty and heading to pick up another load. They wouldn’t reach their destination for another three days.  After reassuring them that whatever had been following them had gone, or at least appeared to have; he broke the connection.   He’d certainly hate to be wrong though.

“Ensign Tholakath, transfer your long range displace to the main screen if you would.” Devron asked.  An image of space appeared before them.  Stars, planets, gas clouds everything within range.  Markers representing the known locations of each vessel appeared also, along with names or numbers to identify them.  One ship caught his attention.  “Where is that vessel heading? Grid zero four dash three seven.”

It took a while for the Cardassian to find any information, and what he did have wasn’t a whole lot. “Ty Shyla laeosa catoena.” Tholakath’s Romulan was far from perfect, so he was glad when a translation popped up a moment later. “It’s a research establishment.” 

“Any idea what they are researching?” Enquired the Captain.  

“No, I don’t have that information, but up until four days ago that Republic Valdore, the Mrei Hvei’khenn had been on guard duty, orbiting the planet.”

Jason studied the map.  Each encounter had dragged that warship further and further away from that planet, the D’deridex was closer, but she was old and slow.  “Ensign Cho, warn that establishment they may be in imminent danger from Klingon attack, and get hold of all Romulan warships in range.” The Communications Officer responded and went into action.  “Lay in a course to that planet, number one and engage the second you have it. Maximum Warp”

The stars turned to streaks, as once more the USS Jaxartes went racing off into unknown danger; for this time Jason Devron felt he’d figured out the Klingons plans.