Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Experience, luck, and a twist (Indigo#6)

Science Lab - Ready Room
Stardate 78196.18
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Deep in a science lab Racshaw hunched over a console, palms down staring at a copy of the scans from the runabout, scans that contained a record of the biosignature that no one was expecting. Something was twinging deep inside her subconscious, it was a feeling she knew, it was a feeling that was yet to sit well, it jarred against her both trained scientific method of processing the universe before her, and the deeper duty bound culture of her birth. 

She breathed out deeply, almost a sigh as she finally stopped fighting against the urge, the instinct she felt. A handful of key presses was all it took to drag another piece of data from the same runabout, from the same mission, on this time its focus was entirely different. Although focus might be entirely the wrong word, it was a scrap of data from the open records of the trip down, gathered in a moment of curiosity or so she thought at the time.

The data was recalled, it ran on a second screen, a separate channel, but that feeling was stronger than ever, heightened by her unshakable and unmistakable sight of a similarity between the two patterns. She had to confirm it. It was her duty as both a scientist and a loyal officer of starfleet. The trust shown to her by her Captain by even including her a lowly lieutenant on a mission of such importance must be honored. Gesturing with outstretched fingers towards the two sets of data, to activate the holo-systems, she flicked outwards and upwards, the two readouts now frailty ive and even more threatening. Racshaw moved both hands slowly and carefully to the center, one slightly higher than the other, then gave two finger flicks and relaxed her hands, allowing both arms to drop by her side. 

Comparison complete: Probable match: 90%


There was nothing else left to do. But report this up the chain. That would be duty satisfied, but she knew there would be something more that niggle was still there.

“You’re absolutely certain about this.” Eviea quizzed while looking at the comparison data.

“Aye, as certain as I can be. I ran it three additional times just to be sure. But there are two distinct life signs.” Racshaw stated definitely, as she stood stiffly by the desk in the corner of the lab, a stances brought on by nerves of breaching the unknown. The PADD the XO had just placed on the desk in between them contained the relevant findings. In times passed the Andorian might have gone straight to the Captain, but this time she followed protocol a little more closely. Eviea seemed more amenable to extraordinary explanations, though this meeting would be the proof.  

“Three with the being in the capsule. Oh yeah we have a live one, we’re containing it in the shuttlebay for now.” Eviea revealed, whether it was the concerned look Racshaw wore as a response or if the woman was ready to share anyways, her XO gave up the new information she had. Then went on to hypothesize aloud, something she hadn’t observed Eviea do to this point and a trait that helped her feel a little more comfortable around her. “Which just raises so many more questions. Are these species natives of this particular planet? If they are: at what point were the Dari and Kearac aware of their existence? If not, which one of the species of summit attendees brought them here?” 

“There might be a way to find out, it may be a little unorthodox, sir .” Racshaw announced, taking the step she often loathed, but wisely made a request for support. “May we take this to Captain Morr, immediately?”

The request was an unusual one, but Eviea knew that Racshaw had served under Morr for some time, longer than an officer of her grade usually would, they clearly had a connection and it would appear she was about to find out its nature. 

“If you feel that necessary, certainly.” A swift tap to her comm. “Merrova to Captain Morr, request you location, sir”

“My ready room Commander, something on your mind?” Came the voice, clear and although a little concerned, not irritated.

“Mine and Lieutenant Racshaw, She has requested to meet with me and yourself.” Eviea requested 

“I’ll be waiting.” Came the response.

Eviea rose first, picking up the PADD, holding it in one hand, she tapped the edge against the other before holding it out to the junior officer, who now stood took it, cradled it in the palm of her hand and let her arm drop to the side. “After you.” Eviea said kindly with an arm stretched towards the door, skirting the edge of the oval shaped desk and following Racshaw out into the corridor. “So do i get a hint….” 



When the two officers entered, when permitted, the ready room. They found their Captain behind his rectangular desk, in the midst of either examining or att meeting to understand the meaning of something on the screen, he also wore a frown on the usually passive countenance. He looked up and offered a brief smile. “Commander, Lieutenant, please take seats. You’ve arrived mid read of a Starfleet communique. We’ve been advised that Chancellor Martok’s vessel has been located. But no Chancellor Martok. Apparently diplomatic efforts are ongoing, but this will make Klingon rulership unstable, which will have a knock on effect for the border regions. We have been advised to be vigilant. Commander make sure that is fed back to the department heads and watchstanders. Yourself included Lieutenant.”  He gave display a small nudge to the side faced the pair directly, indicating they had his full attention. “What have you found?” 

“We have evidence to suggest that the planet below is inhabited, we have additional lifeform readings that match our guest in the Shuttlebay.” Eviea stated outright, cutting straight to the point.

“So they either knew have settled, warred over, bombed the planet with no regard, and subsequently covered it up. Or they have no idea, our informing them will be the first they hear of it, and they haven’t done their due diligence from a UFP perspective.” Vilgi postulated after a pause, neither option was particularly palatable, could potentially wreck the ceasefire and talks and would certainly put them in a very difficult diplomatic position. “Unless you have a different perspective Lieutenant?”

“Yes sir.” Racshae stated, taking a deep breath, it always felt a little nervy when she reached this point. “I obtained the additional data from the tricorder of Issham, both his own readings and the downloaded host craft logs, processed them as a matter of course. But  my reason for running the comparison was the conversation I had with the cultural Adjunkt, the way she spoke, what she had to say, the body movements and posture, were all out of sync.” In front of her Vilgi nodded along at this point, accepting her conclusions without need for explanation, a glance at Eviea pushed her to give a little more. “It was not just nerves, or an overwhelming sense of occasion, she held something back perhaps because she had to.”

“If you could get her alone, bring your additional evidence, do you think she would be cooperative?” Vilgi quizzes, a clear sense of purpose in his voice as he asks his question, and from her experience it was a precursor to a decisive course of action.

“I do, sir. If you could arrange such a meeting.” Racshaw offered boldly.

“A meeting between two academics on a cultural matter wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. Let’s pursue the other holdout as well, shall we Commander” Addressing his first officer directly, broaching a difficult issue and making a request that would , . You admitted your father might not be telling all. I was never sending Racshaw alone, you’re the logical choice, seniority and connections wise.”

“Yes sir, I did,and I will see what else I can glean from him” Eviea responded a little tension evident in her voice, her meeting might actually be the more difficult of the two, but for reasons other than the mission at hand.

“Arrange the meeting to take place within the hour, we have fifteen hours and counting before the ceremony, let’s clear this up but do so properly. In the meantime I think it’s time I met our guest.” Her Captain ordered, rising from his chair, his tone and manner gave clear indications of his concern about the turn events had taken, but also more than willing to pursue lines of investigation, curious about the new discoveries and determined to get a clear picture.

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer

  • Racshaw

    Ops (Beta Shift)/Science Officer